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Nymphomaniac Movie

Started by Solitary, July 03, 2014, 12:03:38 AM

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QuoteThey have implied it before.

Who is they?

QuoteWhether they imply it or not, it's just not going to happen.

Well, considering no one here is asking you to, I don't see the reason to go on this long rant about how you won't. No one here is asking you to, so no one here particularly cares one way or another that you are arguing with us that you won't.

QuoteWhat would happen if I were to take what they said, and switch 'males' for 'females'? The entire forum would have come down on my head by now.

Okay, let's flip it around.

"Women have a culture of being sexually promiscuous and putting down men for having sex even once. But it's okay because, you know, it's just a woman living up to her social expectations."

Yeah, the forum would probably come down on you (or at least laugh at you) because that statement is just completely wrong.

QuoteStill, that doesn't mean I will crawl on my hands and knees for my gender. It. Won't. Happen.

And still no one cares because NO ONE IS ASKING YOU TO.

"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Quote from: drunkenshoe on July 04, 2014, 02:17:33 PM
Why are you so fucking stupid? You are not able to understand a simple post that is explained to you multiple times. It means exactly the opposite way you think. It's written to criticise the idea it conveys; it's mocking it. Because that's the other coin of the general culture the movie promotes. Nobody is calling males brutal animals, we are mocking that. Do you have the basic intelligence to get that?

Then I guess you should word your posts differently? Avoiding such mistakes in the future would be nice.

Who do you think you called out on what? Do you seriously really think that I -or anyone else- keep insulting some gender here for kicks and giggles and people find it cute and laugh? Where did you get that impression? Another poster already told you that you are the one who doesn't get what is going on around here, didn't you get any hint? Do you understand how pathetic one needs to get to arrive a conclusion and continue pose with fucking ridiculous dribble?

That other poster is irrelevant. You said what you said, and I confronted you about it, so stop whining. As for continuing on with dribble, that is a subjective position. You could say I do it, other people could do it, etc.

You are a kind of person that turns around and 'insults' someone with their gender in the middle of a discussion. This is your stance. You have done that. What you do, not what you keep saying and posing here.

And you're the type of person that holds a childish grudge and can't let anything go. Does that sound accurate?

I also don't give a fuck what Aroura feels about my statement of 'I am the active female member in a crowded male group'. She got in to a thread you derailed, also people giving you reactions and wrote a ridiculous, meaningless post about me, taking a simple statement out of context. What she did is something that needs to be called out on. 

Oh sure, other people must be confronted, but not you, right? You have a nasty attitude that you project onto others and it is irritating and disrespectful. You whine and moan because you want people to submit to you and it never happens so you just get more bitter.

And now you think that if you blame me for being rude to someone made that post, you'll be seen as someone after some fairness around here? I don't know may be you think people will think, that 'oh he is protecting female poster, aw'?

Are you alright? Do you need medication? You seem erratic and off your rocker. If you're talking about Aroura, I just don't see why you have to be such a nasty prude to everybody. The gender of that user is irrelevant - as I've tried to explain a few times now in general. I try to take a stance ignoring such labels, although sometimes I don't have a choice. Whether it's about this topic, or Aroura, I do not like how you talk to other people. It is beyond critical and debative, it is abusive. Gender is mostly irrelevant, although that's unfortunately what the topic has turned into.

All this bullshit is a result of your stupidity. And you got no stance. You are a fucking poser.

I'm a poser? Really? Is that the best you got? This 'bullshit' is the result of you being a hateful, crude, discriminating person and me confronting you about it. I do have a stance, you just don't like it :). Not really sure how I'm a 'poser' here, I mean everything I say.


Quote from: Shiranu on July 04, 2014, 02:25:10 PM
Who is they?

Well, I thought it was suggested, but people that have an unfair gender bias hatred. Not all women are like that, even most feminists don't seem to be like that - it seems to be a small group of them, and they do exist, and they are unpleasant to deal with.

And still no one cares because NO ONE IS ASKING YOU TO.

I know you are capable of understanding what suggestive themes are. When a thought or theme is implied but not necessarily said. Is that speculation? Sure, but other times it is bluntly, flat out said. In the case of this forum, my point was that I refuse to be subjugated because I am a certain way. I refuse to be demeaned, then have people not expect me to question or oppose it. That's it.


Quote from: drunkenshoe on July 04, 2014, 02:33:25 PM
Who are they? You have been actually answering to a few women you got angry with in your past, because they are not classical feminists in your posts to me?

Somebody wants to you to crawl on your hands, because a few females you know was abused by men? Who wants you to do what?

What is he talking about?

Nope, you're just twisting my words to avoid the actual topic at hand. That's not what I said at all. Read it again.


Quote from: drunkenshoe on July 04, 2014, 04:24:58 AM
Active female member in a crowded male group. Yes, I am. Overall in two years I haven't posted just for 2 months. Then there is Mermaid now. You come and go.

It was derailed by frosty, who got offended by something because he didn't understand it. Sorry to disappoint you and your 'issue' that you are supposedly posting for.

No, I think you need attention. Considering you got worked up by "I am the only active female member" line.  You have been absent for some time and that is longer in forum time.

SVZurich hasn't posted more than a year, she is busy.

Princess Megathron more than that.

Sabrina stopped posting more than half a year ago.

Smartmarzipan is very busy, she hasn't been around in months.

Dreamer is busy with her baby boy and her project, she drops once in a while. Mostly to chat room.

*Things active members noticed a long time ago. 

She posts more often than that thankfully. She is also busier than most I guess.

Forum has changed 3-4 times over in the last 2 years. The amount of the male regulars who stopped posting is bigger than female posters combined. This happens a lot in forums, especially old ones.

Nobody made any statement like 'there haven't been any active female members in the forum'. It wasn't even the subject, until you made it an 'issue', because drunkenshoe wrote something here that you don't like. You seemed to be content with liking posts in other threads -highly likely you haven't even read-  just because it included a one line hostile comebacks to me, but I think this was too much, eh? "What did she say?! She said he was the only 'active woman in a forum full of men'?!" :lol:

My statement -obviously- directed to the long period that went in between. I'm still almost always the only female poster in many threads. With or without you active.

Just for the record, it's frosty who got offended for no reason.
Good heavens drunkenshoe, the term "what am I, chopped liver?" is a common joke expression. Which I did try and make obvious by adding the lol.
I was actually here when SVzurich and Smartzi and Sabrina left, and I still talk to Dreamer. I have been a member here longer than you, it was supposed to be a humorous rhetorical question pointing out that we used to have a lot more active female members, not whatever you took it as. Jeeze, I didn't "take issue" with anything, nor did I accuse YOU of derailing the thread, I simply said it was derailed.

Calm down, yikes.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory.  LLAP"
Leonard Nimoy


Anyway, back on topic. I am actually curious if they depict the womans nymphomania as an addiction to pleasure or a mental illness. From what little I understand of it, it is an illness wherein the person feels the need to engage in sexual activity, or aceive orgasm, multiple times a day. I remember seeing an interview a long time ago withna woman who described what a hell it was to live with. She was perfectly able to love people, but her mental illness made it hard for people to return the affection because of how they viewed her. Her own psychiatrist was of the opinion that being able to acheive orgasm multiple times per day would be great. But she explained that it was actually painful NOT to fullfill her need.

I think it is a huge stygma that people with this mental condition live with. But don't people with any "taboo" sexual proclivity live with stygma? I hope the current change in attitudes toward homosexuality will help open up peoples minds and understanding of people who have other than typical heterosexual feelings.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory.  LLAP"
Leonard Nimoy


Now that my summer classes are over, I am going to watch it later.

I think like most mental illnesses there are probably various ways it manifests itself. I recall the woman you are talking about as well, but I think there are also those that don't have any sort of passion or affection for others... they are addicted more to the act than the climax.

It's a movie I find interesting in two ways; One being the mental health aspect of it, but two people's reactions to it. It seems from a glance to be something that could be both very good and very taboo, so I wonder if the mediocre critic reviews give it 70s and such because of the quality or because it makes them think about something we are programmed not to think about, or to find wrong.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Quote from: Shiranu on July 04, 2014, 06:21:35 PM
Now that my summer classes are over, I am going to watch it later.

I think like most mental illnesses there are probably various ways it manifests itself. I recall the woman you are talking about as well, but I think there are also those that don't have any sort of passion or affection for others... they are addicted more to the act than the climax.

It's a movie I find interesting in two ways; One being the mental health aspect of it, but two people's reactions to it. It seems from a glance to be something that could be both very good and very taboo, so I wonder if the mediocre critic reviews give it 70s and such because of the quality or because it makes them think about something we are programmed not to think about, or to find wrong.
Yeah, I would like to watch it as well and form my own opinion. I have seen mediocre movies with very good messages, and great entertaining movies that are also very shallow.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory.  LLAP"
Leonard Nimoy


Quote from: drunkenshoe on July 04, 2014, 02:56:58 PM
People did fine. You are the one who didn't get it and also chose to spew bullshit after an explanation made to you. I explained to you immediately that wasn't the case. That you misunderstood.

Well, if that's your way of perceiving things, then good for you. It's still obvious you don't like how I called you out on what you said. That's fine. The difference between me and you is that you have the opinions of multiple users here to back you up regardless of your faults; I don't. And I see you are obviously using such a reality to somehow divert attention from what you originally did.

That was a disgusting thing you did back then. Oh yes you meant everything you said there AND that is why you are a poser now, here, with all this bullshit you spew in this thread. That insult is  you and your stance. 'Insulting' a female with her gender. You could have said something afterwards, you didn't. You were fine with it.

You also read my post in this thread with the same frame of mind, also with an anger you feel some group of women and answered to me and others with all that. As I told you before in this thread, it's you. All this bullshit is yours.

Call it what you want. You do not deserve my respect.

Actually, I believe this is the 5th (or 6th?) time I "said something" after I said that, so I do not understand how that means I am a poser. I don't apologize for taking a stance on something and minorly offending someone, just like I'm sure you or anybody else wouldn't care if I was minorly offended at what you think or say.

You also read my post in this thread with the same frame of mind, also with an anger you feel some group of women and answered to me and others with all that. As I told you before in this thread, it's you. All this bullshit is yours.

Call it what you want. You do not deserve my respect.

Well.... nah, not really. The last time, I was being attacked by almost an entire forum of users and I talked back, like almost any normal person would do. You chose to get involved, you got burned, deal with it. Do I feel upset for experiencing what you did on a scale probably 100 times worse? No.

As for "all this bullshit" being mine, that seems a rather convenient way for you to relinquish responsibility for what you said. I dislike having to read your posts and put up with your personal abuse with an occasional twist of gender insults. Maybe the entire forum is against me, it doesn't matter to me. I and others want to take part in discussions without dealing with such things.

Finally; as for me not deserving your respect, that means about as much to me as a random stranger on the street who I've never seen in my life not respecting me, which is really nothing at all. I talk to people on this forum and then forget about them almost as soon as I click the 'X' button on my browser. If I don't deserve any of your respect because I stood up to for your abusive ramblings and forum bullying, then that is awesome because it shows I'm obviously doing something right.


You know.. I've read most of this thread a few times and still don't know what this big argument is about. Maybe I just keep hoping the nymphomaniac will knock on my door and it's distracting me from getting into this pissing match.

And stromboli, perhaps you misunderstand what addictive behavior is. It's not necessarily about pleasure. It may begin that way, but often turns destructive.
Take the example of medications, usually pain medication. There's a huge difference between addiction and physical dependency. Example being someone running the streets, is physically dependent on pain killers, but has to steal stuff to get the money for the pain killers even though there is no longer pleasure involved, addiction is a behavioral issue. vs someone like my dad, also physically dependent to pain killers, but his medication is prescribed and controlled. Physical dependency is a physiological issue.

Damned.. I almost made sense there.. Sex addiction may or may not produce pleasure. It's the behavioral issues that cause the problems.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Quote from: drunkenshoe on July 07, 2014, 12:52:58 PM
If you were able to challenge anyone in some way, you would earn some respect. As it is explained to you several times, you don't deserve my respect because of your blatantly sexist insult.

So once again I incur your irrational wrath. Cool. Once again, I'm doing even more things right! I have challenged you consistently, you just do not like it. You have all the traits of an abusive person, where when you are called out for something, you start to attack someone's personality and integrity because you have absolutely NOTHING left. Instead of facing what is being said to you, you lash out at the person making the argument instead of the actual content itself.

About blaming people with forum bullying and abusive behaviour; you just patronised a 13 year old in another thread and declared yourself as the winner of the 'argument', while most posters pointed out how ridiculous your reaction was.

Rofl? I myself said he was 13 as circumstantial humour, if you have any idea what that even means. I myself did not say I was the winner; I believe someone else did. As for "most" posters pointing out how ridiculous my reaction was, there was probably about 1 or 2 - the same people I was talking with in the first place.

QuoteYou have zero self awareness. You are not a bit observant and you have no idea what is going on in the forum. So no, you are not doing anything right. You just keep getting more ridiculous trying to pick up fights here and there.

Yes, I do have self awareness. I am aware of things going on in this forum that I am able to perceive with my senses. Do you know what the five senses are? I don't think you do. So what is your problem here? Yeah, I am doing something right; you seem to still keep replying, defending your abusive position after I told you to stop, even complimenting you a bit along the way. Face it; you're just mad because someone actually confronted you about your abusive, rude behaviour instead of bowing down to you and agreeing with everything you say.


Wow, this is getting ridiculous. You tried to bully two people here and you are upset that I didn't stand for it. Come on. I have no distinct connection with Aroura, it's just the way you talked to them and me also. Just like you refuse to apologize for being nasty to people, I refuse to apologize for resisting your toxic behaviour because you deserve it.

I have spoken with other members here as well and clarified my position on everything. Maybe they agree with what I say. Maybe they just don't want to deal with me. Who knows? But what I do know is that this type of discourse cannot continue. Like I said; I have done my best to cement my positions here. I stand against bullying of other forum members for no reason, including myself, and insulting remarks to genders of any kind. If people don't like me for that, well, good for them I guess????

As for this:

And frosty thinks -because he knows the forum very well!- that he is being a 'hero', calling out my 'rudeness', 'abusive behaviour'. He figured out everything!  Anyway, I told him that I didn't respect him and don't buy his bullshit, that I know his stance on the female gender from a particular insult he made to me.

False. I do not claim to know the entire forum with expertise. I only know what my five senses can perceive, and what my mind can ascertain. I do what I need to do against you to fight abuse, no pretty labels attached. It is what it is. As for you or anybody else not respecting me, that is irrelevant.

I already explained before, if you cared to actually read what I typed, that I oppose discrimination and violence against females in all it's forms. Females close to me before have experienced such things - I do not like it. You take one off-handed remark by me against you 7 months ago and say that is how I feel against females; maybe I should take your dozens, maybe hundreds of remarks against males you consistently make in the forums and chat box and use it against you? I assume you would not like that, yes?

Bottom line is that I won't stand for what you do. Your habit of twisting my words, being discriminatory and bullying other people is awful. I have also confronted other abusive people in the past in this manner; they did not like it, but oh well!!!


So anyways... I've watched the first hour of it, it was pretty good so far. For some reason I never really tied fly fishing and being a nymphomaniac as being all that similar, but they are making a case for it :P.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Quote from: Shiranu on July 08, 2014, 03:01:46 PM
So anyways... I've watched the first hour of it, it was pretty good so far. For some reason I never really tied fly fishing and being a nymphomaniac as being all that similar, but they are making a case for it :P.
A couple days ago, it was still not available at Amazon.  Where did you find it?


Quote from: SGOS on July 09, 2014, 06:32:21 AM
A couple days ago, it was still not available at Amazon.  Where did you find it?

Google :P.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur