Tyler, Texas Man Has Found Fossils From Noah's Flood

Started by stromboli, March 17, 2016, 08:50:54 PM

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Quote from: aitm on March 21, 2016, 11:25:15 AM
The parts of god demanding that babies be murdered and little girls be raped? You seem to skip "golly gee" past all the wonderful stuff your almighty god did and laugh at it. I have in my mind what a real god would be like, and it is nothing like that piece of ___ you splay yourself too.

I think you need to actually read the Bible and not pick a verse here and there. And I do fear for you, when you use terms as you do toward God. God is not mocked. There are repercussions and they are never pleasant. God is long suffering, but He will not preserver forever. And that may just be another very good reason that I am here. I'm here to warn you of the dire consequences of your attitude and attention grabbing antics.


Fuck YHWH in the ass with a telephone pole.

ETA: Preferably one that looks like this.

Save a life. Adopt a Greyhound.

Gawdzilla Sama

Quote from: LittleNipper on March 21, 2016, 11:02:34 AM
Well, it is God's invention but not contrived by man. I feel if you honestly read the Bible and compare it to other works, you will see differences. Even the Book of Mormon pales in comparison with the Bible ----- Yet where Bible verses have been plainly plagiarized there is a striking difference.
Why would you accuse me of dishonesty?
We 'new atheists' have a reputation for being militant, but make no mistake  we didn't start this war. If you want to place blame put it on the the religious zealots who have been poisoning the minds of the  young for a long long time."
PZ Myers


Quote from: LittleNipper on March 21, 2016, 10:40:12 AM
My honest answer is; from whom is an atheist going to hear the Christian Gospel from, if not a Christian? It is not like your fellow atheists are inclined to present the Bible from the Christian perspective nor wish too. I have no problem answering questions such as yours.

LittleNipper, atheists know the Bible very well. (I am not including myself because I was born in a muslim country and live there.) Infact, among countless of Christians I met online or face to face, I have seen a few christians who can actually compete with their knowledge on the Bible.

The 'perspective' you are talking about is faith. Most of the people here are ex-Christians and they know that perspective very well from real life to well thought opinions for years. In short, they have the knowledge of two sides; how two sides work.


"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: Gawdzilla Sama on March 21, 2016, 11:45:17 AM
Why would you accuse me of dishonesty?
I didn't accuse you of being dishonest. I told you that you need to read the Bible. If you have read other religious texts, I believe you will find glaring differences. One of these is fulfilled prophecy and future predictions.


Quote from: Baruch on March 21, 2016, 06:32:42 AM
An errant, trickster god then?  Mythology has those.  The guy I work with, his favorite Avengers character is Loki.

No god involved. Only mortals like you and I. Now you can also look up WHY the Jews invented the OT. Once you see all the connections, it becomes crystal clear that divinity had nothing to do with it. Political expedience and necessity yes, but no divine intervention. So unless your god is too stupid or too lazy to have come up with something unique, it is all human imagination. Which one do you think?
Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities

Mike Cl

Quote from: LittleNipper on March 21, 2016, 11:25:46 AM
Superman, and Zeus are examples of fictional characters. God is nothing like them, and unlike Metropolis and Olympus, Israel and Jerusalem are real places.
Yes, God is exactly like them--they are fiction invented by men.  Yes, Israel and Jerusalem are real places.  But just because Spider Man is put in a setting of New York and Paul Bunyan put in Minnesota, does not make them any more real. 
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?


It wouldn't take much to prove the Flood happened. All we would need is to find fossils of all sorts of creatures, from every age and era of Earth's history, all mixed up together everywhere we could dig. We would find horses, mastodons, triceratops, pterodactyls, cows, humans, t-rexes, dimetrodons, goats, saber tooth cats, you name it, all jumbled together in big, tangled messes, probably with most of the bones broken.

Instead, we can plainly see that each stratum has its own collection of fossils, and that there is a definite progression of life forms from simple to complex. We can also see evidence of not just one, but multiple, extinction events. So much for bible"facts."
"Now we see through a glass dumbly." ~Crow, MST3K #903, "Puma Man"


Quote from: LittleNipper on March 21, 2016, 11:34:45 AM
I think you need to actually read the Bible and not pick a verse here and there. And I do fear for you, when you use terms as you do toward God. God is not mocked. There are repercussions and they are never pleasant. God is long suffering, but He will not preserver forever. And that may just be another very good reason that I am here. I'm here to warn you of the dire consequences of your attitude and attention grabbing antics.

Seeing patterns in history, is like seeing dragons in cloud shapes.  A pleasant diversion.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: LittleNipper on March 21, 2016, 11:25:46 AM
Superman, and Zeus are examples of fictional characters. God is nothing like them, and unlike Metropolis and Olympus, Israel and Jerusalem are real places.

Israel and Jerusalem, that you imagine, are fictional places.  Otherwise they are just coordinates on a map.  Gotham in Batman is a fictional version of NYC or Chicago.  NYC and Chicago are not like Gotham in Batman.  Though Batman is a city in Turkey ;-))
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: LittleNipper on March 21, 2016, 11:02:34 AM
Well, it is God's invention but not contrived by man. I feel if you honestly read the Bible and compare it to other works, you will see differences. Even the Book of Mormon pales in comparison with the Bible ----- Yet where Bible verses have been plainly plagiarized there is a striking difference.

The Muslims claim the same thing for the Quran, and the Sumerians for the Gilgamesh story.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: Baruch on March 21, 2016, 01:11:50 PM
Though Batman is a city in Turkey ;-))

Imagine reading something like this in a newspaper -which really happened. "Two men killed in the attack. Perpetrator in custody - Batman" Seriously, the person who read it as 'Batman' is a close friend of mine and she is a devout comic fan. She still keeps the paper as far as I know.
"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: Baruch on March 21, 2016, 01:10:15 PM
Seeing patterns in history, is like seeing dragons in cloud shapes.  A pleasant diversion.

People who do not invest time in the study of history are bound to repeat it.


Quote from: LittleNipper on March 21, 2016, 01:27:27 PM
People who do not invest time in the study of history are bound to repeat it.

You should heed your own advice. Just think how much evil religious superstition has done to humanity in the last 2,500 years.

""Explicit atheism is the consequence of a commitment to rationality, the conviction that man's mind is fully competent to know the facts of reality, and that no aspect of the universe is closed to rational scrutiny. Atheism is merely a corollary, a specific application of one's commitment to reason. I will not accept the existence of a god, or any doctrine on faith because I reject faith as a valid cognitive procedure. The particular content of faith, whether it be gods, unicorns or gremlins, is irrelevant in this context. Thus, atheism is primarily an epistemological position: if reason is one's only guide to knowledge, faith is necessary excluded. A rational person will be without theistic belief, and therefore atheistic."       George H. Smith   

Religious conflicts throughout history show us the dividing force of faith. Holy wars, cruisades, inquisition and systematic genocide are not just a thing of the past, recent  conflicts are cases in point such as the continuous conflict between Israel and Palestinians (Jews vs. Muslims), the Balkans (Orthodox Serbians vs. catholic Bosnians, Orthodox Serbians vs. Bosnian and Albanian Muslims), Northern Ireland (Catholics vs. Protestants), Kashmir (Muslims vs. Hindus), Sudan (Muslims vs. Christians and Animists), Nigeria (Muslims vs. Christians), Ethopia and Eritrea (Muslims vs. Christians), Ivory Coast (Muslims vs. Christians), Sri Lanka (Sinhalese Buddhists vs. Tamil Hindus), Philippines (Muslims vs. Christians), Iraq and Syria (Shiite vs. Sunni Muslims vs. Christians), the Caucasus (Orthodox Russians vs. Chechen Muslims, Muslim Azerbaijanis vs. Catholic and Orthodox Armenians), just to name a few.
If you learned anything from history at all, you wouldn't be religious.
Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities


Quote from: LittleNipper on March 21, 2016, 01:27:27 PM
People who do not invest time in the study of history are bound to repeat it.

For history, yes.  But for folk culture, not necessarily.  The Bible is part of folk culture ... a very important part in the West ... just as the Quran is in the Middle East.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.