bible to be rewritten to be a little less sexest

Started by Munch, April 02, 2015, 06:39:58 PM

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Its in german, but just right click and ask it to translate.

QuoteIn the modernization of the texts, a team of 70 experts is working. It is possible to preserve as much of the language of Luther.
Hamburg. Not only in the economic equality for women is a topical issue - even in the evangelical church. Although is not yet 30 percent share of women among church officials to debate, but the review and revision of the King James Bible, including gender-sensitive language is not appropriate circles less in turmoil. This is not surprising, because the King James Bible is a theological and cultural-historical treasure, which occupies a central place in our culture. In Germany it is used in almost all Protestant communities and is the word of God of choice for the 23.4 million German who reported in the 2011 Census of belonging to the Evangelical Church.

"With all the enthusiasm for the beautiful language of Luther translation, it is necessary to check now whether some sentences have become incomprehensible by the changing usage," says Prof. Christine Gerber. The Protestant theologian at the University of Hamburg is one of 70 volunteer experts from the fields of liturgy, exegesis (interpretation of the Bible texts) and German working on the Review of the Luther Bible. Like her colleagues she was also of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), the umbrella organization of Protestant churches called. The unpaid labor is considered an honor.

Five years ago, the work on the complex project has begun, in which the nearly 500-year-old Bible translation of Luther verse by verse gone. These six working groups were formed to revise the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Apocrypha (additional writings of the Old Testament). Proposals for change are discussed in the working groups and then submitted to an eight-member steering committee chaired by former Thuringian Bishop Prof. Christoph Kähler who decides on the acceptance or rejection of the proposals.

"In particular delicate fundamental questions also will be a Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany decision brought about," says Kähler. In all biblical writings to a line remain recognizable and as much of Luther's language and theology. Not an easy task for the team to Kähler, which must have the complete work which consists of different books with a total of 1,337 chapters keep track.

The strength of the King James Bible is changed, it is too early to say exactly - the release date is not until October 31, 2016 in time for the 500th anniversary of Luther's theses in Wittenberg. "The German language Luther force should not be done," says Prof. Kähler - after all, the reformer has profoundly shaped with its polished expression and a rich vocabulary the German language and literature. However, the new Bible to be gender-sensitive, says Prof. Christine Gerber. Thus, the words "brothers" for example, changed to "brothers and sisters". In addition, the word "woman" is largely due to "woman" he

be set. "We look very carefully where in the text are improperly reinforced patriarchal patterns," says Kähler. The millennia-year-old text is so firmly in the 21st century and will remain readable for today's generations.

Very well-known text are only cautiously or not at all changed

However, traditionalists need not worry: Very well-known places in the Bible, such as the Christmas story or the Lord's Prayer are only very cautiously or not at all changed. "Especially popular passages such as Psalm 23 (The Lord is my shepherd), we can not change simply because they were often learned by heart and play a central role in the communities occupy," Prof. Kähler.

The current team is the first one that is tampering to the original text of Luther. Earlier had the word of God be revised from time to adapt to the changing language. For centuries the Luther Bible of printers and Bible societies were gradually adapted in its sole discretion to the current understanding of language. Therefore, at the end of the 19th century was tried in several attempts, the Bible unify and modernize language phrases. However, this version still contained some mistranslations Luther, such as the false designation of then unknown oriental plants and plants as boxwood, rabbits or even Unicorn, which was attributed to the lack of expertise of the medieval reformer still extremely formed in certain areas. The revision was driven by the desire to make the Bible easy to understand by contemporary German for the general population. Therefore, a comprehensive revision of the King James Bible was published in 1975. Since you have the text but adapted radically to the modern language, included the version profound and sometimes not very sonorous changes, such as the phrase "put the light under the bucket" - as the term "bushel" as a measure of grain only little was known. Since the version did not stop at the wording more popular routes, the name changes failed, the so-called "bucket Testament". The version was so criticized that as early as 1977 Text radical changes were withdrawn.

A re-design of more traditional text was visible in the revision of 1984, which also difficult to understand sentences were smoothed. This

Version is used to the adaptation to the new spelling 1999 today.

The experts also rely on ancient Greek and Hebrew texts

Why now re-adaptation? "For one, it has long been out of feminist circles the demand for a fairer gender language," explains Prof. Gerber. In addition, the 1984 version was worse than anticipated - in some places, for example, still remaining linguistic modernization of the 1975 revision must be reduced. Therefore, the experts who are entrusted with the responsible task support, emphasis on the last 1545 improved by Luther Bible translation and the original Greek and Hebrew texts that are older part as the year 0 (according to our era AD) , "The Apocrypha about that have often been neglected in previous revisions, must be completely re-translated into parts," says Prof. Kähler. The experts always tread a narrow path between good, contemporary legibility and the correct interpretation of the original writings. A review would therefore have been sometime unavoidable. Since the Luther Jubilee came as a great opportunity to tackle the complex task. And even if you do not want to be out of a tight spot are mentioned, but also external impulses were set.

The Catholic Church currently undergoing its unity Bible linguistic modernization after the Protestant church has withdrawn from the former ecumenical project. As early as 2006, the controversial, linguistically very modern Bible translations were published of the righteous. Moreover especially enjoy an internet savvy readership of cross-media basis Bible that is primarily intended for use on the computer or smartphone via app and so more young people are responsive since 2011. Here the book of books was divided into short sentences and clearly articulated sections, so that the reading easier on the computer. Moreover, additional information, pictures, and maps can be displayed.

"Ideally, the revised version of the King James Bible will replace all previous versions of the service use," hopes Professor Gerber. Although probably the most Protestant households do not share their family Bible directly and work in some communities for some time with the older version. "The new version, however, involves more accurate and more with Luther's language," says Kähler and adds. "If the Bible is a picture, it would be 2016 after the 'restoration', brighter and clearer"

Yep, seems someone thought it be a good idea to modernize the bible to make it more accessible to women, so now women can feel included when reading about the stoning of gays, sacrifice of children, and killing of all non-christians
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


There have been several revisits to the bible in the last few decades, including the New International Version. I did most of my reading in that back when, because the NIV included many things not previously included, such as the Qumran scrolls to give better definition to certain aspects of the writing. Even that was viewed with some criticism by then hard core Evangelicals.

I suspect there will be an outcry by hardline fundies on this, because these ignorant bigots think their bible is some pristine piece of whole cloth, which is far from the truth. Let us not soft peddle the sexist bigoted work of fiction that is the bible.


This is what they do. They rewrite the bibble so as to clean it up and remove the really bad parts, of which there are many in the KJV. Like Isaiah 45:7, they changed the word "evil" to "calamity," etc. Organized religion seems to be a lot like Highlander: there can be only one.
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.


If they want to tame themselves, I for one won't complain.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Doesn't it say somewhere in Revelations, "Thou shalt not change one word or be cast into the lake of fire?"


Just an interesting thought I had - which is better?

Christians being true to the Bible, and being extremist

Or Christians ignoring the barbaric parts, but being modernized


Well, even though it would piss me off, I would opt for more modern religious sorts, just because it would give some hope to people progressing in terms of evolving from the stoneage mental need for religion.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


Does God know this? It's 'his' word after all!

lol ^_^
The only lasting beauty, is the beauty of the heart. - Rumi


Yeah, how dare they pervert the WORD of GAWDD! We all know JESUS HISSELF wrote the HOLLY BILE in the original King James English!!
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful." - Seneca


Your avatar, Atheon...that is EXACTLY how he looks whenever someone distorts the troof!
The only lasting beauty, is the beauty of the heart. - Rumi


Quote from: Deidre32 on April 13, 2015, 12:43:29 PM
Does God know this? It's 'his' word after all!

lol ^_^
It's a victimless crime.  Vox populi, vox dei.


They can clean it up all they want; it's still just a collection of mis-truths and contradictions.

Sure, you can put lipstick on a pig.    Its still a pig.
"A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be."    - Albert Einstein


OK. But why in German? More than half of Germany's population constituted of atheists and while there are considerable amount of theists, it's one of the least religious countries in the world. Esp. Eastern Germany. If the rumours are correct, they couldn't find anyone religious under 28 by 2012 there.

If it is about sexism, yes they have a sexist culture -the usual one the world has- but why the religious texts? And what they think will happen? None of the holy books can be tied up and become benign.
"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


In the beginning was god, and she created heaven and earth. On earth she created the first couple, Adam and Steve. A snake tricked them both equally into eating an apple. Together they had two daughters, Jane and Mabel. All were equal. But Jane killed Mabel, so god banished Jane. Soon, Adam and Steve had a third child, named Beth. Etc. etc.
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful." - Seneca