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Pope Give Kim Davis A Pass

Started by stromboli, September 28, 2015, 09:06:40 AM

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Quote from: GSOgymrat on September 30, 2015, 07:28:24 AM
As I anticipated, the pope met with Kim Davis to express his support.
the Vatican didn't deny nor confirm the claim. That's not the same as saying it happened.
I won't confirm nor deny that every NFL cheerleader gave me a blow job last night so believe whatever you want.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Hey,  for all anyone knows Cranky Franky did meet with her, got a blowjob from her then told her to get her teeth pulled out.  I'm not sure that I'm buying any of it.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


There probably some religious by-law that each broke by even touching each other, but we can't let that stand in the way of good TV.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Even Kim Davis can go to heaven if she does good deeds .. Just wait till she actually does one!  :eek:
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Quote from: SGOS on September 30, 2015, 07:33:24 AM
The way I define right, I would argue that what you describe is a choice, but not a right, although I know what you mean.  You might be describing a vague kind of "inalienable right" as referred to in the Declaration of Independence. 
Yeah I think that is more or less what I was getting at and that is what I have to assume the pope also meant. Because the thought of the pope saying what he said and meaning 'right' in the actual true sense of the word is quite frankly insane.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false and by the rulers as useful

Mike Cl

Quote from: Johan on September 30, 2015, 07:43:47 PM
Yeah I think that is more or less what I was getting at and that is what I have to assume the pope also meant. Because the thought of the pope saying what he said and meaning 'right' in the actual true sense of the word is quite frankly insane.
Which does make sense in that the pope is the head of the insane thinking Catholic Church.  The more 'reverent', the deeper the insanity.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?


This is making the rounds on the internet as the "voice of reason":

TL;DR version:  by pissing off both American conservatives and American liberals, Pope shows that he is above our "petty politics" and emulates Jesus.  This assessment is hailed as a reasonable.

Unsurprisingly, I have a few objections to this assessment:
1) Holding political positions that piss off everyone doesn't make you Jesus-like nor does it somehow elevate you above politics.  It just makes you a member of a third party.
2) Calling a bigot who used her position to discriminate and who violated the rule of law a "conscientious objector" is wrong on several levels and can only be said to be Jesus-like if Jesus was an odious twat.
3) He did not give Davis an "encouraging word" along the same lines as giving an encouraging word to prisoners and the homeless.  He gave her a political endorsement and essentially approved of her actions.


I have to admit I have a curious interest in watching the media's reaction to the Pope, and the reactions of people the media documents.  I can't remember ever being moved by anything he does, even when his views align with my own.  In fact, without exaggerating the point at all, I really don't give a shit what he says or what he thinks.  I have no interest in his philosophy.  Maybe religious people, even fundamentalists perhaps feel blessed by being in the bubble of his holy aura, but to me he is just part of the scum that settles on the top, and is of little consequence to our country's national policies.


Termin 1:1

Evolution is probably the slowest biological process on planet earth, the only one that comes close is the understanding of it by creationists.


Ha!  Davis now has her own spin team.


  That's just one source... I think there may be some spin by both sides here.
Termin 1:1

Evolution is probably the slowest biological process on planet earth, the only one that comes close is the understanding of it by creationists.


Political spin from the pope and from the conservative xtians. I'm shocked.


Well damn, now I don't know who to believe.  The throwback from yesteryear who seems to think that religious convictions trump secular law or the Kentucky clerk.


According to the Huffington Post, the Vatican has issued a denial that it had set up the meeting with Davis.  It claims she was just in a line of people greeting the Pope, and the Pope didn't actually know that much about her situation.  The article names names of Vatican officials who are denying claims of Davis and her legal team.  Now this doesn't mean that the Pope is suddenly supporting gay rights, not by a long shot.  But it does mean that he knows when he's pissing off too many people.  And I guess he must realize that a critical mass now exists that is not buying this part of the Catholic agenda.  Both sides might be snakes, but it appears the Vatican is saying it was deceived and used by Davis and her legal team.  Granted this is a media report and deserves skepticism, but Davis and her legal team are looking like a slimy group of holy Christian liars and manipulators, and the Pope seems like a foggy brained old fart being victimized by shysters.  Well anyway, both parties are taking a beating, and it's fun to watch.