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Annoying Things About Religion

Started by Insult to Rocks, January 13, 2014, 11:16:24 PM

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Insult to Rocks

So, since we are so often talking about the big things you hate about religion, I thought it might be a nice change of pace to vent about the little things that merely annoy you about religion.
For me, it's actually something I actually hated as a Catholic, but my atheism has just made it worse: the lack of consideration other people pay to you in conversations about their religion. I don't expect you to necessarily respect my stance on religion, but the least you can do is to stop assuming that everyones' stance is the same as yours'!
For example, anyone who says "what would Jesus do" or something like it during non-religious conversation. No, I don't know  what Jesus would do! I haven't memorized the damn New Testament like you have!
"We must respect the other fellow\'s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart."
-- H. L. Mencken

Poison Tree

Quote from: "Insult to Rocks""what would Jesus do"
Get arrested for speaking in a foreign language while having brown skin
"Observe that noses were made to wear spectacles; and so we have spectacles. Legs were visibly instituted to be breeched, and we have breeches" Voltaire�s Candide


True! I can't stand the subtle strolls to Jesus town.

"So, I didn't get the job I wanted, but they gave me another one instead! Turns out I was more qualified for that one because of the computer classes I took in college."

"Well, god works in mysterious way."

"What? No, I got it because I learned about computers in college. I signed up for those classes, not god, and I paid for them with my own money."

"Thank the lord!"
Quote from: \"sweetjesus\"you cant push a dog into a pond and it turn into a fish-- evolution is rong. Why we still got monkeys?"?
Quote from: \"GurrenLagann\"Can\'t handle criticism? Find another species. \":)\"
"The catholic church is not a force for good, and fuck you for saying so." - Matt Dillahunty
"The holy spirit can\'t hold a pen." -Russel Brand


Though I'm a Christian, my biggest annoyance is the proclivity amongst many Christians to either avoid or simply take too lightly, the need to think more deeply and thoughtfully about their own faith.  In other words, it's all well and good to attend Church, read your Bible, etc... but not being able to even begin to defend your own views with regard to your faith and reality itself is absolutely unconscionable.  Just an irritant from my many years as a follower of Christ.
"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." - C.S. Lewis, Is Theology Poetry? -


More annoying than that is when a Christian is very intelligent, and yet for some reason seems to think that assuming god existed then it would totally be the Christian god, even though no evidence points to that conclusion, in fact just reading their holy book disproves their own assertions, and forces them to search high and low for any way to explain their reasoning, and claims to defend his views as if that's more honorable than being a blind follower.

Deluding yourself with bullshit is not better accepting claims that others give you to be the truth... It's just smarter.
Quote from: \"sweetjesus\"you cant push a dog into a pond and it turn into a fish-- evolution is rong. Why we still got monkeys?"?
Quote from: \"GurrenLagann\"Can\'t handle criticism? Find another species. \":)\"
"The catholic church is not a force for good, and fuck you for saying so." - Matt Dillahunty
"The holy spirit can\'t hold a pen." -Russel Brand


The endless Christian Singles spam I get in my email everyday.
If God is the answer, it must have been a very stupid question.


Quote from: "gomtuu77"Though I'm a Christian, my biggest annoyance is the proclivity amongst many Christians to either avoid or simply take too lightly, the need to think more deeply and thoughtfully about their own faith.  In other words, it's all well and good to attend Church, read your Bible, etc... but not being able to even begin to defend your own views with regard to your faith and reality itself is absolutely unconscionable.
I don't think it's unconscionable.  It's just logically impossible.  You simply say, "I believe it."  If pressed for why, you say, "I don't know."  It's also a show stopper.  It ends the argument and has to be accepted at face value.


I think the biggest things I really dislike about religion depend on which one, as some annoy me in different ways. To speak on more thing about the Muslims is the fact that they are the worst of all of them. I moved away from my home town many years ago when the Islamic population exploded and they all thought we in the community owed them something and at the same time despised anyone that wasn't one of them. Mean while you walk into the bathroom at work and they are washing their balls in the hand sink. They also would take off and pray yet still get their breaks at the designated times. I was in a box mart store once and this nasty bitch was leaving a blood trail having her period because I guess they wont use a sanitary device. That is so fucking disgusting.

As far as the Jews go there wasn't many in the area but the ones I did run across acted like Jewish as a race. So they can all pretty much get grouped together as they all annoy me.

I had a hard enough time listening to the christians, that is the dominate religion of the area would say shit like your going to burn in hell or I will pray for you. Though now I once again live in a generally christian only area, when someone does say something I do not hesitate to say that I am atheist and see what reaction I will get.

I know that I offended many people over the years with sharp comments about their misplaced faith when ever I someone says something about their religious beliefs. Really I don't care if I offend anyone anymore, as I know that people don't understand how much they have offended me. So to wrap this up about what I hate most about religion is when someone brings it up like they are self righteous and have the right to inflict their bullshit faith onto me either by speech or actions.


Quote from: "Insult to Rocks"So, since we are so often talking about the big things you hate about religion, I thought it might be a nice change of pace to vent about the little things that merely annoy you about religion.
For me, it's actually something I actually hated as a Catholic, but my atheism has just made it worse: the lack of consideration other people pay to you in conversations about their religion. I don't expect you to necessarily respect my stance on religion, but the least you can do is to stop assuming that everyones' stance is the same as yours'!
For example, anyone who says "what would Jesus do" or something like it during non-religious conversation. No, I don't know  what Jesus would do! I haven't memorized the damn New Testament like you have!
Christians annoy me when they assume that even though you don't believe as they do that you should obey and hold their religion above everything else.
For example: Some kid I know was complaining to me that he had to go to church on a Wednesday night. I responded with "what a colossal waste of time." A neighbor (tea party nutcase) immediately butted in and said that I can't say that. I said "1 mind your own business, and 2 I can say what ever I want to whom I want anywhere I want and when I want. and 3 It IS a total waste of time!"
This teabagger and I have run ins before and he knew that there was nothing he could do or say!


The effect that it has on law. Look at abortion restrictions, gay marriage bans, and so much more.

Only good things I can think of at the moment are Sundays off and Christmas as a holiday.
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful." - Seneca

St Giordano Bruno

All those annoying Christmas carols at Christmas time in supermakets and department stores; what would Jesus do about that?
Voltaire - "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities"


Another thing that annoys me is that Christians don't live how they dictate how one should live. My neighborhood is a good example. The most outspoken Christians here have what I call a "redneck garage." And everyday in those garages they sit around get drunk and high and spew racial and homophobic rants. They think that they sober up enough to make to their mega church once a week makes them the best people in the world. As soon as church is over they are back with vengeance getting plastered and spewing hate.


I don't like the phrase "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven." Such a supercilious comment.


I am annoyed that I ever fell for it.  Such a scam.  And a scam on a terrible level bc you will never figure out after you die, that some finger pointing bible thumping preacher took your money, and then left you to die alone forever in a cold casket.
If you don't chew big red then FUCK YOU!


How almost every white person in the south thinks that if Jesus were alive today, he would be a tobacco chewing, fox new watching, hard core conservative, gun toting, beer chugging, deer hunting, good ole boy with a jacked up 4x4 chevy.

How the few xtian friends I have that know i don't believe in god/gods, take little digs at me from time to time.
Example, and this happens weekly from the same person. "Did you see Bill O'Really last night on fox? He owned a gay supporter."
Knowing full well I despise fox and Bill and I also support LGBT!
Rub my feet