Tyler, Texas Man Has Found Fossils From Noah's Flood

Started by stromboli, March 17, 2016, 08:50:54 PM

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Quote from: LittleNipper on March 23, 2016, 01:34:30 PM
You do the math!
Let's start with the percentage of priests and ministers who are pedophiles. Way over the normal population. The divorce rate among christians is over 50% where non-believers it is much lower.

You are just a monkey on a string. Perhaps you are in your mommies basement and she it telling you what to type since you can't think for yourself and she is upstairs with a ciggy and a glass of bourbon.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust

Gawdzilla Sama

Quote from: LittleNipper on March 23, 2016, 01:34:30 PM
There are far more individuals who have never been to church who abuse their spouses. 
You can prove this?
We 'new atheists' have a reputation for being militant, but make no mistake  we didn't start this war. If you want to place blame put it on the the religious zealots who have been poisoning the minds of the  young for a long long time."
PZ Myers


Quote from: Gawdzilla Sama on March 23, 2016, 02:58:44 PM
You can prove this?
Most of the world isn't Christian. Spousal abuse is a worldwide phenomenon.

Gawdzilla Sama

Quote from: LittleNipper on March 23, 2016, 04:41:55 PM
Most of the world isn't Christian. Spousal abuse is a worldwide phenomenon.
You said "far more". There you go again.
We 'new atheists' have a reputation for being militant, but make no mistake  we didn't start this war. If you want to place blame put it on the the religious zealots who have been poisoning the minds of the  young for a long long time."
PZ Myers


Quote from: LittleNipper on March 23, 2016, 04:41:55 PM
Most of the world isn't Christian. Spousal abuse is a worldwide phenomenon.

This is disingenuous and infantile nonsense.  A rational adult thinker would compare the relative percentages of population subsets to see which subset had the higher amount of spousal abuse.

LittleNipper's post is evidence that he does not think in a rational manner.


Quote from: sdelsolray on March 23, 2016, 06:27:26 PM
This is disingenuous and infantile nonsense.  A rational adult thinker would compare the relative percentages of population subsets to see which subset had the higher amount of spousal abuse.

LittleNipper's post is evidence that he does not think in a rational manner.

Children think by analogy, not by logic (analogical thinking vs logical thinking).  A few geeky adults transition to thinking exclusively by logic.  Most adults don't make that transition to full rationalism ... which is why most adults are religious (and believe snake oil selling politicians and marketers).  The few of us who are artists retain their inner child, as they turn into adults, but retain both abilities.  Part of this transition to adulthood, also involves taking into account empirical facts, vs flights of the imagination.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: Baruch on March 23, 2016, 06:55:53 PM
Children think by analogy, not by logic (analogical thinking vs logical thinking).  A few geeky adults transition to thinking exclusively by logic.  Most adults don't make that transition to full rationalism ... which is why most adults are religious (and believe snake oil selling politicians and marketers).  The few of us who are artists retain their inner child, as they turn into adults, but retain both abilities.  Part of this transition to adulthood, also involves taking into account empirical facts, vs flights of the imagination.

Didn't you say you were a theist?
Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities


Quote from: reasonist on March 24, 2016, 02:06:10 AM
Didn't you say you were a theist?

A kind of theist (metaphysical) ... but with a bent toward reasonable skepticism.  I try to follow the Delphic oracle "Nothing in excess".  A little science here, a little art there.  This was discussed by C P Snow in ...


IQ and EQ are not mutually exclusive ... no more than my right and left hands are.  And my inner child is quite active.  I have no need to impress anyone with how "adult/serious" I am for about 30 years now.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: aitm on March 23, 2016, 02:27:40 PM
Let's start with the percentage of priests and ministers who are pedophiles. Way over the normal population. The divorce rate among christians is over 50% where non-believers it is much lower.

You are just a monkey on a string. Perhaps you are in your mommies basement and she it telling you what to type since you can't think for yourself and she is upstairs with a ciggy and a glass of bourbon.
First, Priests are not allowed to be married  per the pope. That is unbiblical "religion." Secondly, how many atheists get married? Free love is always a option for them...
A Plea to Atheists: Pedophilia Is Next On the Slippery Slope; Let Us Turn Back Before It Is Too Late

August 29, 2011 5:52 pm 479 comments   

Moshe Averick

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abortion Amoral Manifesto amorality Atheist bestiality child molestation consequentialism Darwinian Dr. Fred Berlin Dr. John Money Dr. Judith Reisman Ethics euthanasia God holocaust homosexuality Joel Marks morality pedophilia Peter Singer Samuel Butler social contract William Crawley 

Peter Singer, atheistic professor of "Ethics" at Princeton University - pictured here with a strapping, healthy, strong young ram - approves of bestiality and has stated that, "I don't have intrinsic moral taboos." Photo: Derek Goodwin.

It is axiomatic that in the world of the atheist there is neither morality nor immorality, only amorality. This is often misunderstood to mean that atheists have no values. That conclusion would clearly be erroneous. To associate atheism with amorality is not to say that atheists have no values, they certainly do; amorality is a commentary, not on the existence of values, but on the significance of those values. Since in the atheistic worldview we are nothing more than upright walking primates, our value systems have no more significance than those of our jungle dwelling relatives. In the Darwinian view, the human is to the cockroach as the cockroach is to the paramecium. To imagine that we are something “more” is just that: a product of the human imagination.

It  would be absurd then for the atheist to suggest that any particular individual or society has the authority to dictate to all human beings what their values should or should not be; it would be even more absurd to suggest that the pronouncements of any individual or society obligates others to behave accordingly. For the atheist, morality is simply a word that is used to describe the type of system that an individual or society subjectively prefers. Each society establishes, maintains, and modifies its values to suit its own needs.

“Morality is the custom of one’s country and the current feeling of one’s peers. Cannibalism is moral in a cannibalistic country.” (Samuel Butler)

Since these values are nothing more than reflections of the prevalent subjective preferences they obviously will shift and metamorphose to accommodate changing needs and attitudes. In my own lifetime I have witnessed radical societal swings in moral behavior and attitudes regarding marriage and sexuality, homosexuality, the killing of unborn children, euthanasia, and the use of illicit drugs.

One can reasonably predict that as the infatuation with skepticism and atheism grows among the influential “intellectual elite” of our society, so too will their readiness to embrace more radical changes in moral values. Religious believers expressing dismay and horror at the ominous moral storm clouds looming on the horizon are met with smug derision, hysterical counter-accusations, or utter indifference. There is nothing that atheistic societies are incapable of rationalizing and accepting â€" including the sexual molestation of children.

No doubt, this assertion will appear preposterous to some atheists, and will spark outrage. Yet the logical and philosophical consequences of atheists’ belief systems are inescapable. When asked by journalist William Crawley if he thought that pedophilia was “just wrong.” Professor Peter Singer of Princeton University â€" a world-famous philosopher of “ethics” â€" responded as follows:

I don’t have intrinsic moral taboos. My view is not that anything is just wrong…You’re trying to put words in my mouth.” (http://www.youtube.com/watchv=gAhAlbsAbLM&feature=related)

Singer went on to explain that he is a “consequentialist.” For the benefit of the philosophically challenged let me explain “consequentialism” in a nutshell: If you like the consequences it’s ethical, if you don’t like the consequences it’s unethical. Thus, if you enjoy child pornography and having sex with children it’s ethical, if you dislike child pornography and having sex with children it’s unethical. In an article entitled “Heavy Petting,” Singer likewise gave his stamp of approval to bestiality. As a reward for producing such pearls of wisdom, he has been granted the privilege of teaching our children “ethics” at an Ivy League university. Moreover, he is by no means the only atheistic philosopher industriously engaged in greasing the precarious slope on which Western society totters. Hence, my “plea” to atheists, for the philosophical groundwork for the acceptance of pedophilia has already been put in place by such philosophers.

Joel Marks, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the U. of New Haven, who for 10 years authored the “Moral Moments” column in Philosophy Now, made the following, rather shocking about-face in a 2010 article entitled, “An Amoral Manifesto.”

“This philosopher has been laboring under an unexamined assumption, namely that there is such a thing as right and wrong. I now believe there isn’t…The long and short of it is that I became convinced that atheism implies amorality; and since I am an atheist, I must therefore embrace amorality…I experienced my shocking epiphany that religious fundamentalists are correct; without God there is no morality. But they are incorrect, I still believe, about there being a God. Hence, I believe, there is no morality. (http://www.philosophynow.org/issue80/An_Amoral_Manifesto_Part_I)

Marks then quite boldly and candidly addresses the implications of his newfound beliefs:

“Even though words like “sinful” and “evil” come naturally to the tongue as say a description of child molesting. They do not describe any actual properties of anything. There are no literal sins in the world because there is no literal God…nothing is literally right or wrong because there is no Morality…yet we human beings can still discover plenty of completely naturally explainable resources for motivating certain preferences. Thus enough of us are sufficiently averse to the molestation of children and would likely continue to be…

At this point the utter intellectual (and moral) bankruptcy of Marks’ position becomes apparent. After correctly concluding that a world without God is free from the shackles of the illusory concepts of morality and immorality, he pathetically attempts to have his cake and eat it too by suggesting that there is something “good” or “better” about the preference to being averse to child molestation. One does not know whether to laugh or cry at this dismally transparent exercise in grasping at straws. Isn’t that very point the entire difference between “preference” and “morality?”  The recognition that there is something inherently and intrinsically abominable in child molestation renders the act immoral, rather than merely not to one’s taste. Morality implies that there are principles of behavior that are part of the very fabric of reality; principles which Dr. Marks understands can only have significance if they come from God. Preference, on the other hand, is subjective and notoriously capricious. As in: I prefer chocolate ice-cream over vanilla. I prefer jazz to hip-hop. I prefer that people have sex with adults instead of children and the family pet.

However, as Dr. Marks acknowledges, others have different preferences, no less valid than his own. Dr. John Money of Johns Hopkins University proclaims: “If I were to see the case of a boy aged ten or twelve who’s intensely erotically attracted toward a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is genuinely totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual…then I would not call it pathological in any way.”  (In view of his professional opinion, I wonder how many neighbors are courageous enough to arrange play-dates for their children at the Money residence.)

On August 17, 2011 a symposium sponsored by an association of mental health professionals called B4U-ACT took place in Baltimore, Md. The official brochure declared:

“This day long symposium will facilitate the exchange of ideas among researchers, scholars, mental health practitioners, and minor-attracted persons who have an interest in critical issues surrounding the entry for pedophilia in the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association.”

In plain English, this is a symposium whose goal is to facilitate the removal of Pedophilia from the American Psychiatric Societies official list of Mental Disorders (DSM). B4U-ACT has already coined a bland, innocuous, and inoffensive term to make the idea of child-sex more palatable: “minor-attracted persons.“  This phrase sounds almost pleasant, distinctly unlike those nasty and soon-to-be-politically-incorrect words like “pedophile” and “child molester.” (How does pedophobic grab you?) Not surprisingly, the featured speaker is Dr. Fred Berlin of Johns Hopkins University, a colleague of Dr. John Money. Child advocate, Dr. Judith Reisman disclosed that the conference is part of a strategy to condition people into accepting pedophiles: “The first thing they do is to get the public to divest from thinking of what the offender does criminally, to thinking of his emotional state…to empathize and sympathize…You don’t change the nation in one fell swoop, you have to change it by conditioning.”

Although first published nearly two decades ago, a special issue of The Journal of Homosexuality called “Male Intergenerational Intimacy” edited by three prestigious scholars (all PhD’s) gives us a taste of what is to come:

“In contemporary Western society, intimate sexual relations between men and boys are considered as immoral…regardless of the emotional contexts in which they occur [not according to Joel Marks and Peter Singer!]…the current social climate makes it rather difficult to look at these relationships in an objective way…man-boy relationships are not uncommon. As in homosexuality, man-boy sexuality occurs and not seldom in a context in which both partners consent…in these relationships a diversity of feelings are or can be expressed: affection, attachment, desire, domination and submission…men who feel attracted to boys have to legitimize their feelings toward themselves as well as towards society.”

All we are missing now is a scholarly “scientific” study which informs us that we have finally isolated a “man-child attraction” gene! An old German expression comes to mind: “So fangt es immer an”- “It always starts in the same way.” What also comes to mind are the lyrics of an old protest song from the 60’s: “And you tell me over and over again my friend, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction?”

The atheistic notion that life emerged randomly from ancient Earth’s prebiotic slime, coupled with the Darwinian belief that humans are no more than intelligent chimpanzees, leaves us morally bereft. In a society whose schools consider it a noble undertaking to teach a teenage boy how to use a condom, but streng verboten to teach him that God has forbidden us to steal or murder, how can one anticipate anything other than a gaping and ever-expanding moral sinkhole? While there exist real challenges in determining exactly what God requires of us in the moral sphere, let us, at least, agree on the following before it is too late, and move forward from there:
â—¾All men are created in the image of God and are therefore inherently and intrinsically precious.
â—¾All men have been endowed by God with unalienable rights and among these are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
â—¾Thou shalt not murder.
â—¾Thou shalt not steal.
â—¾Thou shalt not bear false witness.
â—¾Thou shalt not commit adultery, incest, or bestiality.
â—¾Thou shalt not have sex with children, and if you do you will be looked upon as a disgusting and contemptible criminal and will be treated as such.
â—¾Thou shall teach these laws to your children.

We hold these above truths to be self-evident, not by proxy of some pragmatic social contract that can be amended and revised as often as societal whim and convenience demands, not as the result of the pompous and vapid philosophical musings of so called professors of “ethics,” but because they reflect the eternal, immutable, and absolute moral laws that emanate from Almighty God, the Creator of the universe and all mankind.

A wise man once observed that while belief in God after the Holocaust may be difficult, belief in man after the Holocaust is impossible. The choices before us are clear: we will either seek a transcendent moral law to which we will all submit, or we will seek our own personal and societal indulgence. If we turn to God in our quest to create a moral and just world, we have a fighting chance; if not, we are doomed to spiral into the man-made hell of the human jungle.

Rabbi Moshe Averick is an orthodox rabbi and author of Nonsense of a High Order: The Confused and Illusory World of the Atheist. It is available on Amazon.com and Kindle. Rabbi Averick can be reached via his website at http://rabbimaverick.com/



QuoteChild molesters appear to gravitate toward careers which will shield and camouflage them, while at the same time providing access to victims. Robin Levett and Bob Crane write in It's O.K. To Say No!: "Because the abuse of children is a sexual preference formed relatively early in life, some offenders consciously or unconsciously choose career paths that will bring them regularly in contact with children. Others may volunteer to supervise children's sports or club activities. Many are highly respected members of the community. Some are in positions of authority over children--teachers, doctors, police officers, clergymen, coaches."

Professionals agree that pedophiles, sexual abusers of children, often seek out professions or activities which bring them into contact with children. Largely unexplored is the role Christianity may play in possibly molding criminal abusers. Researchers know that a typical child molester is a "good Christian" and often a church-goer active in church activities. Why should this be so? Havelock Ellis wrote, "In all countries religion, or superstition, is closely related with crime." It should not be surprising that crime is connected to the religious mentality and its ideology: such beliefs as original sin, the sacredness of gruesome bible teachings and inflexibility of moral codes, the absolution of sin through confession, a lack of personal responsibility for one's actions, and terrifying spectres of a jealous god and evil devils.

Religious doctrine encourages power inequities toward women and children, and such inequities invariably lead to abuse. Christian doctrine emphasizes submission and teaches the exemplary Christian to follow like sheep, and "become as little children" (Matthew 18:3). The classic Christian concept that human nature is innately "depraved" and sinful may also be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Name an atheist based organization that focuses on family relationships and gives access to strangers to deal directly- and often in private- with young people. For centuries religion was seen as the humane and moral center of communities around the world. The Catholic Church has been by all accounts doing what they have for centuries. This is worldwide in all denominations as well.

Mormon bishops have the right to ask young girls about their sexual habits, according to the church. Boy Scouts have been victimized thousands of times by people they trusted. The Boy Scout organization is religion based. This is institutionalized pedophilia that has gone on for a very long time. Show me a comparable institution in atheism that puts adults in the same situation where they can inflict their sickness on children. We are talking worldwide and going on for centuries.

Religion by numbers, up until recently, has far outnumbered atheism. Even assuming atheists are capable of such acts, there has to be access provided by relevant organizations. Show me an atheist version of the Boy Scouts, a Sunday school atheism or an atheist institution that focuses on children worldwide. You can turn a blind eye to the reality but it doesn't fix it.

Note from the quoted article that people who are victimized in turn become perpetrators of pedophilia. Religion not only provides them a stage to act on, but also provides a breeding ground to create more monsters.


Quote from: LittleNipper on March 24, 2016, 07:15:08 AM
1â—¾All men are created in the image of God and are therefore inherently and intrinsically precious.
2â—¾All men have been endowed by God with unalienable rights and among these are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
3â—¾Thou shalt not murder.
4â—¾Thou shalt not steal.
5â—¾Thou shalt not bear false witness.
6â—¾Thou shalt not commit adultery, incest, or bestiality.
7â—¾Thou shalt not have sex with children, and if you do you will be looked upon as a disgusting and contemptible criminal and will be treated as such.
8â—¾Thou shall teach these laws to your children.

I love how your idiot proclaims these are what guides Christian both past and present.. lets examine them eh?
1 Bullshit, christians have been enslaving, murdering, raping torturing people of all races and religions for centuries.
2 Bullshit  see 1
3 Bullshit see 1
4 Bullshit see 1
5 Bullshit see 1
6 Double dog bullshit see 1
7 Triple dog bullshit, christians are the greatest child rapists there are. PROVEN!
8 Great idea, when you going to start?
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Aitm is laying down the shit on a Thursday.....

Institutionalized pedophilia and other forms of child abuse. Irish nuns separating unwed mothers from their babies and telling them the baby died, then selling it for adoption. No wonder Ireland is fast becoming a secular country. I was a Boy Scout leader for awhile as a Mormon. One of my young men was whispered to be gay; this in 1980. He came from a broken home with no father and a sister with a reputation for being loose. He was looked down upon by his peers. He was ripe for exploitation by someone capable of doing that. He took a personal like to me because I represented a father figure to him, something lacking in his life. Easy pickings.

Institutions that present men in leadership roles and then separate them from the protection of their parents in outdoor or other activities. This is not in one religion but across the board from Catholic to Mormon. Jesus Camp- send the young kiddies off to be manipulated and brainwashed by fundamentalist minded bigots, any one of whom could be a pedophile. Use the shame and guilt of religion to shut them up.

Refer to young ladies (Mormonism) as "licked cupcakes" if they engage in any sexual behavior. Brainwash them to confess in private to Bishops and others out of shame and guilt. Make them ashamed if they masturbate or have sexual thoughts.

Every day on Exmo websites I read about damaged people who are emotionally crippled regarding sex. Something as benign as drinking coffee turned into sinful behavior. Dominant old men dictating behavior, not based on any scientific or sociological or psychological basis but on the misogynistic and backward ideas of 2 centuries ago.

Religion is evil, it is a disease. It needs to be done away with in its entirety. 

Mike Cl

Quote from: stromboli on March 24, 2016, 11:09:42 AM

Religion is evil, it is a disease. It needs to be done away with in its entirety.
This!  And Nipper's ideas make this quite clear. 
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?


Sorry fundies ... I don't take suggestions from doggies ;-p  Please visit Syria and work out you hostility there, not here.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


A wise man once observed that while belief in God after the Holocaust may be difficult, belief in man after the Holocaust is impossible. The choices before us are clear: we will either seek a transcendent moral law to which we will all submit, or we will seek our own personal and societal indulgence. If we turn to God in our quest to create a moral and just world, we have a fighting chance; if not, we are doomed to spiral into the man-made hell of the human jungle.