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Hostages in Sydney

Started by GrinningYMIR, December 14, 2014, 07:42:32 PM

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Quote from: PopeyesPappy on December 16, 2014, 12:14:30 AM
I am curious how a known radical out on bail from a murder charge acquired a shotgun in a country with very tight gun control laws.

He was most likely going to prison for his involvement in the murder of his wife. This was something he had to do before he was sent away. The world he created for himself was closing in on him. One of his demands was an isis flag. He was a pimple on the ass of a religious extremist hate group - he didn't even have his own isis flag - but thought tony Abbott could get him one??? This was less about his extremist views, and more about his impending doom, disguised as isis. Linking this to Isis or even religious extremism is inciting terror where none should exist. Like a cornered wild animal facing prison, he made one last cowardly stand.
It's easy to get illegal guns anywhere. Nobody finds out you have them until they are used - too late by then. He really should not have been out awaiting trial, he should have been remanded without bond!
Q for theists; how can there be freewill and miracles? And, how can prayer exist in an environment as regimented as "gods plan"?

"I'm a polyatheist, there are many gods I don't believe in." - Dan Fouts


Quote from: PopeyesPappy on December 16, 2014, 12:14:30 AM
I am curious how a known radical out on bail from a murder charge acquired a shotgun in a country with very tight gun control laws.
Easy. Because the gun laws there aren't as tight as you think and because gun laws are about as effective as stopping criminals from obtaining guns as speed limit signs are at keeping people from speeding.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we shouldn't have gun laws. We should, and they should be strict. But show me a person who thinks gun crime will magically disappear if we do what Australia did and I'll show you a person who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to gun laws.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false and by the rulers as useful


Quote from: Johan on December 16, 2014, 12:49:30 AM
Easy. Because the gun laws there aren't as tight as you think and because gun laws are about as effective as stopping criminals from obtaining guns as speed limit signs are at keeping people from speeding.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we shouldn't have gun laws. We should, and they should be strict. But show me a person who thinks gun crime will magically disappear if we do what Australia did and I'll show you a person who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to gun laws.


Gun Related Deaths Per 100,000

Total Deaths
-Australia 0.86 (2011)
-United States 10.30 (2011)

-Australia 0.11 (2011)
-United States 2.83 (2012)

Yeah... those gun laws sure have been ineffective... I'm positive the fact that it is much harder to get a gun had NOTHING to do with that statistic... nope.

QuoteBut show me a person who thinks gun crime will magically disappear...

Fuck, show me one too because I have NEVER heard someone say that. That shit cray.

Weird, I always here, "How DAREEE gun control advocates use a tragedy to force their agenda!", and then the first one to cry is, "How DAREEE gun control advocates not use this opportunity to talk about gun control!". Much projection?
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Canada has similar, very low numbers comparably,  to the US. Canada has very strict gun laws. In Canada, to transport your gun,  it must be unloaded, and locked up.
However, devils advocate; break and enters while home-owners are home is most likely higher here in Australia. Crims know they most likely won't encounter a firearm. Even though owning one means you are 44 times more likely to have your own gun used against you or a family member, than you are to use it to protect the same!
Q for theists; how can there be freewill and miracles? And, how can prayer exist in an environment as regimented as "gods plan"?

"I'm a polyatheist, there are many gods I don't believe in." - Dan Fouts


Included in that "44 times" number are suicides I believe.
Q for theists; how can there be freewill and miracles? And, how can prayer exist in an environment as regimented as "gods plan"?

"I'm a polyatheist, there are many gods I don't believe in." - Dan Fouts


Quote from: Johan on December 16, 2014, 12:49:30 AM
Easy. Because the gun laws there aren't as tight as you think and because gun laws are about as effective as stopping criminals from obtaining guns as speed limit signs are at keeping people from speeding.

Speed limit signs ARE effective at keeping people from speeding and reducing crash fatalities.

QuoteDon't get me wrong, I'm not saying we shouldn't have gun laws. We should, and they should be strict. But show me a person who thinks gun crime will magically disappear if we do what Australia did and I'll show you a person who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to gun laws.

Huge straw man, but setting that aside here is what you seem to be missing:

The easier you make it for people to kill people, the more people will be killed.

If the US did what Australia did, murder rates would drop significantly.
Carl Sagan
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."


#illridewithyou supports Muslims amid Sydney siege
QuoteAustralians came out Monday in solidarity with the Muslim community following a siege at a Sydney cafe, as tens of thousands tweeted the hashtag #illridewithyou to counter concern about an anti-Islam backlash.

The hostage-taking at the Lindt chocolate cafe triggered a security lockdown in the heart of Australia's biggest city, with the government and Muslim leaders condemning the attack and calling for unity.

Amid uncertainty about the hostage-taker's motives and fears of reprisals after an Islamic flag was raised in the cafe, an Australian woman reportedly started the #illridewithyou hashtag to show solidarity with Muslims who might feel threatened on public transport.

How nice.

Oh, and a word from the wife:

I regret to say I am a terrorist': Wife of cafe gunman praised Bali bombings and 9/11 in online rant #url]


Quote from: Berati on December 15, 2014, 06:54:36 PM
We just had two separate incidents recently in Canada. One was where a jihadist killed an unarmed soldier doing ceremonial duty on remembrance day and then entered parliament before being shot.,_Ottawa

The other just a short time earlier was another jihadist who ran over two soldiers killing one of them.

Both were born in Canada and converted to Islam. So now, we have ISYS producing videos encouraging more attacks on Canada:

Islam is a collection of absolutely terrible ideas. Moderate muslims are those who ignore the central teachings of the quran and ignore muhammad's own deeds and actions. Muhammad was a murderer, a rapist and a pedophile. If you can't bring yourself to leave a group founded by such a person I have no sympathy for you.

We need to grow some balls and stop whining about these attacks. We kill 100 times as many of theirs as they do ours. They could kill hundreds of thousands of ours in a few days, and then we'd just be even. I don't agree with an eye for an eye, but our policy is one hundred eyes for an eye. Their innocents are 100 times more terrified of us, than we are of them.

We in the West need to suck it up and take these hits like men, rather than crying about these Muslim terrorists being the face of pure evil when a couple of ours die. They are poodles compared to us. This is war. Shit happens in war. People die. We kill theirs, they kill ours back. That's how this war thing works. I'm surprised there haven't been more attacks in the West. We certainly have done everything possible to invite such attacks.


Quote from: FaithIsFilth on December 16, 2014, 10:46:00 AM
We need to grow some balls and stop whining about these attacks. We kill 100 times as many of theirs as they do ours. They could kill hundreds of thousands of ours in a few days, and then we'd just be even. I don't agree with an eye for an eye, but our policy is one hundred eyes for an eye. Their innocents are 100 times more terrified of us, than we are of them.

We in the West need to suck it up and take these hits like men, rather than crying about these Muslim terrorists being the face of pure evil when a couple of ours die. They are poodles compared to us. This is war. Shit happens in war. People die. We kill theirs, they kill ours back. That's how this war thing works. I'm surprised there haven't been more attacks in the West. We certainly have done everything possible to invite such attacks.

The two attacks I listed were Canadian born and raised men who converted to islam. They are not enemy soldiers upset over the death of family and friends or lost land. They're idiots who were swayed by a violent religious ideology. You know, faith! Doesn't your own name suggest the problem???

You need to stop playing the victim card for islam. Islam has claimed to be the victim from day one and only islamic apologists are still buying that shit.
Carl Sagan
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."


When I was a manager of a store, shortly after 9/11, I had several Somali women who worked for me. One day, one of the women came in to the office crying and said that a customer had started yelling at her and telling her to go back to where she came from. I went out to her register where the customers who did it were still waiting to buy their stuff. I asked them what th problem was, and they made some remark about terrorists working in the store. I told them to get the fuck out of my store, and never come back. They said that they'd leave after they bought their stuff. I told them that I didn't want their business, and escorted them out. Islamic apologists? Fuck you.
???  ??


Quote from: Jmpty on December 16, 2014, 02:24:00 PM
When I was a manager of a store, shortly after 9/11, I had several Somali women who worked for me. One day, one of the women came in to the office crying and said that a customer had started yelling at her and telling her to go back to where she came from. I went out to her register where the customers who did it were still waiting to buy their stuff. I asked them what th problem was, and they made some remark about terrorists working in the store. I told them to get the fuck out of my store, and never come back. They said that they'd leave after they bought their stuff. I told them that I didn't want their business, and escorted them out. Islamic apologists? Fuck you.
Well, I'm glad you turned them away, but what the fuck does that have to do with making excuses for the horror show of Islam?
Go read the post about the attack in Peshawar and tell me why assholes in America magically leaves islam off the hook for it's constant calls to violence.

Think of it this way, while it is perfectly acceptable to disparage and insult communism, it is NOT acceptable to go on a communist witch hunt. That's why your customers treatment of those women was inappropriate. This should in no way prevent anyone from pointing out what a horrible, violent, and sexist religion islam is.
Don't blame me for your not being intelligent enough to have seen this distinction on your own.
Carl Sagan
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."


Quote from: Johan on December 16, 2014, 12:49:30 AM

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we shouldn't have gun laws. We should, and they should be strict. But show me a person who thinks gun crime will magically disappear if we do what Australia did and I'll show you a person who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to gun laws.

Our gun laws did nothing to prevent this terrorist from getting a gun.

He did not have a firearm licence,his criminal record prevented him from obtaining a firearm licence, a good behaviour bond is enough to lose your firearm licence for 5 years.

You cannot legally buy a firearm without a licence and  permit to acquire from the police,all private sales must be done through a gun shop so registration of firearm can be transferred.

He could not legally buy ammo without a licence and proof of ownership of a shotgun using registration papers, you can only buy ammo for the types of guns you own.

Pump action shotguns like he had were made prohibited weapons back in 1996 and had to be handed in.

We had no drive by shootings before our 1996 gun laws, drive by shootings are fairly frequent in the muslim majority parts of Sydney today.

Queensland has reversed the ban on semi auto centrefire rifles,landowners are allowed to have 2 of them because they have a legal obligation to eradictate feral pests by any lawful method.
A Queensland land owner can own a semi auto rifle with no magazine limits, can someone in California,NY,MA buy a semi auto with a 30 round magazine or are their laws more strict than parts of Australia?


Quote from: Shiranu on December 16, 2014, 01:53:06 AM

Gun Related Deaths Per 100,000

Total Deaths
-Australia 0.86 (2011)
-United States 10.30 (2011)

-Australia 0.11 (2011)
-United States 2.83 (2012)

Yeah... those gun laws sure have been ineffective... I'm positive the fact that it is much harder to get a gun had NOTHING to do with that statistic... nope.

Fuck, show me one too because I have NEVER heard someone say that. That shit cray.

Weird, I always here, "How DAREEE gun control advocates use a tragedy to force their agenda!", and then the first one to cry is, "How DAREEE gun control advocates not use this opportunity to talk about gun control!". Much projection?

The FBI stats show black people have firearm homicide rates 6-8 times higher than white people,Allen West said blacks kill more blacks every 6 months than what the KKK could do in 80 years.

Who is doing all the gun crime in Chicago, do they have tougher laws to prevent gun violence,how did that work out?


Quote from: Berati on December 16, 2014, 05:47:41 PM
Well, I'm glad you turned them away, but what the fuck does that have to do with making excuses for the horror show of Islam?
Go read the post about the attack in Peshawar and tell me why assholes in America magically leaves islam off the hook for it's constant calls to violence.

Think of it this way, while it is perfectly acceptable to disparage and insult communism, it is NOT acceptable to go on a communist witch hunt. That's why your customers treatment of those women was inappropriate. This should in no way prevent anyone from pointing out what a horrible, violent, and sexist religion islam is.
Don't blame me for your not being intelligent enough to have seen this distinction on your own.

If you are too stupid to see the connection, then nothing I can say will correct that. Why the fuck do you think they needed the#Illridewithyou? Because of all the "assholes" giving Islam a pass? Who do you think it was that fought that gun battle with the Taliban in Peshwar? Christians? Atheists? It was other fucking Muslims.
???  ??


Quote from: Berati on December 16, 2014, 01:13:23 PM

You need to stop playing the victim card for islam. Islam has claimed to be the victim from day one and only islamic apologists are still buying that shit.

There was a woman who took her hijab off on a train,there were no reports of any persecution by passengers to cause this.

A leftist dim witted woman told her to put her hijab back on and started the illridewithyou nonsense.

Of course muslims are claiming she took it off because of fear despite no evidence to back this up, a muslim i type to even denies she took it off because she could have been considering apostasy or it could have been a regular habit to emove hijab when she has left home.

I think it was a mistake for that scatterbrain to tell her to put her hijab back on,we should support people who remove religious clothing based on ancient superstitions.

Muslims always claim to be victims of Islamophobia after terror attacks, they claim they are the victims instead of the innocent people who were killed.