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Will Putin Invade Ukraine?

Started by Cassia, January 20, 2022, 01:29:34 PM

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Russian MT-LB with top-mounted artillery explodes while trying to fire, kills the crew

Pictured: moments before disaster

The MT-LB was reportedly carrying North Korean ammunition, though that's not known for certain afaik, just speculation based on the crude and nonstandard nature of North Korean ammunition.  It's possible it was Russian ammo.  Or maybe the barrel was worn out.  Or maybe something else.

What is known for certain is that the entire top of the MT-LB exploded, without a doubt killing all three crew members (for some reason, they huddled together - there's a very good reason why US military personnel back away from howitzers and other artillery before it starts firing)

Once again, we're looking at bad training combined with bad logistics.  The continued use of North Korean ammo is a desperate move by Putin which has generated a large amount of duds at inopportune times as well as the occasional catastrophic detonation.

The footage only exists because at least one other Russian soldier was speculating and commemorating the MT-LB firing.  Well, he certainly got exciting footage along with an impromptu 100-yard dash.


That looks like a ww2 anti-aircraft gun you would see mounted in a ship, lol. I loved hearing my favorite uncle's many stories about firing a 40mm gun in the Pacific, shooting at kamikazes. He said the guns got very hot because such intense rate of fire and if you overdid it you had to change barrels, or the gun could explode. Unfortunately, I can't remember which ship he was on, but they saw a lot of action and got hit by bombs several times. He gave me his uniform shirt with that flap thing in the back and huge wool Navy coat and I wore them too much and finally my mother grabbed them away, LOL.


Quote from: Cassia on July 04, 2024, 09:51:22 PMThat looks like a ww2 anti-aircraft gun you would see mounted in a ship, lol.
You joke, but the Russians did actually mount a naval gun on a MT-LB.  The range and accuracy was atrocious and it got captured because the alternative was certain death.  A good choice, considering the options.

Also, AA MT-LBs do exist, but it looks slightly different (used by both Ukrainians and Russians in this war.  Not sure what the Ukrainians use it for, but the Russians opted to use the AA gun-wielding armored transport as improvised artillery, because why not)

I should also note that the Ukrainians have their own MT-LB variant where they stuck an anti-tank barrel on the APC to create a makeshift tank destroyer.  It's basically a poor man's Marder.  But you take what you can get and make whatever you can't get, even if it's not ideal. (there are all sorts of variants, but some only exist as prototypes)


In your base:  Russia missile ship torched from the inside, defector hands over classified documents to Ukrainian Intelligence

QuoteOn April 7, the Serpukhov missile ship stationed in Russia's Kaliningrad region was set on fire,
This happened back in April and in the Baltic Sea, and while the sabotage itself has probably had a negligible impact on the actual war, the classified documents could be significantly helpful.

Plus, I like the story.  Everyone loves a good redemption arc.  And everyone likes it when a villain is handed a loss.

A Russian navy serviceman (now former) worked with the Freedom of Russia Legion (anti-Putin Russians) to set fire severe enough to "completely destroy communication and its means of automation", collected classified documents, and escaped.  That's one hell of a resignation.

The missile corvette is currently under repairs at Kallingrad, though it might take a good long time



I've just been reading about Russian "meat assault" tactics. I guess they're not vegans...
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman

Dark Lightning

♪ All in all, it was a very good year(s) for the undertaker...♫


India to produce anti-armor tank rounds for Russia

Not exactly good news, and just goes to show how international Russia's war has become.

That said, India has been drastically reducing Russian weapon imports, but it must also stop exporting to Russia as well.

Dark Lightning

Anything for a buck rupee, these days. I'll wait until the effectiveness of said rounds reach the Z combatants. Maybe they'll be shit like the NK ammo. India is buying Z oil, so maybe that's the payment method? India is poor as piss on a plate, so maybe that's helping to make strange political bedfellows?


Quote from: Hydra009 on July 05, 2024, 09:09:32 PMIndia to produce anti-armor tank rounds for Russia

Not exactly good news, and just goes to show how international Russia's war has become.

That said, India has been drastically reducing Russian weapon imports, but it must also stop exporting to Russia as well.

Turtle tanks don't need no shells. Imagine how many Russian tanks have become parts donors. Their new tanks don't work, their new stealth fighters are not stealth, and their "flying tank" choppers go down from machine gun fire. Their aircraft carrier needs 4 tugs to go anywhere. Can't imagine why India would want anything to do with those Russian clowns.


Quote from: Cassia on July 05, 2024, 09:43:50 PMTurtle tanks don't need no shells. Imagine how many Russian tanks have become parts donors. Their new tanks don't work, their new stealth fighters are not stealth, and their "flying tank" choppers go down from machine gun fire. Their aircraft carrier needs 4 tugs to go anywhere. Can't imagine why India would want anything to do with those Russian clowns.
The turtle tanks are usually escorting a convoy and are meant to weather the initial Ukrainian barrage to buy the rest of the group time to advance.  They were initially somewhat successful, but the Ukrainians have changed their tactics, opting to disable the lead turtle tank, giving the convoy the option of continuing without its shield or retreating.  Either option is kinda bad.

As for the T-14 Armata tanks, a small batch were sent into combat, albeit in an indirect fire role rather than frontline fighting.  They were withdrawn with no official explanation, so your guess is as good as mine, but underperformance would be a safe bet.  Still, they have to be better T-62s, so their sidelining is a bit puzzling.  Allegedly, it has to do with cost, but Putin wastes hundreds of millions usd bombing churches and hospitals and farms, so I very much doubt that much of his time is devoted to bean-counting.

The Russian airforce isn't necessarily bad, but both sides using large amounts of AA means they normally strike from far away, often from Russian airspace.  So I couldn't tell you how good they are.

The Ka-52 "alligator" attack helicopters are actually pretty good.  Unfortunately, there's footage of them chewing up Ukrainian armored assaults during the Ukrainian counteroffensive.  The Ukrainians were lacking in short-range AA at the time.  Since then, the Ukrainians have increased their AA ability and several helicopters were shot down at ranges they thought were safe.  Because of that, they've stayed further and further away, limiting their usefulness in this war.

Russia's sole aircraft carrier has been out of service since 2018 and seems unlikely to be put back into service anytime soon, so it can be safely ignored.  It could be the best ship ever or the worst ship ever, but right now, it's as useful as a straw in the sahara.



I understand geopolitics are complicated, but what why the fuck is anyone backing a three day 'special operation' gone terribly wrong.


Quote from: ferdmonger on July 05, 2024, 11:35:45 PMI understand geopolitics are complicated, but what why the fuck is anyone backing a three day 'special operation' gone terribly wrong.
They know that they have been attacked and are defending the motherland.