How Moderates Enable Extremists. (octagon ball)

Started by Canadian Atheist, April 25, 2015, 03:37:58 PM

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Canadian Atheist

Hey guys! got a new video for your guys to rip apart! let me know what you think!


Something to remember too, teams of octagon ball do not believe other teams of octagon ball referee even exists, and that only their octagon ball ref exists, so they believe they already won the game.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin

Canadian Atheist

First rule of Mormon octagon ball.... tell everyone about octagon ball. 


First rule of Buddhist octagon ball:

Be one with the balls!
A dark cloud looms over.
Festive cheer does not help much.
What is this, "Justice?"


First rule of Catholic Octagon Ball:

Mel Gibson is balls crazy.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin

Canadian Atheist

First rule of Muslim Octagon ball... ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!!!!!

Green Bottle

First rule of Atheist Octagon ball,  dont believe in it................
God doesnt exist, but if he did id tell him to ''Fuck Off''

Canadian Atheist

If you want too see a good argument between myself and a christian nut job, check out the comment section of this video on youtube.


Quote from: Canadian Atheist on April 26, 2015, 01:39:37 PM
If you want too see a good argument between myself and a christian nut job, check out the comment section of this video on youtube.

Quote"OK show me one person that blew them self up because of a dog instead of a Gawd. And until you find that i'm done for this thread. Have a nice day."


I don't even need to read the rest, you won.
A dark cloud looms over.
Festive cheer does not help much.
What is this, "Justice?"


Quote from: Canadian Atheist on April 25, 2015, 03:37:58 PM
Hey guys! got a new video for your guys to rip apart! let me know what you think!

  So I guess as a hockey fan, I would be labelled as an Atheist ? :)
Termin 1:1

Evolution is probably the slowest biological process on planet earth, the only one that comes close is the understanding of it by creationists.

Solomon Zorn

It's a good video. Get's your message across clearly, and in an entertaining way. The point about extremists being the ones who are actually "following the rules," of their particular rule-book, was the highlight for me.
If God Exists, Why Does He Pretend Not to Exist?
Poetry and Proverbs of the Uneducated Hick

Solomon Zorn

I just finished reading your argument with Ephesians. I think he reveals a problem with analogies in general: When looked at too closely, they always fall apart. I find that he's being pedantic, in pointing out a place where the analogy seems to fail. It's just a metaphor.

Also, when he compares non-belief to belief, as a motive for behavior, you should point out that non-belief is not a belief. The two are not interchangeable. Lack of belief is not what drove Stalin to his deeds. His political ideology drove his actions. If you say non-belief drove him, how do you know a lack of a vagina wasn't the actual cause? Or his lack of facial freckles? Or any number of things he is not?
If God Exists, Why Does He Pretend Not to Exist?
Poetry and Proverbs of the Uneducated Hick

Canadian Atheist

He's way to far out there for me to continue arguing with. he doesn't seem to understand the connection between a suicide bomber and the god that he believes in.

Solomon Zorn

Metaphors are good for making one or two points of comparison. Extending them further only creates ridiculous discontinuity.

If I could state it (hopefully without putting words in your mouth), you were making one point: the game is taught to almost everyone from their youth. The world is obsessed with it. Some enough to follow the holy rule book.

And a separate point:the extremists are just playing the game by the holy rule book; they are the ones believing and doing everything it says. So moderates who advocate believing and doing what their own holy rule book says, are furthering the underlying problem: that the holy rule books are all destructive - even to the point of approving the kind of violence we see from extremists.

QuoteIn This analogy, I'm not pooling together all the ideals of theology but the one common beliefs shared by them all that there is a gawd. That specific ideal is what empowers Extremists behavior.
This may be too generalized a statement, don't you think? While I agree, belief in God is at the core of the problem, it alone doesn't cause such extreme behavior in most. The approval of Islam implied by a Christian believing in God, is minimal, I think. Rather, irrational worldviews in general, are more at the heart of it. Looking to divine authority for knowledge, is just a consequence of bad reasoning, taught in childhood. It's also what leads to more extreme forms of religion, I think.

Just my early morning thoughts on the subject.
If God Exists, Why Does He Pretend Not to Exist?
Poetry and Proverbs of the Uneducated Hick

Canadian Atheist

" In This analogy, I'm not pooling together all the ideals of theology but the one common beliefs shared by them all that there is a gawd. That specific ideal is what empowers Extremists behavior"

I see your Point, and to clarify my point, I mentioned that Religious culture breads extremists. for example, and i'm pulling all theses numbers out of my ass...

5,000,000,000 god believers on this earth if .01% of them are radicals that's still 50,000,000 people. now if we cut the amount of god believers in half that would also impact the radical population