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Ted Cruz for President

Started by FrankDK, December 11, 2013, 08:19:24 PM

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Quote from: "mykcob4"
Quote from: "Jason_Harvestdancer"
Quote from: "mykcob4"To say that Republicans don't believe in government is to say that you believe what a politician says, especially when the politician's words and actions disagree.

And don't try to weasel out of my pointing out that your name calling is inconsistent with your telling people to grow up by saying it is hypocritical for me to point out that it is hypocritical.  That's a very silly version of "I'm rubber you're glue", and there's nothing hypocritical about pointing out hypocrisy.
1) Don't ever perceive that you have the authority or even the ability to tell me what to do.
2) So you consider me a hypocrite or hypocritical, well I have the same concept of you on occassion. I wasn't playing a school yard game of "I'm rubber and you're glue..." as you say. I was stating the obvious and that is to say watch your own house, mine is just fine.
Now to the issue of the differences of ideology and action of the two parties.
Repukes have been saying "government is the problem" for decades now. It is something that has been fed and taught to them by huge corrupt corporations. It manefested itself with "W" when he appointed Phil Graham's wife Katharine to head the SEC. Which by design she not only gutted but prevented the bureau from doing it's job. There was virtually no oversight or regulation of the finance industry. This inturn led to the financial meltdown that we are recovering from now. It was no small coencidence that Phil Graham was a lobbiest for a Swiss bank which was at the center of corruption and bad financial practices that included overvalue of stocks, shady speculation investments, among other things.
What the repukes want is to end entitlements, and the safety net. They want to end evironmental protection, workplace safety regulations, consummer protection, corporate taxes, income taxes, benefits for workers, worker organizing, pollution laws and everything that is meant to benefit, provide equal oppertunity for, and protect the individual average person in the USA. They want to limit voting. I'm sure that they would end voting altogether if they could get away with it.
The type of government they do want is a huge military that protects and ACQUIRES assets in foriegn territories and eliminates any obstruction to their corrupt world domination ideology. They want to enslave workers, eliminate individual rights, sway prejudice and injustice against gays and minorities all in the name of socalled "free enterprize." They keep fighting the Civil War because  States Rights is the buzz word meaning they don't want to obey the Constitution of the United States of America. They have it in their mind that each state has authority over the Fed because that would allow each state to employ unconstitutional practices. They call it "free compitition."
Morons buy into this ideological propaganda because the repukes have used False Patriotism and religion as tools to muddle the minds of the people that they keep uneducated, ilinformed, and brainwashed. Large corrupt corporations fund these efforts because it is in their best interest to evade prosecution for their crimes. Ted Cruz is the latest face of this effort. He shut down the government for a time and the entire tea party was elated. Only the financial failures on Wall Street ended Cruz's effort to bring down the government.
Look what is on the target list of the repukes:
Public Education, Community College, PBS & NPR, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, The Enviromental Protection Agency, HUD, OSHA, FEMA, National Parks & Wildlife Service, IRS, Workers Unions, Gay rights, The Equal Rights Amendment, The Voting Rights Act of 1965, Womens Rights, Abortion Rights, Patients Rights, The Civil Rights Act, The 15th Amendment, The Establishment & Commerce Clauses of the US Constitution, and many many more. Rick Perry couldn't name them in a debate but they are all firmly on the list.
Either overtly or by subverssive means this is the goal of the republican party. So yes I call them repukes.
The Democratic Party is FOR the rights of the individual, for equal oppertunity for all, for protection of people and the envoronment, for helping people in need.
There is a huge difference in the two parties.
How each party tries to acheive their goals at times may be simular but they aren't the same, not in the least bit.

Excellent post.

Everyone in America should print this out and paste it on their fridge as a reminder of who put this country on a self-inflicted path, and the only way to get out of this nightmare is to make sure that the GOP is completely out of office. Hopefully by then, the Democrats will be able to get back SCOTUS and reverse the most poisonous decision ever made, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which basically equated freedom of speech to money spent on elections. This has squashed all hopes of ever getting campaign election reform. Also because of that, the Democratic party has no other option but to play the game - a game rigged by the GOP and a Republican-dominated SCOTUS - in getting money from the big corporation.

To the idiots who equate the two parties because they both get financed from big corporations, wake the fuck up. The GOP has played a good number on you. If you don't vote for the Democrats, either by abstaining or voting for a third party, you are enabling the GOP to continue their stranglehold on the electorate, and you are just as guilty as the right wing idiots for the mess we are in.


Thumpalumpacus, these guys are obviously never going to change how they behave because they actually think that behaving how they are after someone tells them not to means they are proving a point  :lol: . They are always going to be rude, and see things in binary partisan terms, and unless an admin wants to spank them silly you just have to accept their rants.


Quote from: "frosty"Thumpalumpacus, these guys are obviously never going to change how they behave because they actually think that behaving how they are after someone tells them not to means they are proving a point  :lol: . They are always going to be rude, and see things in binary partisan terms, and unless an admin wants to spank them silly you just have to accept their rants.
Rude? Really? Spank them silly? How rude are you? Rants? Really? Just because I don't view the parties as being the same doesn't mean that my opinion and statements of my opinion are rants. There is ample prove that what I posted is indeed fact.
Come on Frosty.


Quote from: "frosty"I don't believe Mr.Cruz is eligible either way for the Presidency due to his birth origins. Also, Jason has a point, partisan discussions are hostile enough without calling people silly names. If the admins are going to enforce the rules against Theist trolls then they should also enforce the rules against Atheist troublemakers as well. The rules are for everybody to follow, after all.
Actually Cruz is eligible to be elected president as was and for the same reason McCain was. Cruz was born to a US citizen, his mother and at birth he was declared dual citizenship. Under the Constitution is is valid as a natural born citizen.


Quote from: "mykcob4"
Quote from: "frosty"Thumpalumpacus, these guys are obviously never going to change how they behave because they actually think that behaving how they are after someone tells them not to means they are proving a point  :lol: . They are always going to be rude, and see things in binary partisan terms, and unless an admin wants to spank them silly you just have to accept their rants.
Rude? Really? Spank them silly? How rude are you? Rants? Really? Just because I don't view the parties as being the same doesn't mean that my opinion and statements of my opinion are rants. There is ample prove that what I posted is indeed fact.
Come on Frosty.

Lol I was paraphrasing some other user that said that in the 'comparative trolling' thread I think. It just seems that people here need to relax, seriously. Constant partisan arguments with name calling and insults doesn't help anybody. What's disappointing is that when I joined here this forum seemed completely free of not only petty name calling but partisan insults as well. The behavior of some users is driving other people away. I just don't understand why all of a sudden, now, people are being so nasty to each other. Everyone here knows exactly what they are doing. As a semi-new user myself, and speaking for all the new people, it turns them off when they come here and either see new users getting insulted or they get insulted themselves.

You can continue to do whatever you want, which you probably will. But if I have any influence to make people relax then I will use it.


Quote from: "frosty"
Quote from: "mykcob4"
Quote from: "frosty"Thumpalumpacus, these guys are obviously never going to change how they behave because they actually think that behaving how they are after someone tells them not to means they are proving a point  :lol: . They are always going to be rude, and see things in binary partisan terms, and unless an admin wants to spank them silly you just have to accept their rants.
Rude? Really? Spank them silly? How rude are you? Rants? Really? Just because I don't view the parties as being the same doesn't mean that my opinion and statements of my opinion are rants. There is ample prove that what I posted is indeed fact.
Come on Frosty.

Lol I was paraphrasing some other user that said that in the 'comparative trolling' thread I think. It just seems that people here need to relax, seriously. Constant partisan arguments with name calling and insults doesn't help anybody. What's disappointing is that when I joined here this forum seemed completely free of not only petty name calling but partisan insults as well. The behavior of some users is driving other people away. I just don't understand why all of a sudden, now, people are being so nasty to each other. Everyone here knows exactly what they are doing. As a semi-new user myself, and speaking for all the new people, it turns them off when they come here and either see new users getting insulted or they get insulted themselves.

You can continue to do whatever you want, which you probably will. But if I have any influence to make people relax then I will use it.
I don't think that I called anyone names on this thread. Although I may have called Sab a name in a heated response. I certainly didn't call you any names nor have I been rude to you. You seemed to have chimed in with a haphazard attempt at semi-attacking Joseph an I. That is unfortunate.
I don't think that you are really trying to relax anyone. From what I see you have sided and expressing unflattering comments at what may be the other side. That also is unfortunate.


Quote from: "mykcob4"I don't think that I called anyone names on this thread. Although I may have called Sab a name in a heated response. I certainly didn't call you any names nor have I been rude to you. You seemed to have chimed in with a haphazard attempt at semi-attacking Joseph an I. That is unfortunate.
I don't think that you are really trying to relax anyone. From what I see you have sided and expressing unflattering comments at what may be the other side. That also is unfortunate.

If that's what you think that is also unfortunate, but in the end I don't care. I know what my intentions are, and like I said, I'm betting that you, joseph and a bunch of other people are simply going to continue how you are behaving because you all think you are proving some type of point. I truly meant well. Best regards mykcob4.


Quote from: "frosty"
Quote from: "mykcob4"
Quote from: "frosty"Thumpalumpacus, these guys are obviously never going to change how they behave because they actually think that behaving how they are after someone tells them not to means they are proving a point  :lol: . They are always going to be rude, and see things in binary partisan terms, and unless an admin wants to spank them silly you just have to accept their rants.
Rude? Really? Spank them silly? How rude are you? Rants? Really? Just because I don't view the parties as being the same doesn't mean that my opinion and statements of my opinion are rants. There is ample prove that what I posted is indeed fact.
Come on Frosty.

Lol I was paraphrasing some other user that said that in the 'comparative trolling' thread I think. It just seems that people here need to relax, seriously. Constant partisan arguments with name calling and insults doesn't help anybody. What's disappointing is that when I joined here this forum seemed completely free of not only petty name calling but partisan insults as well. The behavior of some users is driving other people away. I just don't understand why all of a sudden, now, people are being so nasty to each other. Everyone here knows exactly what they are doing. As a semi-new user myself, and speaking for all the new people, it turns them off when they come here and either see new users getting insulted or they get insulted themselves.

You can continue to do whatever you want, which you probably will. But if I have any influence to make people relax then I will use it.

Frosty, you're not a paragon of virtues. Here's a sample of your recent posts:

( my underlining)

Quote'Duck Dynasty' represents a large segment of the American population, which you referred to as hicks and "3-toothed oakies", that damn well know that they are on the wrong side of history and that the time has come for them to change. So, what do they do? Like most humans in history, they fully entrench themselves in their existing beliefs and they refuse to give in. It has gotten to a point where this segment of the population is literally a stain on American democracy.


QuoteWow, now I feel sorry for that guy in high school that got suspended because he argued with a teacher about how math in general is an accepted human creation. Never question anything outside the box in a Catholic high school, they will go Medieval on your ass in a heartbeat.


QuoteYou die because you are the same organic matter as everything else that exists and has life.... you are just so scared of death you blindly accept what someone tells you so you can feel better about yourself when you die.


QuoteTo be honest I just don't get why you are taking such an interest into what I have to say here. My first post was meant as somewhat of a reflection/statement, I didn't expect you to delve into the topic of me arguing with a bunch of random fucktards anywhere from 2-5 years ago.

Name-callings, putdowns and denigrating are part of life. Grow a pair. And there's no need to get on a high-horse of morality.

Jason Harvestdancer

Quote from: "josephpalazzo"
Quote from: "mykcob4"
Quote from: "josephpalazzo"I always find that pathetic when some idiot equates these two parties. There is doubt that Democrats have a long list of faults, but the Republicans don't believe in government, that's a credo in their platform, and so when they have power, their main goal is make government weak, corrupt and incompetent - known as bleed the beast. Of course the idiots who don't see or too blind to see fall line, hook and sinker for that scam.
Truth. The repukes have been touting the same old lie "that government is the problem" since before Reagan. I wonder why they bother to run for office if they really believe that line.

It's like someone who says, I don't believe in religion, and then becomes a priest?!? Now, one can say anything and do exactly the opposite of what one says. And this is also true for all politicians. But then when people vote for politicians whose words are totally disconnected from their actions, that speaks loudly about the mentality of the electorate in this country.

Who says the Republican voters believe the lie either?  Both sides have their lines they are supposed to repeat, and both sides repeat the lines exactly as they are supposed to.

Quote from: "mykcob4"
Quote from: "Jason_Harvestdancer"To say that Republicans don't believe in government is to say that you believe what a politician says, especially when the politician's words and actions disagree.

And don't try to weasel out of my pointing out that your name calling is inconsistent with your telling people to grow up by saying it is hypocritical for me to point out that it is hypocritical.  That's a very silly version of "I'm rubber you're glue", and there's nothing hypocritical about pointing out hypocrisy.
1) Don't ever perceive that you have the authority or even the ability to tell me what to do.

So you are telling me I'm not allowed to point out that you are being a hypocrite.  While accusing me of telling you what to do.  Fascinating.

Quote from: "mykcob4"2) So you consider me a hypocrite or hypocritical, well I have the same concept of you on occassion. I wasn't playing a school yard game of "I'm rubber and you're glue..." as you say. I was stating the obvious and that is to say watch your own house, mine is just fine.

Yes.  On the one hand you are accusing people of being immature, and on the other hand you are using juvenile pejoratives.  Either you are aware of your hypocrisy or you aren't aware of your hypocrisy.  Your tantrum now indicates the latter.

Oh, and by the way, for all the things you keep saying the Republicans are against (due to speeches but not actions, never actions) how many of them did they get rid of when they controlled congress and the presidency 2003-2006?

Who are you going to believe, their words or your lying eyes?  You're reciting your lines exactly as you are required to.  Gods help you if you actually believe the lines.

What a truly inane rant.  Only a moron could possibly consider it "excellent" or anything like that.
White privilege is being a lifelong racist, then being sent to the White House twice because your running mate is a minority.<br /><br />No Biden, no KKK, no Fascist USA!


Quote from: "josephpalazzo"Name-callings, putdowns and denigrating are part of life. Grow a pair. And there's no need to get on a high-horse of morality.

Alright you shithead, I'll grow a pair then.

See what I did there?  =D> Basically the same as what I said you guys did, I just don't have as much arrogance behind it as you do. I'll await your next reply of self-assurance and inability to take responsibility for your actions. I know you will reply that way. Prove me right!  :lol:


Quote from: "Jason_Harvestdancer"So you are telling me I'm not allowed to point out that you are being a hypocrite.  While accusing me of telling you what to do.  Fascinating.

Quote from: "mykcob4"2) So you consider me a hypocrite or hypocritical, well I have the same concept of you on occassion. I wasn't playing a school yard game of "I'm rubber and you're glue..." as you say. I was stating the obvious and that is to say watch your own house, mine is just fine.

Yes.  On the one hand you are accusing people of being immature, and on the other hand you are using juvenile pejoratives.  Either you are aware of your hypocrisy or you aren't aware of your hypocrisy.  Your tantrum now indicates the latter.

Oh, and by the way, for all the things you keep saying the Republicans are against (due to speeches but not actions, never actions) how many of them did they get rid of when they controlled congress and the presidency 2003-2006?

Who are you going to believe, their words or your lying eyes?  You're reciting your lines exactly as you are required to.  Gods help you if you actually believe the lines.

What a truly inane rant.  Only a moron could possibly consider it "excellent" or anything like that.
What a bunch of crap jason. I never went on a tantrum and my post isn't a rant. Yours is and it's clear that you have a problem with my point of view. You're intitled to your opiniuon but my post isn't a rant simple because it doesn't agree with yours.


Quote from: "frosty"
Quote from: "mykcob4"I don't think that I called anyone names on this thread. Although I may have called Sab a name in a heated response. I certainly didn't call you any names nor have I been rude to you. You seemed to have chimed in with a haphazard attempt at semi-attacking Joseph an I. That is unfortunate.
I don't think that you are really trying to relax anyone. From what I see you have sided and expressing unflattering comments at what may be the other side. That also is unfortunate.

If that's what you think that is also unfortunate, but in the end I don't care. I know what my intentions are, and like I said, I'm betting that you, joseph and a bunch of other people are simply going to continue how you are behaving because you all think you are proving some type of point. I truly meant well. Best regards mykcob4.
As if you have the authority to "judge" behavior. Try again frosty.

Jason Harvestdancer

Quote from: "mykcob4"
Quote from: "Jason_Harvestdancer"So you are telling me I'm not allowed to point out that you are being a hypocrite.  While accusing me of telling you what to do.  Fascinating.

Quote from: "mykcob4"2) So you consider me a hypocrite or hypocritical, well I have the same concept of you on occassion. I wasn't playing a school yard game of "I'm rubber and you're glue..." as you say. I was stating the obvious and that is to say watch your own house, mine is just fine.

Yes.  On the one hand you are accusing people of being immature, and on the other hand you are using juvenile pejoratives.  Either you are aware of your hypocrisy or you aren't aware of your hypocrisy.  Your tantrum now indicates the latter.

Oh, and by the way, for all the things you keep saying the Republicans are against (due to speeches but not actions, never actions) how many of them did they get rid of when they controlled congress and the presidency 2003-2006?

Who are you going to believe, their words or your lying eyes?  You're reciting your lines exactly as you are required to.  Gods help you if you actually believe the lines.

What a truly inane rant.  Only a moron could possibly consider it "excellent" or anything like that.
What a bunch of crap jason. I never went on a tantrum and my post isn't a rant.

So it is a lack of self-awareness.  I understand why you don't see your tantrum as a tantrum and your rant as a rant.
White privilege is being a lifelong racist, then being sent to the White House twice because your running mate is a minority.<br /><br />No Biden, no KKK, no Fascist USA!


Quote from: "frosty"
Quote from: "josephpalazzo"Name-callings, putdowns and denigrating are part of life. Grow a pair. And there's no need to get on a high-horse of morality.

Alright you shithead, I'll grow a pair then.

See what I did there?  =D> Basically the same as what I said you guys did, I just don't have as much arrogance behind it as you do. I'll await your next reply of self-assurance and inability to take responsibility for your actions. I know you will reply that way. Prove me right!  :lol:

Well, at least I throw a few of those when it's merited. In this case, i guess if I deserve it it's only because I called you out.  :twisted:

Jason Harvestdancer

Quote from: "josephpalazzo"
Quote from: "frosty"
Quote from: "josephpalazzo"Name-callings, putdowns and denigrating are part of life. Grow a pair. And there's no need to get on a high-horse of morality.

Alright you shithead, I'll grow a pair then.

See what I did there?  =D> Basically the same as what I said you guys did, I just don't have as much arrogance behind it as you do. I'll await your next reply of self-assurance and inability to take responsibility for your actions. I know you will reply that way. Prove me right!  :lol:

Well, at least I throw a few of those when it's merited. In this case, i guess if I deserve it it's only because I called you out.  :twisted:

So you think it is merited every time you receive anything less than absolute unquestioning agreement.
White privilege is being a lifelong racist, then being sent to the White House twice because your running mate is a minority.<br /><br />No Biden, no KKK, no Fascist USA!