Counter-argument to the free will apologetics

Started by Shol'va, May 27, 2014, 06:30:15 PM

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This isn't about agreeing or disagreeing with your beliefs. Once again you fail to grasp what this discussion is about.


Quote from: Shol'va on May 30, 2014, 02:39:23 PM
This isn't about agreeing or disagreeing with your beliefs. Once again you fail to grasp what this discussion is about.

I was just making a statement saying no has to agree with me and no one will and that's ok... Anyway, I'm well aware what this discussion has been about.


Quote from: PickelledEggs on May 29, 2014, 10:08:18 PM
Clare is one of 2 things. Either a troll, or just to thick skulled to understand how bad her circular logic is.

Even contemporary protestant at least thinks about the things we talk about and is an active listener...

... but Clare.... holy crap, you are dense

Lol I haven't been receiving a civil discussion or respect and contemplated questions together with anyone on here. I've been verbally attacked
for believing what I do. I've been answering questions and sharing my beliefs on issues brought up and being attacked for that as well. Yeah, the
only kind person was Contemporary Protestant.


Quote from: ClareTherese on May 30, 2014, 02:42:24 PM
I was just making a statement saying no has to agree with me and no one will and that's ok... Anyway, I'm well aware what this discussion has been about.

Then answer me this.
If I knock on your door and tell you I have an elixir that will give you perfect health, would you believe me?
If not, would I then be justified in saying "well, ClareTherese, you need to demonstrate to me why what I am saying is not true"?

And once again, stop lying to yourself. You have not been attacked for your beliefs. You have been treated with hostility for taxing our patience in making unsubstantiated assertions about burden of proof and atheism, NUMEROUS TIMES, despite having been explained the basics. Now that I have pointed this out to you, if you repeat what you just said makes you either a liar on an idiot.


Quote from: Shol'va on May 30, 2014, 02:51:07 PM
Then answer me this.
If I knock on your door and tell you I have an elixir that will give you perfect health, would you believe me?
If not, would I then be justified in saying "well, ClareTherese, you need to demonstrate to me why what I am saying is not true"?

And once again, stop lying to yourself. You have not been attacked for your beliefs. You have been treated with hostility for taxing our patience in making unsubstantiated assertions about burden of proof and atheism, NUMEROUS TIMES, despite having been explained the basics. Now that I have pointed this out to you, if you repeat what you just said makes you either a liar on an idiot.

Lol there's another thread and in this one where I am attacked for what I believe. It's obvious.  Now, you already know a believer in God cannot provide the objective evidence you want and can understand. That's why you always were or became an Atheist, Agnostic or Atheist/Agnostic in the first place. Neither of us can provide objective evidence and you don't see me demanding proof from anyone here and calling them "liar", "dipshit", "cuntstain", "dumbass", "condescending", "stupid bitch", etc because they still have proven God's non-existence to me. I can continue hearing basically "There's no historical objective evidence" for the rest of my life and you can hear what I have to say for the rest of your life. I haven't asserted anything on Atheism, omg people. I've been answering questions.

Hijiri Byakuren

Quote from: ClareTherese on May 30, 2014, 03:11:16 PM
Lol there's another thread and in this one where I am attacked for what I believe. It's obvious.  Now, you already know a believer in God cannot provide the objective evidence you want and can understand. That's why you always were or became an Atheist, Agnostic or Atheist/Agnostic in the first place. Neither of us can provide objective evidence and you don't see me demanding proof from anyone here and calling them "liar", "dipshit", "cuntstain", "dumbass", "condescending", "stupid bitch", etc because they still have proven God's non-existence to me. I can continue hearing basically "There's no historical objective evidence" for the rest of my life and you can hear what I have to say for the rest of your life. I haven't asserted anything on Atheism, omg people. I've been answering questions.
Speak when you have something to say, not when you have to say something.

Sargon The Grape - My Youtube Channel


Quote from: ClareTherese on May 30, 2014, 03:11:16 PM
Lol there's another thread and in this one where I am attacked for what I believe. It's obvious.  Now, you already know a believer in God cannot provide the objective evidence you want and can understand. That's why you always were or became an Atheist, Agnostic or Atheist/Agnostic in the first place. Neither of us can provide objective evidence and you don't see me demanding proof from anyone here and calling them "liar", "dipshit", "cuntstain", "dumbass", "condescending", "stupid bitch", etc because they still have proven God's non-existence to me. I can continue hearing basically "There's no historical objective evidence" for the rest of my life and you can hear what I have to say for the rest of your life. I haven't asserted anything on Atheism, omg people. I've been answering questions.

Oh look a christian with a persecution complex... How unique.
Give it a rest. You have been attacked because you actually are an idiot. The general consensus of the argument against you is this:
WE(atheists) don't need to have evidence that god does not exist. There is NO evidence that he does. Without evidence WE see no need to believe.
YOU(theists) are making a claim that god exists by your belief in god. In order for US to believe this claim YOU need to provide evidence.

The existence of god is what you are claiming. You have claimed evidence for this.
Science doesn't give a damn about religions, because "damns" are not measurable units and therefore have no place in research. As soon as it's possible to detect damns, we'll quantize perdition and number all the levels of hell. Until then, science doesn't care.


You know how the guy that inspired Rainman knew practically everything, but he couldn't function on his own? (tie his shoes, get dressed on his own, etc...)

I wonder if Clare is like that, but opposite.


Quote from: Moralnihilist on May 30, 2014, 03:26:10 PM
Oh look a christian with a persecution complex... How unique.
Give it a rest. You have been attacked because you actually are an idiot. The general consensus of the argument against you is this:
WE(atheists) don't need to have evidence that god does not exist. There is NO evidence that he does. Without evidence WE see no need to believe.
YOU(theists) are making a claim that god exists by your belief in god. In order for US to believe this claim YOU need to provide evidence.

The existence of god is what you are claiming. You have claimed evidence for this.

Once again, neither of us can provide objective evidence. Can we move on?


Quote from: ClareTherese on May 30, 2014, 03:11:16 PM
because they still have proven God's non-existence to me.
We are not saying there is no god. We are saying we don't believe a god exists because we have not been provided evidence. But we don't know if one exists or not and we can't know because we are not omniscient.
Some atheists will say YOUR god doesn't exist, and will provide reasons. Could another god still exist? Sure, that's possible.
But by lumping ALL of the different positions of atheism under one roof and thinking that atheism is saying "no gods can exist" is ignorant. This has been explained to you and you still fail to grasp the concept, so that no longer makes you an ignorant, that makes you idiotic.


Quote from: Shol'va on May 30, 2014, 03:48:01 PM
We are not saying there is no god. We are saying we don't believe a god exists because we have not been provided evidence. But we don't know if one exists or not and we can't know because we are not omniscient.
Some atheists will say YOUR god doesn't exist, and will provide reasons. Could another god still exist? Sure, that's possible.
But by lumping ALL of the different positions of atheism under one roof and thinking that atheism is saying "no gods can exist" is ignorant. This has been explained to you and you still fail to grasp the concept, so that no longer makes you an ignorant, that makes you idiotic.

I've talked to a few Atheists on here who said to me "Your God doesn't exist and here are my reasons". Those are who I'm addressing.


Quote from: ClareTherese on May 30, 2014, 03:32:49 PM
Once again, neither of us can provide objective evidence. Can we move on?

Im not making a claim either way. I need no evidence for lack of belief. You are making a claim, you need evidence. I really can't use smaller words.
Science doesn't give a damn about religions, because "damns" are not measurable units and therefore have no place in research. As soon as it's possible to detect damns, we'll quantize perdition and number all the levels of hell. Until then, science doesn't care.


Quote from: ClareTherese on May 30, 2014, 03:50:36 PM
I've talked to a few Atheists on here who said to me "Your God doesn't exist and here are my reasons". Those are who I'm addressing.
And what are some of their reasons?


Quote from: Shol'va on May 30, 2014, 04:13:14 PM
And what are some of their reasons?

You'll find much of them all over this forum for example.