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Will Putin Invade Ukraine?

Started by Cassia, January 20, 2022, 01:29:34 PM

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After they took over a Russian trench, a Ukraine-allied Belorussian commander got on the Russian radio, pretended to be a Russian soldier, and called in an artillery barrage on another Russian unit, which was subsequently destroyed by friendly forces.

Jeez, that must've done wonders for Russian morale.



A home with the mother who raised you: Russia unveils plan for quaint town for American conservatives/fascists drunk on Russian propaganda

Russia bills itself as the land of "traditional values" and this is true in a way - fascism is indeed a tradition of sorts, as is tsardom and dictatorship.

Have fun in your new life with basically zero freedom and zero control of your own destiny.  And to sweeten the pot, you may be drafted tomorrow in a war with horrendous casualty rates.  Sayonara!


Quote from: Hydra009 on May 12, 2023, 08:29:45 AMA home with the mother who raised you: Russia unveils plan for quaint town for American conservatives/fascists drunk on Russian propaganda

Russia bills itself as the land of "traditional values" and this is true in a way - fascism is indeed a tradition of sorts, as is tsardom and dictatorship.

Have fun in your new life with basically zero freedom and zero control of your own destiny.  And to sweeten the pot, you may be drafted tomorrow in a war with horrendous casualty rates.  Sayonara!
How stupid can some 'mericans get, I wonder?


Quote from: Hydra009 on May 12, 2023, 01:49:04 PMRussian Mi-28 helicopter crashes in northern Crimea, killing both pilots

🌻 🌻
Their pilot shortage just got a bit worse. With the expected Ukrainian counteroffensive, I would expect that Russian airpower could become more of a factor unless the Ukrainians somehow manage to bring up their anti-air equipment.


Not content with stealing washing machines and children, Russia even tries to steal postage stamp designs:

A few things stand out:
1) the Russian tank has the same f'ed up barrel in both stamps
2) they couldn't even bother to change the reflection
3) the top one has really happened many times, the second one just some dictator's fantasy.  Hell, it's not even a sure thing that they have an intact tank left that could do the hauling, or a sober/unwounded tank crew left to drive it


Damn, I'm almost too drunk to understand that. 🖖
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman



27 artillery.  Twenty.  Seven.  😳

Ukraine is helping with Russia's ammo shortage.  There is no ammo shortage if there are no launchers.


A Russian helicopter in Russia's Bryansk region was reportedly shot down and destroyed with no survivors

A Russian Su-34 fighter was also reportedly shot down, also in Russia's Bryansk region

Both incidents have been confirmed by Russian state media, though the first is blamed on "engine failure".  Not sure about the second.

It appears that either the Russian pilots are abnormally careless or Russian AA is unusually accurate, with no change in general awareness.  Either way, the free world appreciates the ongoing "goodwill gestures".  Each plunging bomber inches Europe closer to peace.


It is interesting to ponder the reason why Khrushchev and USSR gave Crimea to the Ukrainian socialist republic in 1954. Russia won it from the Turks way back in the 1700s. Stalin had purged the region of ethnic minorities and it has been 75% Russians and 25% Ukrainians ever since. The Russians did retain use of the port, however. I guess when the USSR split up, that would have been the time Russia should have made a claim, but then again UK did give up her nukes. If that wasn't the case, perhaps this war would have never started.