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Hostages in Sydney

Started by GrinningYMIR, December 14, 2014, 07:42:32 PM

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So it appears that some ISIS type folks have taken a bunch of Australians hostage in Sydney, The Australian SWAT (Or whatever Rapid response forces they have) have surrounded the area, and the hostage takes have responded by flying an Islamic flag

Really screams peaceful religion don't it?
"Human history is a litany of blood shed over differing ideals of rulership and afterlife"<br /><br />Governor of the 32nd Province of the New Lunar Republic. Luna Nobis Custodit


I do agree with one of the comments. There will come a day if Muslims do not work with others to help control the radicals that the Billy-bobs and Bubbas will simply start shooting them at random and it will incite other people to start shooting muslims on sight. I fear it will happen and it is only one special day that will be the catalyst.. and it will not stop once started.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


There's only so far you can press someone before they snap, I wonder how long it will be before it happens
"Human history is a litany of blood shed over differing ideals of rulership and afterlife"<br /><br />Governor of the 32nd Province of the New Lunar Republic. Luna Nobis Custodit


"Human history is a litany of blood shed over differing ideals of rulership and afterlife"<br /><br />Governor of the 32nd Province of the New Lunar Republic. Luna Nobis Custodit


I hope none of those Islamic fuckers survive their attack on a café of all fucking places... yeah, those café folks are really responsible for bombing Islamic State personnel... dumb shits.
Faith: pretending to know things you don't know


These guys don't care about their own lives, they'll die as martyrs for their God, and the poor hostages are there in the middle
"Human history is a litany of blood shed over differing ideals of rulership and afterlife"<br /><br />Governor of the 32nd Province of the New Lunar Republic. Luna Nobis Custodit


Saw that Uber is hiking up their prices for people trying to get out of the area (Sydney Opera House was also evacuated on bomb threat). Fucking disgraceful.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


They are not "radicals", they are orthodox, observing Muslims, doing everything by the book.
That book happens to be the Quran.   

BTW, "moderate" Muslims read the same book.
To object to the contents [jihad] is apostasy. We all know the penalty for apostasy.


Q for theists; how can there be freewill and miracles? And, how can prayer exist in an environment as regimented as "gods plan"?

"I'm a polyatheist, there are many gods I don't believe in." - Dan Fouts


I rode my motorcycle home across the Harbour bridge, bypassing the cbd, at about 130pm, fearing traffic could get really bad, and worse yet, they close the bridge. That didn't happen tho. I can see from my unit that traffic is moving steadily across the bridge, this at the tail end of peak traffic. I made it home safely in case y'all were worried!
Q for theists; how can there be freewill and miracles? And, how can prayer exist in an environment as regimented as "gods plan"?

"I'm a polyatheist, there are many gods I don't believe in." - Dan Fouts


All these fucktards want is the world to see them and their threats, thinking it will make people take them seriously. It will not, and all it will do is increase hatred and distrust for anyone of an islamic background, even if they are not religious.
Lets hope the message that anyone following Isis will get them shot sinks in finally.

I just tried to watch the live stream, but it was just some arch bishop rabbiting on about how everyone needs to give prayer for the hostages to come out alive. I find it so fucking ironic that religion is the cause of this kind of bullshit to begin with, at its core, so really what fucking good is it doing now.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


Not to be particularly vulgar, but I can't help but to wonder if the U.S. government has been helping Israel all this time, particularly with military improvements, in hopes that they could quite literally neutralize the perceived Islamic threat? Not saying this is the best route to go, but it does seem to be particularly plausible that decades ago the U.S. saw this happy little religion as being a serious problem one day.
Quote from: Jakenessif you believe in the supernatural, you do not understand modern science. Period.


Quote from: hrdlr110 on December 15, 2014, 02:11:33 AM
I rode my motorcycle home across the Harbour bridge, bypassing the cbd, at about 130pm, fearing traffic could get really bad, and worse yet, they close the bridge. That didn't happen tho. I can see from my unit that traffic is moving steadily across the bridge, this at the tail end of peak traffic. I made it home safely in case y'all were worried!
I'm sorry this had to happen in your country.  I was hoping Australia might be excused from the threat of Islam for a while longer.  I had recently read something someplace that implied that Australia was safe for now.  I think due to the small Islamic population there, but I confess I'm short on information about the land down under.


It is over.  Number of people been shot,  one dead.

Well,  it was a man (lone wolf) ,  just practising his religion,  which is his right. 
Police and the government are still wondering what could have been the motive.


Sorry to hear that, but I guess there wasn't a way it was going to end peacefully
"Human history is a litany of blood shed over differing ideals of rulership and afterlife"<br /><br />Governor of the 32nd Province of the New Lunar Republic. Luna Nobis Custodit