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Isn't it interesting...

Started by Logical One, March 29, 2015, 10:51:43 AM

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Logical One

That when a Christian does something bad, Atheists will say that Christianity justifies it because of some passage in the Bible, yet when a Christian does something good, charitable, life-saving for someone, all of sudden the Bible is irrelevant to their decision despite numerous Bible passages supporting what they did?
Interesting, isn't it?


Christians=75- 80% of the population. Atheists= 5-10% of the population.

Christians are expected to do good, because their religions supposedly tells them to. I was a Christian for 16 years after leaving Mormonism. I used to be a youth group leader, I prepared turkey dinners on Thanksgiving for shut ins, I volunteered at the local Christian homeless shelter.

Nobody is thanking them, nor the many atheists-now including me- who do good works on a daily basis. Those who are being attacked are being attacked because what they do- denying gays their rights, discriminating against others of race etc. is done not only personally but institutionally as well. An entire organization can do bad things. Because they represent such a large majority, the harm they do is far greater than that of the smaller group.

And much that you do is written in your scriptures. The 10 commandments doesn't rule out rape and slavery. Remember the Civil War? The entire war was fought over slavery by two sides that were both white, both of European descent, spoke the same language and read the same holy book and worshiped the same god. But one side of believers had slaves the other didn't- and both sides found justification in their holy books.

The Bible and Koran-and the Mormon doctrine and covenants- all contains scriptures that justify harmful behavior. Against gays, against women, against people of other religions.

Atheists don't have a holy book. Our behavior is based on our own morality, our own common understanding of how people should behave. We call people to task for their bad behavior the same way they do us. Nobody is printing stories about just people doing good things because we are expected to as humans.


Depends if they do something according to the Bible or not.

Regardless, people do stuff, good or bad, if it is in some so-called holy text or not. But justification for evil deeds, that requires a suspension of your otherwise good nature and adherence to the so-called holy texts.


Quote from: Logical One on March 29, 2015, 10:51:43 AM
That when a Christian does something bad, Atheists will say that Christianity justifies it because of some passage in the Bible, yet when a Christian does something good, charitable, life-saving for someone, all of sudden the Bible is irrelevant to their decision despite numerous Bible passages supporting what they did?
Interesting, isn't it?
Maybe because in a society of "civilized" people that doing nice, good and charitable things is somewhat expected from your neighbors and fellows. Doing the bad is not so expected and therefore gathers a more thorough look-see don't you think? If you only do good because your religion tells you to, does that make you better or worse than a person who does good because HE wants to? See the big diffy?
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: Logical One on March 29, 2015, 10:51:43 AM
That when a Christian does something bad, Atheists will say that Christianity justifies it because of some passage in the Bible?

Just leave.  And take your straw men with you.


Quote from: Logical One on March 29, 2015, 10:51:43 AMThat when a Christian does something bad, Atheists will say that Christianity justifies it because of some passage in the Bible, yet when a Christian does something good, charitable, life-saving for someone, all of sudden the Bible is irrelevant to their decision despite numerous Bible passages supporting what they did?  Interesting, isn't it?
Meanwhile, in reality, it's typically the other way around.  God/religion is responsible for all the good stuff, but all the horrible stuff has nothing whatsoever to do with religion.


When Christians force their bigotry, discrimination, and oppression on everyone else, they are the ones who try and justify it with their Bible.  Atheists think the Bible is bullshit.  As for doing something good, just do something good and pat your own back.  Do you expect a fucking medal?

Hijiri Byakuren

How about instead of making more wild accusations, you answer some of the points brought up in your other threads?
Speak when you have something to say, not when you have to say something.

Sargon The Grape - My Youtube Channel


Isn't it interesting that this idiot has made several posts regarding the same bullshit? Atheists are big meanies and christians are the poor abused minority.
Science doesn't give a damn about religions, because "damns" are not measurable units and therefore have no place in research. As soon as it's possible to detect damns, we'll quantize perdition and number all the levels of hell. Until then, science doesn't care.


Quote from: Jakenessif you believe in the supernatural, you do not understand modern science. Period.


Quote from: Moralnihilist on March 29, 2015, 11:56:37 AM
Isn't it interesting that this idiot has made several posts regarding the same bullshit? Atheists are big meanies and christians are the poor abused minority.

And that's how movies like gods not dead get made, with showing the poor innocent Christian or Catholic boy vs the big evil atheist teacher.

Btw logical one (name still makes me laugh), you are trying to push the idea the good deeds can only be done under faith and belief. If someone saves a man's life, his faith or lack of faith doesn't matter for shit, it's the fact a man saved another man's life. And if it was done to try a prove faith saves lives, you are putting your make believe fantasy ahead of another man's life. That's pretty fucked up.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


The OP fails to realize that atheists understand their opponents - many atheists are former Christians. However, the OP has yet to take into consideration the atheist's position. Lack of insight into your opponent's position means your entire argument will never address the core issue. Ignorance will lend itself to straw man fallacies. Very lazy and highly illogical way of presenting an argument or debate. The OP has demonstrated intellectual laziness, which cannot be respected under any circumstance.

If we are expected to engage in discussion with the OP, then the OP could at least research the atheist position without bias - particularly confirmation bias. To not do so means nobody learns anything new and we're just wasting effort with mindless dialogue.
Quote from: Jakenessif you believe in the supernatural, you do not understand modern science. Period.


Quote from: Logical One on March 29, 2015, 10:51:43 AM
That when a Christian does something bad, Atheists will say that Christianity justifies it because of some passage in the Bible, yet when a Christian does something good, charitable, life-saving for someone, all of sudden the Bible is irrelevant to their decision despite numerous Bible passages supporting what they did?
Interesting, isn't it?
You don't get it do you? There are Christians that are evil and use the bible to justify it, and some Christians seem to think that doesn't matter because they think the good they do out ways evil to placate their God so they are saved. Are you so stupid you can't see  that people "DO" use the bible to justify what they do, both good and bad, and that is a bad thing if the only reason they do good is because they believe in God, which means without your God you wouldn't do good. People don't criticize good deeds because it isn't problematic whether from the bible or not, but they do criticize people that use the bible to do evil and then use it to justify what they do. What you have done since being here is using slick maneuvers to win arguments based on fallacies in logic at any cost, including what the truth is, thinking you are right and we are wrong. You are still wrong with your neuroses and lack of good and critical reasoning skills, along with your unbelievable rationalization which you think is being logical because it requires thinking. Pragmatism works to make people feel good, but it doesn't reveal the truth, accept when it doesn't work. It is quite obvious from 6,000+ years of history that religion only works to make people feel good about themselves even if they are wrong, which makes it an evil enterprise.   Solitary
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.


agreed former christian here and I can absolutely tell you when I was a christian all of this went in one ear and out the other.


Quote from: Logical One on March 29, 2015, 10:51:43 AM
That when a Christian does something bad, Atheists will say that Christianity justifies it because of some passage in the Bible, yet when a Christian does something good, charitable, life-saving for someone, all of sudden the Bible is irrelevant to their decision despite numerous Bible passages supporting what they did?
Interesting, isn't it?
Isn't It interesting that when something bad happens (from accidents to natural disasters), Christians blame humans, but when something good happens (like a doctor saving a patient or a child with cancer going into remission), it is all God doing it, and forget the humans that ACTUALLY helped?
Interesting isn't it?
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory.  LLAP"
Leonard Nimoy