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Will Putin Invade Ukraine?

Started by Cassia, January 20, 2022, 01:29:34 PM

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There are social media reports that two helicopters and two aircraft went down today - for a grand total of four.

But imho this is likely a confusion due to misidentification, repeated coverage of today's events, and/or confusion with yesterday's helicopter crash in Crimea.

So until I hear otherwise from official sources, it's one downed helicopter and one downed plane.

Update:  an official source says four ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Update: Make that five



Translation: FNG battalions as far as the eye can see, can't do anything but simple assaults and holding actions, the counteroffensive will tear through them like a cat against a roll of toilet paper


Ukrainian Eurovision music group's hometown attacked by Russia just as they were set to perform

As you can see, their hometown of Ternopil is firmly in western Ukraine, far from any frontline.  I'd wager that it also lacks any strategic importance.  It was likely targetted for the sole reason that it would cause anxiety for the music group - an intimidation tactic, spiteful and petty.


Special Dehydration Operation:  Ukrainian drones are allegedly dropping vodka bottles for already drunk Russian soldiers.  At least, according to a short social media clip which showed a drunken Russian soldier (aka a Russian soldier) stumble around a bombed-out wasteland.

I'm kinda dubious about this one since
1) drones are needed for much more important missions
2) it'd be kinda difficult to perform the hand-off, especially without breaking the bottle
3) if the Russians are willing to accept handouts, it makes a lot more sense to feed them poison, like one would deal with any other infestation

Imho, the Russian soldier was already drunk and a drone just happened to catch it on film.



UK to provide Ukraine hundreds of long-range kamikaze drones

These drones have a range greater than 200km, enabling them to hit almost any target in Ukraine.


"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Ukrainian air defense shoots down 18 out of 18 Russian missiles!

Flawless victory ✌️

I read that each of these barrages costs Russia $100 million or more depending on the number and type of missiles.  Putin is just flushing his wealth down the drain at this point.

And beyond the price, Russia can't easily produce these sorts of advanced missiles since sanctions hit.  So Russia is crippling its own ability to wage war in the future, though the horrendous losses and accelerated demographics problems are already having quite an impact as well.


More detail on the flawless air defense

QuoteThis was the eighth air attack on Kyiv since the beginning of May. This time, the enemy launched a complex attack.

It was exceptional in its density, with the maximum number of attacking missiles within the shortest amount of time.

QuoteSix Kh-47M2 Kinzhal hypersonic air-launched ballistic missiles were launched from six MiG-31K fighter jets.

Nine Kalibr cruise missiles were launched from Russian warships in the Black Sea. The invaders also used three land-launched missiles (S-400, Iskander-M).

QuoteThe Ukrainian Air Force announced the air defense forces destroying all missiles. Ballistic and air-launched ballistic missiles were likely destroyed with the Patriot air defense systems, which Ukraine received from partners.
🇺🇦🇺🇸💪 🇷🇺😭


Russian arms exports are really going to tank after this news.

Those "unstoppable" Russian missiles can be shot down all at once by a nearly 40-years-old US system.  It literally is a "You made me use 1% of my power" sort of situation, LOL.  That really limits the usefulness of Russian arms exports.

Meanwhile, HIMARS and Storm Shadow are raining down on Russian positions with notable accuracy and inflicting devastating losses.  Doesn't take a genius to place that order.

Western arms manufacturers are going to make money hand over fist when the Ukraine war dies down.


Russian troops abandon positions near Bakhmut out of fear

Quote"As soon as Wagner left and the regular Russian troops stepped in, they abandoned their positions," he said

QuoteZulu said that Russian soldiers "have no motivation. They don't understand what they are doing here. So as soon as they are afraid, they just run."