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The Refugee Crisis

Started by stromboli, September 01, 2015, 11:58:48 AM

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The women, children and the old are curiously absent from this crowd.
If they were refugees fleeing from a war zone, would they leave their families behind?


Well in olden times there was always employment for young men ... the corvee or enlistment.  And those who don't work, don't eat.  Too bad society has forgotten this ... there is no reason for Europe et al to have unemployed young men.  Too bad freedom has come to mean freedom from responsibility (and yes, European socialism has been a cause).
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.



Islamists recruiting at Norway asylum centres

QuoteRadical Muslims have been trying to recruit at reception centres for recently arrived refugees, Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) warns.

"We have seen signs that extreme Islamists have approached the reception centres and asylum seekers. They have been there to get contacts. Aside from that, it's difficult to say what their specific purpose is," Jørn Presterudstuen from PST told Norwegian news agency NTB.

"We are of course worried about recruitment into radical circles: of course we are worried about every single person that may be recruited by extreme Islamists and their cause."

Torshov reception centre in Oslo confirms that Islamists have visited and spoken to refugees at the centre.

"We had an incident here with an Islamist who has been in Norway for some years. His message was that the West had helped to destroy his homeland and they had to stand together within Islam. It was very important that they continued to go to the mosque and followed the rules, particularly with regard to women," the centre's manager, Hugo Limkjær, said.

When staff at the centre realised that the man was an Islamist, he was removed from the premises.

An employee who did not wish to be named said that asylum seekers from Syria were fearful of the man.

"They were afraid and asked 'Have we come to Europe?'. They said that they had fled from this, the extremism," he told Norwegian broadcaster NRK.

Norway has seen a surge in the number of refugees arriving in recent months, with the the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration stating that their previous prognosis of 20,000 to 25000 asylum seekers in 2015 is too low.

QuoteSeveral refugees sent to Norway under the UN’s quota system turned out to have close links to the terror groups Islamic State (IS) and the al-Nusra Front, Norway’s Police Security Service (PST) has revealed.

According to the service, between five and ten of the 1,000 Syrians chosen to go to Norway by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), were discovered to have links to the one of the two terror groups.

“Unfortunately, there are some who try to exploit and abuse the refugee agency,” Police Superintendent Svein Erik Molstad told Norway’s Dagbladet newspaper. “We have discovered more quota refugees with ties to the al-Nusra front and IS,” he said.

PST investigators have so far made two trips to the Middle East,  where it works with Norway’s Foreign Ministry to vet refugees passed to Norway under the UN’s quota system.

According to Molstad, the investigations have also uncovered refugees with backgrounds in Syria’s feared secret police, as well as others suspected of carrying out war crime’s during the country’s ongoing civil war.

Although PST is now working in the Middle East, its officers neither interview nor have other direct contact with prospective refugees.

Dagbladet has also learned of Islamic extremists using refugee reception centres as recruiting grounds for terrorists. 

“It's a scenario we are aware of,” Martin Bernsen, PST’s director told the newspaper.

Dagbladet has information that several people who have received asylum in Norway have later become central in the radicalized Islamic community in the country.

“We can not give any guarantees. Our fear is that one or more terrorists we are not aware of manages to get to Norway,” he said.”

QuoteIt is more likely than ever a terror attack will strike Norway and police have responded by instructing its officers to carry weapons throughout the Christmas season, said PST on Tuesday.

The Norwegian Police Security Service (Politiets Sikkerhetstjeneste - PST) state there is between a 60 and 90 percent chance that Norway will be exposed to an Islamist terror attack during the next year.

The news was revealed in a secret dossier that PST has sent to the Norwegian government, Dagbladet reported.

Martin Berntsen, Head of information at PST, confirmed to the Norwegian newspaper that the chance is greater for a terror attack to occur then the chance of it not occurring.

Berntsen said: “It is very difficult to evaluate the terror danger in percentage, and how likely it is that an incident will occur in the future.”

PST's evaluations are based on information that the Secret Service has itself uncovered, information from the Norwegian Intelligence Service (E-tjenesten) and from cooperating secret services abroad.

From Tuesday morning, the Norwegian police will carry weapon. The move is in reaction to the increased terror threat against Norway. The police will carry the weapons for four weeks. It is mainly a service pistol, carried in its holster, Dagbladet reported.

Norway has 5,000 PST officers versus 5 or more times that number of refugees and an entirely unknown number of potential present and future terrorists. Just sucking up the manpower from a government by itself is disruptive, and several potential bad outcomes besides, including rioting, crime and so on.


The same has happened among Somali refugees in Minnesota.  The cat doesn't change his spots, and it is stupid to expect him to.  But that doesn't mean we need to kill the cat.  The problem is, we expect things not to change ... and get upset when the inevitable happens.  Someday there may be Chinese folks riding elephants in Norway ... and anybody form this time will find that offensive, and confused by the change in climate.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Think of it in terms of the effort involved and the resources diverted from other needs. And to say "tame the cat" when you have dedicated Islamists continually working to incite unrest, and using any shortfall as a reason to do so, especially in a culture that is so religio-centric that it is infused into every aspect of their existence, you are talking about needing extreme and constant efforts to do so. Not a good scenario for any country or state.


Quote from: pr126 on October 24, 2015, 08:32:55 AM

The women, children and the old are curiously absent from this crowd.
If they were refugees fleeing from a war zone, would they leave their families behind?

What a lovely video, the way it changes to a negative image with the cross hairs of gun-sights.

Tell me PR was your intention in posting that to say these people should only ever be treated as targets to be bombed wherever they are or what ever they do?
Or was it to remind us of why they became refugees in the first place?


@ jonb

I am not morally responsible what Muslims do to each other. You may do so, it's your choice.

Again, the vast majority of "refugees" who incidentally are coming from various  countries, not just Syria, are young able bodied males.
Were they all refugees from war torn Syria,  they would not leave they families behind to die there while they enjoing European hospitality. Would you? I don't know.

Despite of media propaganda aimed to stir emotions and guilt, I do not feel olbiged to respond.
If that bothers you, tough.


Your lack of an answer tells its own story, so I am more than satisfied people can see just what your are.


I did give you an answer, now get off my back.


I was only being polite, letting you know I was satisfied with the words that spilled from you, and because you implied that I maybe dissatisfied with them.
Let me also assure you that I am not at all on your back, surprising as it maybe to many it was never an occupation of mine to press myself into any hairy emigrate Hungarian's back. I cannot think why you may dream up out of the blue such a thing, but if having indigenous Englishmen on your back is your desire, I would suggest that is much more Munch's type of thing, but given you are in your 70's I don't think you will find you are in his league.

Toodle pip old boy


Spielfeld: Nickelsdorf on Steroids

Quote“It is enough! Spielfeld is in a state of emergency! Our mall Wieser has been closed for days. The entire area along the border, all businesses have been closed! Business owners are standing guard on front of their businesses and gave off warning shots and carry pepper spray to defend their stores. Nobody knows when they can get back to work. Everything is dirty. The streets, the autobahn, and the train tracks are full of people. The citizens have begun to buy guns en masse. All of this is reminiscent of a war zone. How is that now WE and OUR existence is in danger???”

There is no refugee crisis. At least not yet. It is still in the making. Hope it is not going to be near where you live.

Maybe except jonb, who would not mind at all. Because it is the right thing to do.


But Sweden has pointed out, that if the other European countries took in as many refugees as they do, proportional to their population, then this can be handled.  But the countries were unprepared.  And unfortunately it probably hasn't peaked.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


If Sweden wants to replace her own population with immigrants, it is her doing. Others may not want to follow. Well, Germany looks like does follow.

When, not if the welfare states economies collapse, then the real "refugee crisis" will begin.


Quote from: pr126 on October 26, 2015, 08:08:18 AM
If Sweden wants to replace her own population with immigrants, it is her doing. Others may not want to follow. Well, Germany looks like does follow.

When, not if the welfare states economies collapse, then the real "refugee crisis" will begin.

Which is a matter of economics, not just politics.  Per JoePalazzo ... it is just accounting and bookkeeping .. there is nothing to economics but maths which is never wrong (except in Zimbabwe perhaps).  Have Mr Mario Draghi just print up a trillion Euros .. or a Brussels trillion Euro platinum coin.  This has worked so well for Japan originally, and now for the EU and the US.  If a government says X is real, then it is real .. and don't pay attention to that little boy commenting on the king's nakedness.  As long as Europeans think they have a free lunch ... then they are likely to attract ants and flies to their little picnic.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.