Rabbits Getting Stoned? Yes It Is Political

Started by stromboli, February 04, 2016, 12:27:08 PM

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This DEA agent’s surreal argument against medical marijuana may be the the strangest one yet.

Quote“I come to represent the actual science”â€"it was a bold opener for testimony that was to include the clear and present danger of bunnies getting too high.
The man giving that testimony was Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Matt Fairbanks. He argued that legalizing medical pot in Utah could have a powerful effect on the state’s ecosystems. One of the threats: dazed and confused rabbits would abound.
“I deal in facts,” Fairbanks said during the surreal hearing last March. “I deal in science.” Suprised by his continued reference to “science,” FOIA expert MuckRock requested that the agency hand over any and all documents showing the effects of marijuanaâ€"and its legalizationâ€"on rabbits.

This week in a brief letter, the DEA’s answer arrived: There is none.
“After reviewing your request,” the FOIA letter reads, “no responsive records were located.” The absence of any documents doesn’t mean no studies on rabbits and weed exist (they do) just that none prove legalizing medical marijuana would cause bunnies to get high.
Fairbanks, when reached by The Daily Beast for comment, was surprised to learn about the FOIA. “That was merely an observation,” he says. The larger goal was to show that the bill was lacking any type of enforcement in terms of cultivation. The bunnies, he said, were an aside.
“Everyone latched on to that one bit,” he says. “Maybe they should listen to the rest.”
The restâ€"being cannabis’ ability to wreak havoc on ecosystemsâ€"is something that he says “no one has looked at.” Asked why he kept saying his arguments were based in facts and science if no one had looked at it, he pointed me to the DEA website where he said it was listed.
Side note or not, Fairbanks’s bunny claims are worth revisiting, if for no other reason than a look inside a modern argument against legal medical weed. His theory stems from his time “up on [the] mountains” in Utah protecting the environment as a member of the DEA’s Cannabis Eradication Team.

The $18-million program relies on 120 different agencies to demolish marijuana grow sites nationwideâ€"a mission which is hugely successful. In 2014 alone, the program led to the eradication of 4.3 million marijuana plants, just shy of the 4.4 million that were eliminated the year before.
While digging up marijuana plants, Fairbanks apparently noticed that rabbits had “cultivated a taste for marijuana”â€"which he suggested was to the detriment of their brains. “One of them refused to leave us and we took all the marijuana around him,” Fairbanks said. “His natural instincts to run were somehow gone.”
It’s unclear whether Fairbanks actually witnessed the bunny eating marijuana or whether its failure to run means it was high. According to Indiana Public Media, wild bunnies sometimes freeze when scared and can stay motionless for minutes at a time. In her book Rabbits, Janice Biniok says a rabbit that is startled will either “freeze” or scurry to safety.
If Fairbanks was grasping for straws in the fight against marijuana legalization, the agency behind him is too.
Shortly after taking his post as DEA Chief, Chuck Rosenberg delivered a half-baked rebuttal to medical marijuana. “What really bothers me is the notion that marijuana is also medicinal because it’s not,” he said. “We can have an intellectually honest debate about whether we should legalize something that is bad and dangerous, but don’t call it medicineâ€"that is a joke.”

The statement incensed medical marijuana activists, patients, and congressmen, who viewed it as an indicator that the DEA doesn’t take marijuana seriously. In the wake of the statements, Representative Earl Blumenauer, one of the most vocal opponents of the war on drugs, called Rosenberg an “inept, misinformed zealot.”

Sadly, these actions by administration officials are indicative of a throwback ideology rooted in the failed war on drugs, which needs to stop,” said Blumenauer. It’s an ideology that led President Nixon to implicate everyone from Jewish psychiatrists to black and Hispanic men, and today leads people to argue that bunnies need protecting more than cancer patients.
But the DEA’s chief is not the only part of the agency that’s under fire.
In November, a number of House representatives filed a bill (PDF) asking Congress to strip the Cannabis Eradication Team of its funding, calling the program a waste of resources.
“As multiple states legalize marijuana across our nation, it is a huge waste of federal resources for the DEA to eradicate marijuana,” said the bill’s sponsor, California House Representative Ted Lieu. “The federal government should focus its precious resources on other issues and let the states innovate in the cannabis field.”

As far as Fairbanks is concerned, the rabbits are safeâ€"for now. While the state legislature did not agree with his theory, the bill (narrowly) missed the Senate. The lawmakers will debate the bill again later this year, hopefully sans bunnies.

These are the clowns that I live amongst. My wife has used pot to alleviate her symptoms in Colorado and it worked fine. There is far more evidence for the legalization- and far more incentive, sans the idiotic conservative viewpoint, to legalize it.

Stoned cottontail stew? Mmmmm.


I read that as Rabbis getting stoned.

But yeah, it's another bullshit argument against marijuana legalization/decriminalization.  The only animals in danger here are the kind used in pizza toppings.


Wait!  What about all the reports about bunnies taking axes and chainsaws into crowded movie theaters to murder innocent movie goers?  I mean that's bad enough, but I draw the line when bunnies just stand there..Goddamned it! What is this world coming to when bunnies just stand there?
And by the way,  killer bunnies are well documented in British comedy. Ignore them at your own peril.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Yeah, you just can't let Bugs Bunny take a puff, what would Elmer Fudd do? He can't shoot wabbits when they're hop straight, imagine if Bugs is running deliriously all crooked and contorted?!?


I thought "Finding Nemo" was good evidence from reef-er madness ;-)
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


I can just see the NRA telling the public they need to be armed just in case of bunnies just standing there not running away.
PROTECT YOUR FAMILY from bunnies not running away before it's too late! What would YOU do if a little bunny just stood there around your wife and daughters?

By the way Stromboli, thanks for giving me a great excuse to sit here making up all kinds of ridiculous scenarios involving bunnies just standing there.. it sure beats almost cutting off my finger with a table saw..lol
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Donald tRump just released a statement that when he is the president he'll build a wall that MAKES bunnies run and the bunnies will have to pay for it. 
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


The solution is to take the $18 million marijuana removal budget and create a world-class bunny substance abuse treatment and education program.


Quote from: GSOgymrat on February 04, 2016, 02:08:46 PM
The solution is to take the $18 million marijuana removal budget and create a world-class bunny substance abuse treatment and education program.

Once again, GSO, a demonstration  of your clear headed thinking and innovative ideas.  :13:

Solomon Zorn

If God Exists, Why Does He Pretend Not to Exist?
Poetry and Proverbs of the Uneducated Hick



Quote from: GSOgymrat on February 04, 2016, 02:08:46 PM
The solution is to take the $18 million marijuana removal budget and create a world-class bunny substance abuse treatment and education program.
Yep.  And don't forget the harder drugs!

Solomon Zorn

On the serious side of it, let me share a brief outline of my arguments against the Neo-Prohibition.

1. Threat of imprisonment doesn't keep most of the people who want to use drugs, from using them anyway.
        A. It turns everyday citizens into criminals

2. The sentences are way out of proportion to the “crime.”

3. The “crime” is essentially, having too much fun.
        A. Use of some natural drugs, for pleasure, could be considered a natural extension of the “pursuit of happiness,” one of our supposedly inalienable rights.

4. Use of drugs is not equal to abuse of drugs.

5. Addiction is a health issue, not a crime.

6. It costs billions to investigate, prosecute and incarcerate users and low-level dealers.
        A. Drug prevention and rehabilitation programs seem like a better use of the money.
If God Exists, Why Does He Pretend Not to Exist?
Poetry and Proverbs of the Uneducated Hick



Quote from: Solomon Zorn on February 04, 2016, 03:03:11 PM2. The sentences are way out of proportion to the “crime.”
And fall disproportionately on the poor and black.


God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


If there is good news, the governor of Utah came out personally and said he would "be amenable" to a medical marijuana bill. If the Mormon church simply snapped their fingers it would happen, but they are so stuck in their deep dark conservative rut it might be awhile.