Counter-argument to the free will apologetics

Started by Shol'va, May 27, 2014, 06:30:15 PM

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Quote from: ClareTherese on May 29, 2014, 08:49:23 PM
There's a big enough floor where if someone says there is enough evidence to proof God's non-existence (which I've been told) so that means they share the burden of proof too. I personally can't prove God's existence in the way many would deem concrete. Neither side of the discussion can provide proof at this point in time. I don't see how accepting that and saying "There's so many other things to talk about with Atheists and Agnostics as long as their respectful and civil back." is an escape. So, yes, have a good day to. I'm always open to hearing anything you have to say.

- From our view we see a copious amount of proof that justifies the non-existence of God (or rather his inexistence in this world).
Take a look at the biblical story, Noah's Ark. God blatantly stated that all life was to be wiped from the planet besides Noah, his family, and two of every animal on board. Just from physics alone (and some common sense), this event is entirely improbable. In order for the Earth to fill up entirely with water in 40 days (it rained for 40 days and nights) the impact of the raindrops onto the boat should have shattered it upon incessant impact. It takes a lot of water to completely cover the surface of the Earth (inclusive of its tallest mountains). Not only that, but the dimensions given to us through the Bible (and yes we've readjusted the pre-historic measurements to those of the modern day) for the boat are rather small for containing all of God's animals. Also, where did all the feces go? How did Noah feed his animals? Where did he put the pee? Surely the boat stunk up. And how, for heaven's sake, does God kill the underwater creatures with rain? Surely if God's rain was strong enough to decimate our marine animals with a single impact Noah's boat without a doubt should have collapsed externally.

These details are withheld from us in the Bible, and nearly every Christian I've spoken to has answered in some way: "well maybe God shielded the boat to prevent it from collapsing and helped Noah with the animals." You see, that is where the Christian argument fails to uphold its end of the bargain. In the end it defaults to the idea that God interfered in some way not mentioned in the Bible (yet you would think that making the waste products of animals disappear while simultaneously feeding them all would be a rather interesting fact to leave out in God's collection of holy righteousness) and that's not at all fair to us atheists since you have a trump card that cannot be refuted.
I like to appear in various forms, but my favorite is as a toast.


Quote from: Shol'va on May 29, 2014, 08:57:02 PM
You're right, I can't prove God doesn't exist, but I don't have to. YOU are the one saying "God" exists!
If you were to ask me if I believe God exists, I would first ask you "what do you mean by God? Define God" and then "which God"?
This principle is how courts of law operate. We don't prove innocence. The questions is "guilty" or "not guilty".

I've been saying "I believe God exists" and by that I mean Jesus. God, Jesus the Holy Spirit are one yet seperate.


Quote from: ClareTherese on May 29, 2014, 09:03:54 PM
I've been saying "I believe God exists" and by that I mean Jesus. God, Jesus the Holy Spirit are one yet seperate.
We already know what you believe. You self-identified as Christian. The Holy Trinity is yet another logically incoherent and unintelligible tenet of Christianity upon which not even all Christians agree with being real.


Quote from: Shol'va on May 29, 2014, 09:09:58 PM
We already know what you believe. You self-identified as Christian. The Holy Trinity is yet another logically incoherent and unintelligible tenet of Christianity upon which not even all Christians agree with being real.

I wasn't saying "I believe in God" like you didn't know I did. I meant it as in I didn't come here saying "God exists and you're wrong". I was using the word "believe". Also, I would actually ask you "Do you believe in the possibility of a divine Creator?"


QuoteGod, Jesus the Holy Spirit are one yet seperate.

A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: ClareTherese on May 29, 2014, 09:36:19 PM
I wasn't saying "I believe in God" like you didn't know I did. I meant it as in I didn't come here saying "God exists and you're wrong". I was using the word "believe". Also, I would actually ask you "Do you believe in the possibility of a divine Creator?"

So your purpose here is strictly exploratory in nature. I can understand that. If you want to have a friendly conversation, my suggestion would be to stop making assertions about non-believers, and listen instead of focusing on reinforcing your preconceived notions.


Quote from: Shol'va on May 29, 2014, 09:43:14 PM
So your purpose here is strictly exploratory in nature. I can understand that. If you want to have a friendly conversation, my suggestion would be to stop making assertions about non-believers, and listen instead of focusing on reinforcing your preconceived notions.

I haven't made any assertions. I'm going off of what was said to me.


Hey I wonder where Leo has been... to ask how often this clare character craps and farts?


Quote from: ClareTherese on May 29, 2014, 09:43:56 PM
I haven't made any assertions.
Yes you have. You've made the assertion about the burden of proof being equal, for example.
To ask me or anyone else here why we don't believe or how we came to our disbelief is one thing.
To say that we have EQUAL responsibility to demonstrate that god does not exist is bullshit, and you know it.


... To teach superstitions as truths is the most terrible thing. The child mind accepts and believes them, and only through great pain and perhaps tragedy can they be in after years relieved of them. - Hypatia


Clare is one of 2 things. Either a troll, or just to thick skulled to understand how bad her circular logic is.

Even contemporary protestant at least thinks about the things we talk about and is an active listener...

... but Clare.... holy crap, you are dense


Quote from: ClareTherese on May 29, 2014, 09:03:54 PM
I've been saying "I believe God exists" and by that I mean Jesus. God, Jesus the Holy Spirit are one yet seperate.
A little info on your Trinity there, CT.


Me, myself, and I. You can't explain that either.   :biggrin2: Solitary
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.


:lol: the 3 properties of god starts at 3:20, but I love this whole video haha


Quote from: Shol'va on May 29, 2014, 09:45:45 PM
Yes you have. You've made the assertion about the burden of proof being equal, for example.
To ask me or anyone else here why we don't believe or how we came to our disbelief is one thing.
To say that we have EQUAL responsibility to demonstrate that god does not exist is bullshit, and you know it.v

Oh, about the burden of proof? Yeah, I was stating my belief on that subject. No one has to agree with me on it and not everyone will.