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Education is the Devil

Started by Cyanne, September 01, 2013, 11:54:00 AM

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My mother says that college poisoned my younger brother's mind and this is why he de converted. Education polluted his pure Christian worldview. She has implied to me that because of this, she is against sending/letting go my other younger siblings to college. Isn't that nice? She used to be so proud of my brother, he was always the favorite and could do nothing wrong. She bragged in the beginning that he was going to a good college. Then he started "getting ideas" and making "weird comments" on Facebook (In other words, posting about recent scientific discoveries and EVOLUTION!!!! AAHHH!) and suddenly that good college was "worldly" and "corrupt" and was rotting his brain. And that was even before he was an atheist.

In the world of religion truth doesn't actually matter. Only whether something supports your faith.

I wondered if there are any of you who have had people blame your education?

(If you asked me, I would say that my mother is right about my brother.  :-D We just don't agree on whether that's good or bad.)


Not being very educated, most Christians say I am merely picking a belief which justifies my lifestyle.  You know, eating babies, raping dogs, stealing, and occasionally murdering someone. You know, that kind of lifestyle.

Though I have heard about education being a problem.  I think it is just getting away from the constant brainwashing, which most Christians put their families through.


Fundies and right-wingers hate education because education fills people's minds with knowledge, teaches them how to think, and inspired them to question. They fear this, because they know that their power is dependent on the ignorance of the people. They know that the beliefs they espouse are bullshit, but they have a vested interest in others believing it.

So get educated, whether it's going to school or just reading and learning on your own!!
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful." - Seneca


I was conversing with someone who complained that American universities are "tools of the government to turn people into communists." She said universities even had college degrees in being a liberal. Perplexed I asked "do mean liberal arts education?" and she said "Yes! that's it." I politely explained that liberal arts education and being a political liberal are two completely different things.


Quote from: "GSOgymrat"I was conversing with someone who complained that American universities are "tools of the government to turn people into communists." She said universities even had college degrees in being a liberal. Perplexed I asked "do mean liberal arts education?" and she said "Yes! that's it." I politely explained that liberal arts education and being a political liberal are two completely different things.
A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticise work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life’s realities â€" all these are marks, not as the possessor would fain to think, of superiority but of weakness. -TR


I got a liberal arts education. That explains it.  #-o


Name my any G/god claimed in human history that has solved all human problems all the time who never looked for attention.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers." Obama
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Quote from: "Cyanne"My mother says that college poisoned my younger brother's mind and this is why he de converted. Education polluted his pure Christian worldview.
So she's saying that to keep on being a "pure Christian", one must remain ignorant.  Whether she realizes it or not, that IS what she's saying.

Maybe if she starts realizing that she equates "Christian purity" with ignorance, she might start thinking again.
Afflicting the comfortable for 70 years.
Science builds skyscrapers, faith flies planes into them.

You Only Live Once

Sounds terrible, I couldn't imagine ever discouraging my son or daughter from furthering their education regardless of the field it was in.


Cyanne, that is really strange. But I'm not surprised. She prob thinks the students there corrupted him. This is one reason I avoid fb. Bc everytime my ignorant cousin posts bs about god and church I want to give her a cyber smack.  And I know most of my family would think my foibles carrying a pregnancy would be bc god didn't want me to have one.
If you don't chew big red then FUCK YOU!


If you don't chew big red then FUCK YOU!

Triple Nine

One of the best things about Howard University is that there is a chapel that has services on Sunday,...and I don't have parents forcing me to go.
Playing: Skullgirls
On hold: Shin Megami Tensei IV (3DS)
Pokemon X & Y (3DS)
Whenever I get my GODDAMNED 3DS back  \":evil:\"
Religion, Nationalism, and Racism is all under the evil wing of Conservatism and preservation of useless traditions!


Quote from: "stromboli"I got a liberal arts education. That explains it.  #-o

commie fucker...
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Education never steered me wrong. Or did it!?  :twisted:


Quote from: "Cyanne"She has implied to me that because of this, she is against sending/letting go my other younger siblings to college.

It's not her choice.
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room! -- President Merkin Muffley

My mom was a religious fundamentalist. Plus, she didn't have a mouth. It's an unusual combination. -- Bender Bending Rodriguez