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Started by drunkenshoe, June 12, 2014, 03:25:37 AM

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Well look, the US forced the Iraqi army to disband along with the ruling party leaving an untrained and largely unmotivated force while the real army was beaten down, refused work so they go and hook up with the opposition, the same people the US attacked and we wonder why they're such a fighting force. We left billions of dollars worth of war material behind and now apparently all of Bush's fuckups are the fault of Obama. That pretty much it up to now? I know there's more to it, but I'm not a war historian, but the Bush admin cut ALL these deals to get out and installed the puppet Maliki who is strictly sectarian and excluded everyone except his own cronies and thieves.
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St Giordano Bruno

 As I see it, there is one big instigator of this war and that is :axe: Geeeee!  Oh!     Deeeeeee!:axe: a purely faith based initiative
Voltaire - "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities"


The very fact that there is a whole host of anti-gov groups fighting in Iraq is a worrying thing. I checked, and it seems that even old insurgent groups that disbanded after the U.S. occupation are back now. The insurgent advance continues in lightning speed, it's been like this for a few days now. Towns, cities, and military installations are falling like dominoes.

And no, the U.S. should not get involved. Have we not learned anything from this region? Maliki, just like Bashar Al Assad is a sectarian dictator that uses members of his own sect to prop up his own rule. In return, he showers his cronies with privilege and powerful positions. I absolutely, absolutely oppose bombing Iraqi insurgents just so the West can prop up the Shia Bloc that composes Maliki, Iran, Hezbollah and Assad. Not again.


It's a bit late now to say don't get involved. This is like the playground bully beating the fuck out of the little kid and a few years later the little kid grows to be a bigger bully and beats everyone else up so the first bully doesn't want to get involved in cleaning up the mess of the monster he created when he beat the fuck out of the little kid who became a monster.  It's damned if you do and damned if you don't for Obama because the right wing talking head machine is in full finger pointing and history revisionist mode. I truly hope people vote with their children's lives instead of some nationalist bullshit lie the rw chicken hawks want to sell.
All hail my new signature!

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Poison Tree

Well, apparently  Iran is sending in Quds Force from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to help fight ISIS. In the short term this should help stiffen the Iraqi army but it risks further inflaming Shia-Sunni hatred and is more evidence that the major result for the US invasion of Iraq has been to strengthen Iran.
"Observe that noses were made to wear spectacles; and so we have spectacles. Legs were visibly instituted to be breeched, and we have breeches" Voltaire�s Candide


Iran the great Satan...err..boogie man.. I've known quite a few Iranians over the years and found them quite nice folks. I have no beef with them. I did share French fries with one once though.
All hail my new signature!

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Shoe, I hope Turkiye doesn't get dragged into the meat grinder that is Iraq.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Anyone remember when we trained and armed the military, like a million and a half of them, of a country called Viet Nam? What did those "soldiers" do when the North came marching in? Dropped their weapons, shed their uniforms, and ran. It will happen in Afghanistan too, when the time comes, just like Iraq.
???  ??


Democratic Iraq was always some talking point cover story.  I don't think anyone except perhaps the extreme naive ever believed that nonsense.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Quote from: drunkenshoe on June 13, 2014, 07:47:43 AM
When I said it's bigger than before, I meant they are operating far different than other terrorists groups back before the invasions. They gained two other cities and they will get in Bagdat and invade everywhere they can.

And do you really think that they will be left to get control of the oil fields or the area. This has nothing about the failing of the Iraqi state or whatever. What is worth or not worth the price for US? A democratic Iraq? You are kidding, right? Are you still there?

Nope, Iraq has never been democratic as long as I've been alive. There was a bill in parliament to address the Sunni issues, Maliki and his Shia coalition crushed it under the orders of their Iranian masters. Some general reforms, a degree of autonomy, and recognizing Sunnis as human beings with rights would have stopped this crisis before it had any chance of getting started.


Quote from: drunkenshoe on June 13, 2014, 03:25:41 PM
Oi, frosty! Sarcasm. Making fun of American international policy, if you will.

A degree of autonomy, some general reforms...some islamic sect recognising some another as humans, aw.  Before even the 'first world' can, no less. Oh Yeah, because the sect conflicts started just a decade ago and if they could have been stopped just like that, if it wasn't for those Iranian masters, things would change asap. (Sarcasm) By the way, in what year of the 21st century you learned to type the name of these sects again? (Not as in spelling, as in knowing about them)

I keep forgetting your capacity.

Iranian masters!  :doh:

I have no interest in getting involved in a sarcastic forum battle of the wits. Maybe you do, but that's your prerogative. Have fun replying to this.

And what you think of my capacity is of really no interest to me, perhaps people on the forum wouldn't think of you in such crusty terms if you didn't act the way you did. Think about it :)


Quote from: drunkenshoe on June 13, 2014, 03:39:54 PM
which is...?

So I tell you what it is, you give me insults and a general sassy attitude back, then nothing changes. If by this point you don't know what it is then there's no point in me telling you. Of course I'm not always the greatest person but I don't try to push off my problems and negative attitude on other undeserving people.


If only you could act like a proper helpless wallflower and leave the manly thinking to the manly men because Jesus thinks it's a good idea er something like that. :lol:
You know it's unmanly to have a feminine type make a manly man look as if a feminine type knows more. It's a direct threat to penilinity. For shame! :eek:
And DON'T ask me to explain things that make utterly no sense whatsoever. It's unmanly!
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


John McCain is demanding Obama fire his foreign policy team and we go back to never ending war because the MEGATERRORISTSâ,,¢ might do something bad someday!
Ok., McCain is officially insane now.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Quote from: AllPurposeAtheist on June 13, 2014, 05:28:15 PM
John McCain is demanding Obama fire his foreign policy team and we go back to never ending war because the MEGATERRORISTSâ,,¢ might do something bad someday!
Ok., McCain is officially insane now.
McCain needs to fuck himself.  The rest of us are not obligated to entertain him just because he sat out his big chance in a prison camp.