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An apology and a clarification

Started by Contemporary Protestant, April 08, 2014, 12:45:34 AM

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Quote from: Contemporary Protestant on April 08, 2014, 06:24:56 PM

I get the sense you dislike me, and I have to ask why?

Is it because of my religion or something that I have done?
You have your own is not christianity, it is not judasim. It is made up bullshit. Do you think that 800 years ago people thought that genesis was some poem? Do you think they thought it was some metaphorical bull shit? Fuck no, they believed that god made the universe exactly like it says. Why wouldn't they?
But now science has learned that it's bullshit and instead of looking at it and understanding that if one part of 2000 year old shit written by goat herders is bull-shit maybe the rest is bullshit as well. But no, you are the worst type of weeble and wooble and dismiss your very own GODS word and dismiss what he said because science has proven it bullshit. If god is real you are far worse than any atheist, we simply don't believe in a god, but tell your god that he is a mother fuckin liar.

I will let you go now and babble your excuses and mind numbing "thats not what it really means" crap and you can go off and dance the dance of a person so unsure of the existence of your own god that you dismiss his very words. Hell son, for a christian,, you embarrass me.... That is all. I will leave you alone now.
Please read the babble and really read it this time. You have dismissed so much that you are closer to atheism than you are to christianity.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust

Contemporary Protestant

I don't think God is a liar, and Old Earth Creationism, is a legitimate school of thought

Why do you continue to put words in my mouth?

Gawdzilla Sama

Quote from: Contemporary Protestant on April 08, 2014, 06:01:33 PM
When a new translation is made it isn't taken from the previous one, for example the Dead Sea scrolls, translations have become more accurate

I highly doubt the OT would say Jesus wasn't born of a virgin, if I'm not mistaken, it didn't specify in Isaiah, I will do more research and get back to you

I believe that Jesus is a man and he is God, however the statement god-man is incorrect, because of its English connotation, he is not a demigod, he is 100% man and a 100% God, god-man isn't a phrase that I would use to describe it
So, the guy that wished the entire universe into being has to commit a sex crime to one more guy born. Amazing.
We 'new atheists' have a reputation for being militant, but make no mistake  we didn't start this war. If you want to place blame put it on the the religious zealots who have been poisoning the minds of the  young for a long long time."
PZ Myers

Gawdzilla Sama

Quote from: Contemporary Protestant on April 08, 2014, 06:58:48 PM
I don't think God is a liar, and Old Earth Creationism, is a legitimate school of thought
Your imaginary friend created the whole universe. Gotcha.
We 'new atheists' have a reputation for being militant, but make no mistake  we didn't start this war. If you want to place blame put it on the the religious zealots who have been poisoning the minds of the  young for a long long time."
PZ Myers

Contemporary Protestant

Grammar on your previous statement please, I don't understand

Gawdzilla Sama

Quote from: Contemporary Protestant on April 08, 2014, 07:09:39 PM
Grammar on your previous statement please, I don't understand
Nor did I expect you to. That block  you have will prevent cognition.
We 'new atheists' have a reputation for being militant, but make no mistake  we didn't start this war. If you want to place blame put it on the the religious zealots who have been poisoning the minds of the  young for a long long time."
PZ Myers


I see a lot of bottled-up desire to debate somebody, ANYBODY, in this thread :lol:

Contemporary Protestant

How does "So, the guy that wished the entire universe into being has to commit a sex crime to one more guy born. Amazing" make any sense

Gawdzilla Sama

Quote from: Contemporary Protestant on April 08, 2014, 07:16:10 PM
How does "So, the guy that wished the entire universe into being has to commit a sex crime to one more guy born. Amazing" make any sense
We 'new atheists' have a reputation for being militant, but make no mistake  we didn't start this war. If you want to place blame put it on the the religious zealots who have been poisoning the minds of the  young for a long long time."
PZ Myers

Contemporary Protestant

There was no "sex crime" committed and you are missing a verb or something "to one one more guy born" is not a complete thought

Gawdzilla Sama

Quote from: Contemporary Protestant on April 08, 2014, 07:22:41 PM
There was no "sex crime" committed and you are missing a verb or something "to one one more guy born" is not a complete thought
Like I said, that block is fucking with you.
We 'new atheists' have a reputation for being militant, but make no mistake  we didn't start this war. If you want to place blame put it on the the religious zealots who have been poisoning the minds of the  young for a long long time."
PZ Myers


Quote from: Mr.Obvious on April 08, 2014, 12:07:45 PM
Okay, let me just make clear why I was asking. In a different topic, I think, you said you believe in evolution theory and you seemed to be open to fact that the first eve and the first adam actually lived tens of thousands of years apart.
Here's the thing. That goes against a literal interpretation of the OT.
No matter the translation nor the interpretation: it ain't literally true that Adam and Eve lived in a magical garden and were tricked by a talking snake (which lost it's legs) into eating the forbidden fruit.
And if that's not true, that takes away the entire credit behind the original sin. Meaning that the basic reason why God had to let a virgin give birth to himself and then stage a whole lot of commotion just right and fullfill the prophecies from the OT(!) and make sure he was sacrificed to himself, is without any valid reason. It was already without morality or sense, but now there is not even a reason to do this anymore.
The entire premise of Christianity is that you are born in sin, the original sin due to eating the forbidden fruit by an ancestor (which is abhorrent that you can be punished for something like that) and that by believing in Jesus and accepting him as your personal saviour you can be saved. But without original sin, which I don't think exists by the way, that entire concept is flawed from the get-go.
Brilliant reasoning.  Absolutely brilliant.  I'm impressed.


Quote from: Contemporary Protestant on April 08, 2014, 06:24:56 PM

I get the sense you dislike me, and I have to ask why?

Is it because of my religion or something that I have done?
His troll radar is on. That's all. Only time will reveal your true intentions. 
Religion is Bullshit  . The winner of the last person to post wins thread .

Contemporary Protestant

Im not sure I agree with the concept of original sin, I think that if a normal human being can go without sinning their entire life, then fine they are with out sin, and can go to heaven without believing in God

I can assure you, Im not a troll, I will probably be silent for awhile, because I have some thinking to do (y'all asked questions I couldn't answer, which shows I have a lot to learn about my faith and the world around me) but I think this is a great resource for information on atheism and associated topics

Gawdzilla Sama

Seems like your god is getting more and more unnecessary.
We 'new atheists' have a reputation for being militant, but make no mistake  we didn't start this war. If you want to place blame put it on the the religious zealots who have been poisoning the minds of the  young for a long long time."
PZ Myers