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Isn't it interesting...

Started by Logical One, March 29, 2015, 10:51:43 AM

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Quote from: Logical One on March 29, 2015, 10:51:43 AM
That when a Christian does something bad, Atheists will say that Christianity justifies it because of some passage in the Bible, yet when a Christian does something good, charitable, life-saving for someone, all of sudden the Bible is irrelevant to their decision despite numerous Bible passages supporting what they did?
Interesting, isn't it?
How often do you crap and fart?
Religion is Bullshit  . The winner of the last person to post wins thread .


Quote from: Logical One on March 29, 2015, 10:51:43 AM
That when a Christian does something bad, Atheists will say that Christianity justifies it because of some passage in the Bible, yet when a Christian does something good, charitable, life-saving for someone, all of sudden the Bible is irrelevant to their decision despite numerous Bible passages supporting what they did?
Interesting, isn't it?
Well, really think about what you wrote here, and no, it's not interesting at all. First scenario: Christians use a book to justify bigotry and shitty actions. Atheists find their hiding behind the Bible reprehensible.

Scenario 2: Atheists think the Bible is irrelevant. These are not conflicting notions.

A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticise work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life’s realities â€" all these are marks, not as the possessor would fain to think, of superiority but of weakness. -TR


 :lol: I'm sorry, but every time I see Logical One I can't keep from laughing from the irony of it.  :rotflmao: :kidra: Solitary
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.


Quote from: Logical One on March 29, 2015, 10:51:43 AM
That when a Christian does something bad, Atheists will say that Christianity justifies it because of some passage in the Bible, yet when a Christian does something good, charitable, life-saving for someone, all of sudden the Bible is irrelevant to their decision despite numerous Bible passages supporting what they did?
Interesting, isn't it?
That's a valid point to a degree.

The idea that religious people do bad things "solely because of their religion" I think is false - I think that human nature plays a bigger role in it than being a member of the right/wrong religion.

But on the same note, I don't think that being influenced by the bad aspects of religions helps in any way.

Overall the good morals in the Bible are fairly simplistic and definitely not exclusive to it (ex. "don't kill people") - it was written by an ancient tribal culture and these were fairly basic and universal tribal morals. And on the flip side there is a lot of primitive morality in the Bible which I think is harmful and immoral

The Bible for example is very against individual freedom, and all about blind submission to authority (God) - the ideal govt which God established was also a totalitarian theocracy (the 1st Amendment of the Constitution would be heretical, since it contradicts the 1st Commandment by allowing people to worship other gods freely).


I am really thinking of a twofer...
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: aitm on March 29, 2015, 04:41:50 PM
I am really thinking of a twofer...
Is that like a threesome?
A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticise work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life’s realities â€" all these are marks, not as the possessor would fain to think, of superiority but of weakness. -TR


Kinda but I only use one hammer
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: Moralnihilist on March 29, 2015, 11:56:37 AM
Isn't it interesting that this idiot has made several posts regarding the same bullshit? Atheists are big meanies and christians are the poor abused minority.

Hold on here, it depends where in the world those Christians live. In Iraq or Turkey they do have a harder time. In the west they are merely being fucking crybabies.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers." Obama
Poetry By Brian37 Like my poetry on Facebook Under BrianJames Rational Poet and also at twitter under Brianrrs37


Quote from: Brian37 on March 29, 2015, 05:46:56 PM
Hold on here, it depends where in the world those Christians live. In Iraq or Turkey they do have a harder time. In the west they are merely being fucking crybabies.

Well its the same as feminism, western feminazis screaming about games and tv shows and men not grovelling at their feet, they don't give a shit about the actual suffering of women in the middle east.

Same can be applied to this, instead of christians in the western world doing more to help their own lot as they suffer and die in the middle east and eastern regions, they are more concerned with taking the rights of gays and atheists and liberals away and trying to make a plastic society of barbie and ken dream homes.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


Is that seriously what you think of feminists, Munch?
A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticise work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life’s realities â€" all these are marks, not as the possessor would fain to think, of superiority but of weakness. -TR


Quote from: aitm on March 29, 2015, 05:03:54 PM
Kinda but I only use one hammer

Croquet mallet slam. Be my guest.

Feral Atheist

Quote from: Logical One on March 29, 2015, 10:51:43 AM
That when a Christian does something bad, Atheists will say that Christianity justifies it because of some passage in the Bible, yet when a Christian does something good, charitable, life-saving for someone, all of sudden the Bible is irrelevant to their decision despite numerous Bible passages supporting what they did?
Interesting, isn't it?
Atheists are approximately 10% of the US population.
Atheists are approximately 0.2% of the US prison population.

Do the math
In dog beers I've only had one.


Quote from: Mermaid on March 29, 2015, 08:30:41 PM
Is that seriously what you think of feminists, Munch?

Feminazis', yes, and honestly I have no problem with those calling themselves feminists if they actually are in it for equal rights, but I don't ignore the insane lunatics also calling themselves feminists who want to crush mens balls any chance they get.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


Quote from: Munch on March 29, 2015, 08:51:37 PM
Feminazis', yes, and honestly I have no problem with those calling themselves feminists if they actually are in it for equal rights, but I don't ignore the insane lunatics also calling themselves feminists who want to crush mens balls any chance they get.

:axe:  :popcorn:


Quote from: Aroura33 on March 29, 2015, 01:01:34 PM
Isn't It interesting that when something bad happens (from accidents to natural disasters), Christians blame humans, but when something good happens (like a doctor saving a patient or a child with cancer going into remission), it is all God doing it, and forget the humans that ACTUALLY helped?
Interesting isn't it?
Or shrug it off as "Well, it's god's will."  If so, why is it okay to worship an entity who lashes out randomly, including at people who are following "his" rules, with neither explanation nor warning?  A fellow human who did that we would call a sociopath, and lock him up for the safety of the community.

It all comes down to humans wanting to feel as though they're the center of it all -- so even when bad things happen, it means their god is paying special attention to them.  Reminds me of people who stay with abusive partners because they just can't handle being alone, even briefly.
"My faith in the Constitution is whole, it is complete, it is total, and I am not going to sit here and be an idle spectator to the diminution, the subversion, the destruction of the Constitution." -- Barbara Jordan