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Ted Cruz for President

Started by FrankDK, December 11, 2013, 08:19:24 PM

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The reason why the two parties are essentially the same is that they are both corporatist lobbyists who don't give two shits rubbed together about our rights, jobs, or economic prospects so long as the big companies are making money hand over fist.  Don't believe that?  Look how Obama sandbagged gays on marriage rights for years; look at how he has continued Bush's policies on Gitmo, NSA, Patriot Act, and other rights-related issues; look at how both parties do nothing at all to keep middle-class jobs in this country, when by working tax laws they could ensure that companies doing business here be required to employ here.

If pointing out those facts makes me an uninformed person in the eyes of some guy online, hey, I've heard worse, from better folk.

The difference between them boils down to window dressing.  They agree to argue about abortion rights after the matter has already been settled by SCOTUS ... i.e. dog-and-pony show.
<insert witty aphorism here>


Quote from: "Thumpalumpacus"The reason why the two parties are essentially the same is that they are both corporatist lobbyists who don't give two shits rubbed together about our rights, jobs, or economic prospects so long as the big companies are making money hand over fist.  Don't believe that?  Look how Obama sandbagged gays on marriage rights for years; look at how he has continued Bush's policies on Gitmo, NSA, Patriot Act, and other rights-related issues; look at how both parties do nothing at all to keep middle-class jobs in this country, when by working tax laws they could ensure that companies doing business here be required to employ here.

If pointing out those facts makes me an uninformed person in the eyes of some guy online, hey, I've heard worse, from better folk.

The difference between them boils down to window dressing.  They agree to argue about abortion rights after the matter has already been settled by SCOTUS ... i.e. dog-and-pony show.

Agreed. Obama clearly stated he would close Gitmo. It is not only still open it has more occupants than previously. NSA actions were redoubled under Obama. Bush policies have been kept and continued, from tax policies to drone wars.  Also now it appears that we will be involved in Afghanistan for the forseeable future. It is pretty hard to rationalize that congressmen are working on our behalf when nearly all of them are millionaires and being continually funded by big business.


Quote from: "stromboli"
Quote from: "Thumpalumpacus"The reason why the two parties are essentially the same is that they are both corporatist lobbyists who don't give two shits rubbed together about our rights, jobs, or economic prospects so long as the big companies are making money hand over fist.  Don't believe that?  Look how Obama sandbagged gays on marriage rights for years; look at how he has continued Bush's policies on Gitmo, NSA, Patriot Act, and other rights-related issues; look at how both parties do nothing at all to keep middle-class jobs in this country, when by working tax laws they could ensure that companies doing business here be required to employ here.

If pointing out those facts makes me an uninformed person in the eyes of some guy online, hey, I've heard worse, from better folk.

The difference between them boils down to window dressing.  They agree to argue about abortion rights after the matter has already been settled by SCOTUS ... i.e. dog-and-pony show.

Agreed. Obama clearly stated he would close Gitmo. It is not only still open it has more occupants than previously. NSA actions were redoubled under Obama. Bush policies have been kept and continued, from tax policies to drone wars.  Also now it appears that we will be involved in Afghanistan for the forseeable future. It is pretty hard to rationalize that congressmen are working on our behalf when nearly all of them are millionaires and being continually funded by big business.
Obama doesn't have the power to close Gitmo. It takes a Congressional order to do so. The president can't close bases with even an executive order to do so. The NSA is under JOINT direction not just the executive branch which is in my mind a violation of the Constitution. While in my career I was directed to work under the NSA once, and it was a dark and dangerous fucked up job. Congressmen in and out. Corporate executives hanging around. Foriegn nationals that you haven't a clue making directives. You never who your boss was going to be form one moment to the next. One thing for sure about the NSA the FBI, Secret Service, CIA all hate and are extremely suspicious of the NSA. Under Chaney the NSA basically over the military. Jsoc was the only thing that got the control out of the NSA hands and back to theatre command.
As far as drones go Congress wants it more than the military or the president.
You are going to have to dislodge a bunch of repukes and GOP lobbiest to stop the drone strikes.
Remember the NEOconservatives have an agenda of perpetual war and a first strike policy that benefit large corrupt corporations. They need a boogie man which is why they never wanted to kill Bin Ladin.
Just like the repukes need Obama so they can perpetuate racism fear and hate to fuel their propaganda.


Oh dear. More juvenile nonsense about 'repukes' when will people grow up? You behave JUST LIKE idiot right wingers who talk about Dumborats.

Obama is a failure. His healthcare is a failure and here is why.  Americans already pay enough taxes into government healthcare that in any other OECD country would pay for a full socialised medical program so EVERYONE would have access to a free, at the point of delivery, health care system. The US health department budget per capita his higher than Japan, the UK, France, Germany and Italy and ALL these countries have socialised medicine. The USA spends more government money per capita and only gets medicare, medicaid and veterans benefits. Obama hasn't even told the country this. So why can all these OECD countries get socialised medicine but Americans pay twice-once for the health department and THEN AGAIN for medical that has massively increased for most people. Why hasn;t Obama addressed it?

What is so great about making people pay twice AND THEN SOME! If Obama was any good he would have taken on the AMA, the unions, the Drug companies  and the Insurance companies as every other OECD country did 60 years ago. or maybe the real reason is that OBAMA is ONLY in power because he was put there by the people who want to keep ripping Americans off. Obama had no experience of government, was only a junior senator and was never a governor, house leader or senior senator -like every other president.

ALl that happened was that big money who were afraid of Hilary Clinton, who might actually change things, so they got a completely new face, told people they could show how non racist they were for voting for a black guy, they got a person with no morals at all (as he showed in Chicago and his alliance with reverend wright) who was a fairly good speaker but had no actual abvility to get anything done so they could just tell him what to do. The result? Billions spent propping up the highly incompetent detroit vehicle industry, no end to wars abroad (actually an increase in drone strike) No end to Guantanamo bay, a shit medical system so that the hig money still makes a fortune of insurance.

Obaba has increased racial strife in the USA. I am black so such things affect me directly. He said he was going to be a unifier- the opposite was true. he employed the Racist Eric holder.  His interference in Zimmerman/Martin was a disgrace. When Obama was first elected Europeans loved him now they just realise he is another incompetent egomaniac asshole.

There hasn't been a good President since Bill Clinton, hopefully, if People haven't been turned off by Obama's lying Bill's wife will clean up the Mess otherwise you have 8 years of republican government to look forward to and if you are lucky it might just be Chris Christie.

Hijiri Byakuren

Quote from: "sab"There hasn't been a good President since John F. Kennedy
Speak when you have something to say, not when you have to say something.

Sargon The Grape - My Youtube Channel


Quote from: "Hijiri Byakuren"
Quote from: "sab"There hasn't been a good President since John F. Kennedy

What was so great about Kennedy? To be fair he wasn;t in long enough to do much but he managed to bring the USA into Vietnam which isn;t exactly a plus point.

Clinton was a damned good president and ,frankly, so was Reagan. Bush jr, Carter and Obama have been useless. Ford,LBJ and Bush sr no real opinion either way.


Quote from: "sab"There hasn't been a good President since Bill Clinton, hopefully, if People haven't been turned off by Obama's lying Bill's wife will clean up the Mess otherwise you have 8 years of republican government to look forward to and if you are lucky it might just be Chris Christie.
I kind of like Obama.  He's intelligent, fairly well spoken, and creates a good image.  But Obamacare, which keeps being referred to his signature achievement, is mostly a way to funnel tax dollars to corporate America.  Some will be helped, of course, but at great expense to others as insurance companies continue to be the biggest winners.  We will spend years tweaking it, because the Democrats would lose face by moving on to something more cost effective after they all rallied behind it and fought so hard to get it.  I doubt that Hillary would step in a solve the problem either.  Right now, there's too much face to lose for the Democrats, and I don't think Hillary wants to step in and redo the thing from the ground up.

Can you imagine the Democrats saying, "You know this thing is not the healthcare most people wanted.  We need to start the process all over again."??  It was too much work and too costly a fight to restart the process.  It will be the enduring legacy of the Obama administration, and one more step in the direction of achieving even greater corporate control of the government, where tax payers get pinched and the gap between rich and poor (and the middle class) continues to widen.


Quote from: "SGOS"I kind of like Obama.  He's intelligent, fairly well spoken, and creates a good image.  But Obamacare, which keeps being referred to his signature achievement, is mostly a way to funnel tax dollars to corporate America.  Some will be helped, of course, but at great expense to others as insurance companies continue to be the biggest winners.  We will spend years tweaking it, because the Democrats would lose face by moving on to something more cost effective after they all rallied behind it and fought so hard to get it.  I doubt that Hillary would step in a solve the problem either.  Right now, there's too much face to lose for the Democrats, and I don't think Hillary wants to step in and redo the thing from the ground up.

Can you imagine the Democrats saying, "You know this thing is not the healthcare most people wanted.  We need to start the process all over again."??  It was too much work and too costly a fight to restart the process.  It will be the enduring legacy of the Obama administration, and one more step in the direction of achieving even greater corporate control of the government, where tax payers get pinched and the gap between rich and poor (and the middle class) continues to widen.

It was the best that Obama could do with a Republican Congress that had vowed at the time to make him a one-term president. When the ACA was passed, not one Republican congressman voted for it, even though the ACA was based on an initial proposal by Newt Gingrich in the 1990's, and then implemented by Romney in the 2000's in Massachussets, both are Republicans. Go figure. I'm pretty sure that most Democrats are in favor of a single payer, but that's completely out of reach.


Quote from: "sab"Oh dear. More juvenile nonsense about 'repukes' when will people grow up? You behave JUST LIKE idiot right wingers who talk about Dumborats.

Obama is a failure. His healthcare is a failure and here is why.  Americans already pay enough taxes into government healthcare that in any other OECD country would pay for a full socialised medical program so EVERYONE would have access to a free, at the point of delivery, health care system. The US health department budget per capita his higher than Japan, the UK, France, Germany and Italy and ALL these countries have socialised medicine. The USA spends more government money per capita and only gets medicare, medicaid and veterans benefits. Obama hasn't even told the country this. So why can all these OECD countries get socialised medicine but Americans pay twice-once for the health department and THEN AGAIN for medical that has massively increased for most people. Why hasn;t Obama addressed it?

What is so great about making people pay twice AND THEN SOME! If Obama was any good he would have taken on the AMA, the unions, the Drug companies  and the Insurance companies as every other OECD country did 60 years ago. or maybe the real reason is that OBAMA is ONLY in power because he was put there by the people who want to keep ripping Americans off. Obama had no experience of government, was only a junior senator and was never a governor, house leader or senior senator -like every other president.

ALl that happened was that big money who were afraid of Hilary Clinton, who might actually change things, so they got a completely new face, told people they could show how non racist they were for voting for a black guy, they got a person with no morals at all (as he showed in Chicago and his alliance with reverend wright) who was a fairly good speaker but had no actual abvility to get anything done so they could just tell him what to do. The result? Billions spent propping up the highly incompetent detroit vehicle industry, no end to wars abroad (actually an increase in drone strike) No end to Guantanamo bay, a shit medical system so that the hig money still makes a fortune of insurance.

Obaba has increased racial strife in the USA. I am black so such things affect me directly. He said he was going to be a unifier- the opposite was true. he employed the Racist Eric holder.  His interference in Zimmerman/Martin was a disgrace. When Obama was first elected Europeans loved him now they just realise he is another incompetent egomaniac asshole.

There hasn't been a good President since Bill Clinton, hopefully, if People haven't been turned off by Obama's lying Bill's wife will clean up the Mess otherwise you have 8 years of republican government to look forward to and if you are lucky it might just be Chris Christie.
BLAH BLAH BLAH another senseless rant by you filled with lies and repuke buzz words.
1) GM is now the number 1 auto company in the world based on sales and profit. so you lied there.
2) Obama did spread the word about how other industrialized nations have a better more efficeint healthcare system, but the REPUKES won't accept that calling it the "nanny state" etc...! So Obama has to impliment the best possible system for the people that he can get. Which he has done.
3) ACA is a success which I have already provided prove for.
4) Under Obama taxes haven't gone up one iota. They have actually gone DOWN.
5) Eric Holder isn't in the least bit racist. There isn't a shred of evidence that he is or ever has been.
6) "Obaba" Talk about juvenille behavior!!!!!
7) Insurance has not gone up and not even close to drastically.
8) The only devise people in this nation since Obama has been elected are the tea party racist morons and the repukes. So you can quit lying about that also!
9) I have NO idea where you are getting that Obama is immoral. That is absurd.
So Sab you have spewed alot of nonsense and bullshit, haven't proven a damned thing except that you're an angry little troll, and have rejected PROOF that has hit you squarely in the face.


Quote from: "sab"
Quote from: "Hijiri Byakuren"
Quote from: "sab"There hasn't been a good President since John F. Kennedy

What was so great about Kennedy? To be fair he wasn;t in long enough to do much but he managed to bring the USA into Vietnam which isn;t exactly a plus point.

Clinton was a damned good president and ,frankly, so was Reagan. Bush jr, Carter and Obama have been useless. Ford,LBJ and Bush sr no real opinion either way.
You absolutely don't know anything about history.
Veitnam started under Eisenhower moron.
Kennedy got the missiles out of Cuba with out starting a war. That in itself is a tremendous accomplishment!
Reagan and Bush Jr. were complete disasters. Regan increased homelessness by more than 200%. He blew up the budget and it actually took Clinton to bring the budget into a managable state.
If you think that "W" was a good president then you prove just how much a complete moron and troll you really are!
LBJ was one of the greaest presidents in history.
He  started PBS and NPR, he started Community Colleges. He fought a war on poverty. He signed the equal rights bill that was dead before he took office. He did more for the people of this nation that you will ever know or could even imagine.
How old are you, 12 ?!!!!!!!!!!


Quote from: "mykcob4"Obama doesn't have the power to close Gitmo.

I was speaking specifically about the prison camp there where torture was performed, not the base as a whole.  President Obama certainly has the authority to close that prison; he is the CinC.
<insert witty aphorism here>


Quote from: "Thumpalumpacus"
Quote from: "mykcob4"Obama doesn't have the power to close Gitmo.

I was speaking specifically about the prison camp there where torture was performed, not the base as a whole.  President Obama certainly has the authority to close that prison; he is the CinC.
You'd be right about that. The thing that faces Obama is the classification. Republicans don't want to classify them as criminals, which would mean that they get their day in court. No state will accept them on their soil, so what is the president suppose to do with them...let them go? I'm not saying that Obama has done the right thing about Gitmo but he really CAN'T do much if anything.


Quote from: "mykcob4"You'd be right about that. The thing that faces Obama is the classification. Republicans don't want to classify them as criminals, which would mean that they get their day in court. No state will accept them on their soil, so what is the president suppose to do with them...let them go? I'm not saying that Obama has done the right thing about Gitmo but he really CAN'T do much if anything.

Deport them:

Quote(b) Countries to Which Aliens May Be Removed.-

(1) Aliens arriving at the United States. - Subject to paragraph (3)-

(A) In general.-Except as provided by subparagraphs (B) and (C), an alien who arrives at the United States and with respect to whom proceedings under section 240 were initiated at the time of such alien's arrival shall be removed to the country in which the alien boarded the vessel or aircraft on which the alien arrived in the United States.

(B) Travel from contiguous territory.-If the alien boarded the vessel or aircraft on which the alien arrived in the United States in a foreign territory contiguous to the United States, an island adjacent to the United States, or an island adjacent to a foreign territory contiguous to the United States, and the alien is not a native, citizen, subject, or national of, or does not reside in, the territory or island, removal shall be to the country in which the alien boarded the vessel that transport ed the alien to the territory or island.

(C) Alternative countries.-If the government of the country designated in subparagraph (A) or (B) is unwilling to accept the alien into that country's territory, removal shall be to any of the following countries, as directed by the Attorney General:

(i) The country of which the alien is a citizen, subject, or national.

(ii) The country in which the alien was born.

(iii) The country in which the alien has a residence. ... mmigration Deportation
<insert witty aphorism here>


BLAH BLAH BLAH another senseless rant by you filled with lies and repuke buzz words.

ooh 'repuke' how hilarious

1) GM is now the number 1 auto company in the world based on sales and profit. so you lied there.

Where did I lie?
2) Obama did spread the word about how other industrialized nations have a better more efficeint healthcare system, but the REPUKES won't accept that calling it the "nanny state" etc...! So Obama has to impliment the best possible system for the people that he can get. Which he has done.

No he hasn;t its pathetic. The Democrats controlled both houses in 2008.
3) ACA is a success which I have already provided prove for.

No you haven;t
4) Under Obama taxes haven't gone up one iota. They have actually gone DOWN.

So what?  I am noit anti tax
5) Eric Holder isn't in the least bit racist. There isn't a shred of evidence that he is or ever has been.

he is extremely racist. His refusal to prosecute the new black panthers is ample evidence

6) "Obaba" Talk about juvenille behavior!!!!!

What is obaba?
7) Insurance has not gone up and not even close to drastically.

So people haven;t got to pay more money for the same policy?
8) The only devise people in this nation since Obama has been elected are the tea party racist morons and the repukes. So you can quit lying about that also!


9) I have NO idea where you are getting that Obama is immoral. That is absurd.

No, its qite clear. Why did he have a racist pastor for years?

So Sab you have spewed alot of nonsense and bullshit, haven't proven a damned thing except that you're an angry little troll, and have rejected PROOF that has hit you squarely in the face.

You have offered no proof at all. Just whiny opinion.


You absolutely don't know anything about history.

More than you, clearly

Veitnam started under Eisenhower moron.

The war did but there was a massive escalation under kennedy

Kennedy got the missiles out of Cuba with out starting a war.

kennedy also failed masively at Bay of pigs

Reagan and Bush Jr. were complete disasters.
I have never shown any support for Bush junior. Reagan was very effective

Regan increased homelessness by more than 200%. He blew up the budget and it actually took Clinton to bring the budget into a managable state.

he managed to bring down the Soviet government and end the war througfh his foriegn policies. Marxism is the greatest evil of the 20th century

If you think that "W" was a good president then you prove just how much a complete moron and troll you really are!
LBJ was one of the greaest presidents in history.

I never said that 'w' was good. indeed I think he was a terrible one. I have no idea where your stupid lying is comingf from

He  started PBS and NPR, he started Community Colleges. He fought a war on poverty. He signed the equal rights bill that was dead before he took office. He did more for the people of this nation that you will ever know or could even imagine.[]

NPR -not exactly the most bias free operation. I am not anti LBJ I just donl;t see him as a 'great'

]How old are you, 12]

This is from someone who uses such language as 'repukes'