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Hostages in Sydney

Started by GrinningYMIR, December 14, 2014, 07:42:32 PM

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Quote from: Shiranu on December 16, 2014, 01:53:06 AM

Gun Related Deaths Per 100,000

Total Deaths
-Australia 0.86 (2011)
-United States 10.30 (2011)

-Australia 0.11 (2011)
-United States 2.83 (2012)

Yeah... those gun laws sure have been ineffective... I'm positive the fact that it is much harder to get a gun had NOTHING to do with that statistic... nope.

I always love how people cite gun related death rates (as though that's the only way a person can be murdered) but ignore total homicide stats.

Lets look at total homicides shall we?

Sure looks like homicides dropped like a rock immediately after the guns went away. Not.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false and by the rulers as useful


Quote from: Johan on December 16, 2014, 08:00:00 PM
I always love how people cite gun related death rates (as though that's the only way a person can be murdered) but ignore total homicide stats.

Lets look at total homicides shall we?

Sure looks like homicides dropped like a rock immediately after the guns went away. Not.

Quote“In the 18 years up to and including 1996, the year of the massacre at Port Arthur, Australia experienced 13 mass shootings. In these events alone, 112 people were shot dead and at least another 52 wounded (table 1).

Number of mass shootings since... 0.

Fuck your strawmen. I am not sure exactly who you are arguing against saying that, "LOL GUNS BANS WULD MAKE DE CRIMEZ DISAPEAR!!!" or "LULZ U THINK HOMSICDES WOULD END LAWL!", but it sure as hell isn't anyone in here.

Also, that ban is on automatic weapons and rifles, not hand guns... which the majority of homicides are carried out with. The majority of mass shootings on the other hand is with rifles and other automatic weapons... hmm, weird... I think I just saw something about the number of mass shootings going down somewhere... not sure where that was....

I'm not sure if you are actually so fucking stupid and not just trolling, but I have been surprised before.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Quote from: Shiranu on December 16, 2014, 08:13:00 PM

I'm not sure if you are actually so fucking stupid and not just trolling, but I have been surprised before.
Obviously I've touched a nerve. We disagree on this. I guess the difference between you and I is I can disagree with someone and discuss said disagreement with them without accusing them of being fucking stupid or even thinking that about them. Clearly you cannot do that. Oh well, we're done here.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false and by the rulers as useful


Quote from: Jmpty on December 16, 2014, 07:31:52 PM
If you are too stupid to see the connection, then nothing I can say will correct that. Why the fuck do you think they needed the#Illridewithyou? Because of all the "assholes" giving Islam a pass? Who do you think it was that fought that gun battle with the Taliban in Peshwar? Christians? Atheists? It was other fucking Muslims.
It was the army and you have zero clue as to whether or not there were any secret atheists (secret because they fear real persecution) or christians or hindus amongst them. But I can guarantee that 100% of the murderers were devoted followers of Muhammad.

Cut the holier than thou self righteousness. No one should stop pointing out how fucking horrifying and violent islam is because muslims will suffer discrimination because of it. Yes, I know there are plenty of cultural Muslims who don't know shit about their own holy books and are nice people. Too bad!
You're not in any way being the champion of the oppressed. Your giving a violent ideology and free ride in an armored car.

Do you know why the Muslims in Peshawar killed some of the older children while letting some of the younger children go free? Because of the example provided by Muhammad detailed in the Hadith.
From Wikipedia:
"The Islamic prophet Muhammad besieged the Banu Qurayza for 25 days until they surrendered.[1] One of Muhammad's companions decided that "the men should be killed, the property divided, and the women and children taken as captives". Muhammad approved of the ruling, calling it similar to God's judgment,[7][8][9][10][11] after which all male members of the tribe who had reached puberty were beheaded"

They were following their founders orders. But hey, lets not condemn that, someone might take it out on the good muslims, so lets all just shut the fuck up about islam and its depravity.
On second thought and using your own words, fuck you! The road to hell is paved with good intentions and your driving the steam roller.
Carl Sagan
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."


Quote from: Johan on December 16, 2014, 08:30:02 PM
Obviously I've touched a nerve. We disagree on this. I guess the difference between you and I is I can disagree with someone and discuss said disagreement with them without accusing them of being fucking stupid or even thinking that about them. Clearly you cannot do that. Oh well, we're done here.

You say something intentionally dense and fucking stupid, you get called fucking stupid. That's just how it works. Unless you start calling for Muslims to be shot in the street or Homosexuals to be castrated and fed to sharks, I highly doubt you are going to ever say anything that is going to touch a nerve.

But keep thinking yourself a special snowflake.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Hey lets go back to Treyvon Martin case, you two were best buds then….ah the irony of being unable to control ones own nancy side.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: Shiranu on December 16, 2014, 08:13:00 PM
Number of mass shootings since... 0.

Fuck your strawmen. I am not sure exactly who you are arguing against saying that, "LOL GUNS BANS WULD MAKE DE CRIMEZ DISAPEAR!!!" or "LULZ U THINK HOMSICDES WOULD END LAWL!", but it sure as hell isn't anyone in here.

Also, that ban is on automatic weapons and rifles, not hand guns... which the majority of homicides are carried out with. The majority of mass shootings on the other hand is with rifles and other automatic weapons... hmm, weird... I think I just saw something about the number of mass shootings going down somewhere... not sure where that was....

I'm not sure if you are actually so fucking stupid and not just trolling, but I have been surprised before.

0 mass shootings, what about the Monash university mass shooting why do the ignorant gun grabbers ignore that one?

According to FBI stats more people are killed by fists and feet compared to rifles and shotguns in the USA,more people die from accidental falls compared to rifle and shotgun murders.

In Australia our gun numbers have increased to their highest numbers exceeding the levels before the gun buy back in 1996,In Australia this large increase in gun numbers has happened at the same time gun rimes have decreased.
In Australia more guns = less gun crimes.
Dr Samara Mc Phedran explains here-

I think everyone knows you are stupid.


Quote0 mass shootings, what about the Monash university mass shooting why do the ignorant gun grabbers ignore that one?

Okay, 1. That... gee, that sure compares to the 13 mass shootings in the same amount of time before.

And yes, gun control = gun grabbers. Nice. How about I call gun rights advocates, "Child Endorsing Murderers"?

QuoteAccording to FBI stats more people are killed by fists and feet compared to rifles and shotguns in the USA,more people die from accidental falls compared to rifle and shotgun murders.


Quote...not hand guns... which the majority of homicides are carried out with.

I don't even right now. I cant imagine the smell you have to deal with, having you head so far up your ass. Maybe that's why you are so irrational.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Quote from: Berati on December 16, 2014, 08:53:03 PM
It was the army and you have zero clue as to whether or not there were any secret atheists (secret because they fear real persecution) or christians or hindus amongst them. But I can guarantee that 100% of the murderers were devoted followers of Muhammad.

Cut the holier than thou self righteousness. No one should stop pointing out how fucking horrifying and violent islam is because muslims will suffer discrimination because of it. Yes, I know there are plenty of cultural Muslims who don't know shit about their own holy books and are nice people. Too bad!
You're not in any way being the champion of the oppressed. Your giving a violent ideology and free ride in an armored car.

Do you know why the Muslims in Peshawar killed some of the older children while letting some of the younger children go free? Because of the example provided by Muhammad detailed in the Hadith.
From Wikipedia:
"The Islamic prophet Muhammad besieged the Banu Qurayza for 25 days until they surrendered.[1] One of Muhammad's companions decided that "the men should be killed, the property divided, and the women and children taken as captives". Muhammad approved of the ruling, calling it similar to God's judgment,[7][8][9][10][11] after which all male members of the tribe who had reached puberty were beheaded"

They were following their founders orders. But hey, lets not condemn that, someone might take it out on the good muslims, so lets all just shut the fuck up about islam and its depravity.
On second thought and using your own words, fuck you! The road to hell is paved with good intentions and your driving the steam roller.

"secret atheists" You are precious! I don't believe in hell, FYI.
???  ??


There is one huge advantage Australia has over America with its current gun laws, it's that every time there is a shooting, gun sales don't skyrocket out of fear of having their gun rights removed. The more mass shootings there are in the US, the more guns you have introduced to nut jobs buying them up out of fear. That just doesn't happen here!
Q for theists; how can there be freewill and miracles? And, how can prayer exist in an environment as regimented as "gods plan"?

"I'm a polyatheist, there are many gods I don't believe in." - Dan Fouts


Quote from: Jmpty on December 16, 2014, 09:40:50 PM
"secret atheists" You are precious! I don't believe in hell, FYI.
Try and learn what an aphorism is and your delusional if you don't understand that coming out as an atheist in an Pakistan can get you killed.
QuoteAtheists in Pakistan face discrimination and prejudice in society.[5][6] Pakistan is reported to be among the seven countries where atheism can attract capital punishment, and even among these seven countries, Pakistan is probably the most dangerous for atheists.[7]

Carl Sagan
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."


Quote from: baronvonrort on December 16, 2014, 07:19:58 PM
Our gun laws did nothing to prevent this terrorist from getting a gun.

He did not have a firearm licence,his criminal record prevented him from obtaining a firearm licence, a good behaviour bond is enough to lose your firearm licence for 5 years.

You cannot legally buy a firearm without a licence and  permit to acquire from the police,all private sales must be done through a gun shop so registration of firearm can be transferred.

He could not legally buy ammo without a licence and proof of ownership of a shotgun using registration papers, you can only buy ammo for the types of guns you own.

Pump action shotguns like he had were made prohibited weapons back in 1996 and had to be handed in.

We had no drive by shootings before our 1996 gun laws, drive by shootings are fairly frequent in the muslim majority parts of Sydney today.

Queensland has reversed the ban on semi auto centrefire rifles,landowners are allowed to have 2 of them because they have a legal obligation to eradictate feral pests by any lawful method.
A Queensland land owner can own a semi auto rifle with no magazine limits, can someone in California,NY,MA buy a semi auto with a 30 round magazine or are their laws more strict than parts of Australia?



Does your link say the nsw firearms registry has no record of him ever holding a firearm licence?
The nsw firearms registry is run by the nsw police.

Our gun laws did cause an increase in sales, we imported over double the guns we normally imported just after the gun buyback.
I was able to sell some worthless old guns that nobody would buy for top dollar to the government and use that cash to buy some newer guns.
Gun trade and trafficking>regulation of firearm imports shows imports were at their highest level just after the buyback in 96

Well done to our Police for taking this garbage out, the wounded police officer said he would go back to work today.


Quote from: Shiranu on December 16, 2014, 08:53:42 PM
You say something intentionally dense and fucking stupid, you get called fucking stupid. That's just how it works. Unless you start calling for Muslims to be shot in the street or Homosexuals to be castrated and fed to sharks, I highly doubt you are going to ever say anything that is going to touch a nerve.

But keep thinking yourself a special snowflake.
Wow. You really do lack the ability to remain respectful of people you disagree with. I think I'm beginning to see why you're always whining on here about how your life is so fucking shitty and how the only people that like to hang around with you are assholes that you can't stand but you can't understand why that only happens to you and not other people.

I like you, I worry about you and I don't believe I've ever been disrespectful toward you. But god damn you sure can be an asshole when you want to.

Since you choose to swerve off into being a jerk land instead of engaging in rational discussion, allow me to tell  you what I see when I look at the chart posted above. I see between 300 and 350 people murdered per year between 1990 and 1995. The big gun ban took place in 1996 1997 and I see between 340 and 380 people murdered per year in the 8 years after the big gun ban.

Did the number of people killed by guns drop after the ban? Absolutely. It would be nearly impossible for that number not to drop. But the number of murdered per year went up after the guns left not down. I'm not making any claims as to why that is because I don't have enough data in front of me to speculate about it, I'm simply making the claim that the numbers are what they are. If you want to believe that removing guns and thus causing the number of people murdered by guns per year to drop even though the total number of people murdered by any means per year increased equates to making people safer, that's your choice. But making people safer is not the conclusion I would draw from the numbers I see.

We disagree on this and that's fine. One of us can do that and still remain respectful of the other. The other of us not so much. I've said what I needed to say. I'm done now. Have a nice day sir.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false and by the rulers as useful

St Giordano Bruno

He brain was screwed up with every nutty belief imaginable, even fringe woo such a tarot and astrology. Total nutcase!!!
Voltaire - "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities"