75 dead in Nice in apparent terrorist attack

Started by PopeyesPappy, July 14, 2016, 08:33:45 PM

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Quote from: GSOgymrat on July 16, 2016, 01:34:32 AM
I think I missed some vital piece of information. EVERYONE is saying this is an Islamic terrorist attack, and I am not saying it isn't, but this is all I have heard from CNN:

Bouhlel was identified by fingerprints after his identification card was found in the truck, Molins said. Authorities began searching an apartment building where Bouhlel apparently lived, and Molins said Bouhlel's ex-wife had been detained.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, and authorities did not release information about a motive.

Bouhlel was known to police because of allegations of threats, violence and thefts over the last six years, and he was given a suspended six-month prison sentence this year after being convicted of violence with a weapon, Molins said.

Bouhlel's father, who lives in Tunisia, has revealed that his son showed signs of mental health issues -- having had multiple nervous breakdowns and volatile behavior, said CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank.

The man was "entirely unknown by the intelligence services, whether nationally or locally," Molins said.

"He had never been the subject of any kind of file or indication of radicalization," Molins said.

It's not. He was not even religious apparently. But he is from Tunisia...so it is an Islamic attack! LOL

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: chill98 on July 15, 2016, 11:44:35 AM
Link please.  I don't doubt that the words above are entwined with the actual motive, as pointed out in my earlier quote:

...The alleged terrorist cell is said to have customised its strategy for a Spanish audience,...

But the actual backbone of the movement, islamic fundamentalism lies within the Qu'ran and other teachings/fatwas/etc :


The political party who asks for the separation of Andalusia with Islamic ideology:

The report they did on the arrests in Catalonia where analysts explain the videos and they do a really interesting report on why certain western people become members of Isis
(sorry i could not find subtitles)

I'm not saying that Islam has nothing to do with these horrid acts, just that there is much more to it.

I've just read a book on the rise of the KKK in North Carolina during the Civil Rights era.
Applying the same logic, the author could have spared the 360 pages of political, sociological and economical reasoning and just said "Those people hate blacks"

no one expects the spanish inquisition


The Islamic state have claimed responsibility, I guess if you read leftist tabloid trash they will say the Allahu Akbars means it has nothing to do with Islam.

The Inspire by Al Qaeda and Dabiq have been calling for these types of attack, the flock must be listening.

The message can be delayed when it travels in the traditional Islamic way which is on the back of a camel.



Quote from: baronvonrort on July 16, 2016, 07:31:52 AM
The Islamic state have claimed responsibility, I guess if you read leftist tabloid trash they will say the Allahu Akbars means it has nothing to do with Islam.

The message can be delayed when it travels in the traditional Islamic way which is on the back of a camel.


Yeah of course eventually they did. Why wouldn't they? You can't follow this can you? If they realy had any connection they would CLAIM IT IN THE HOUR.

Stop repeating the same lines like a broken record. You sound like a fucking religious fanatic.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: drunkenshoe on July 16, 2016, 07:40:38 AM

Stop repeating the same lines like a broken record. You sound like a fucking religious fanatic.

Where i come from we mock and ridicule religion, Turkey seems rather religious to me and muslims get really butthurt when anyone criticises Islam.



Quote from: baronvonrort on July 16, 2016, 07:47:47 AM
Where i come from we mock and ridicule religion, Turkey seems rather religious to me and muslims get really butthurt when anyone criticises Islam.


Go fuck up with muslims then, why are you talking to me? You are so fucking stupid and vile, calling you stupid is an insult to stupid people.
"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: drunkenshoe on July 16, 2016, 08:07:59 AM
Go fuck up with muslims then, why are you talking to me? You are so fucking stupid and vile, calling you stupid is an insult to stupid people. 

I thought this was an atheist forum maybe i should double check what i have clicked on it appears people get butthurt when Islam is criticised here.

If you don't want to type to me stop replying to my posts and circle jerk with the others who dislike Islam being criticised


Quote from: baronvonrort on July 16, 2016, 08:24:24 AM
I thought this was an atheist forum maybe i should double check what i have clicked on it appears people get butthurt when Islam is criticised here.

If you don't want to type to me stop replying to my posts and circle jerk with the others who dislike Islam being criticised

You keep posting general issues targeting me personally, because I am Turkish. Been going for a couple of years.

You have called me stupid names from 'drunkenhoe' to 'turkey' without being provoked or even me posting directly anything to you just for writing my opinion. You don't like it, tough shit.

Who the fuck are you to question this forum's or its members' standing? Fuck off if you don't like it.

You are a vile, fanatic, despicable bigot. You are a broken record repeating the same thing over and over again.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: drunkenshoe on July 16, 2016, 08:37:27 AM
You keep posting general issues targeting me personally, because I am Turkish. Been going for a couple of years.

You have called me stupid names from 'drunkenhoe' to 'turkey' without being provoked or even me posting directly

You are the one who started abusing me and calling me names, the drunken_hoe can dish it out but doesn't like taking it in return.

You dislike me because i criticise Islam.


Quote from: baronvonrort on July 16, 2016, 08:43:51 AM
You are the one who started abusing me and calling me names, the drunken_hoe can dish it out but doesn't like taking it in return.
You dislike me because i criticise Islam.

Yeah... you are pr's friend. He invited you this forum to support him. when you arrived we already had this discussion. In years, some people eventually started to realise this is more complicated than the bullshit they are constantly served in the mainstream media. afteryour bullshit didn't take a hold, you left the forum.

While you have kept disagreeing with other people on the same subject, you only attacked me with a specific style AFTER you have learned I am Turkish. Not others. You leave and come back and post the same links about same things baout my country out of the blue to me without even know what I think about it JUST BEACUSE I AM TURKISH.

But then you wouldn't know what 'criticism' is if it fucked in you in the face. Now, fuck off.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: drunkenshoe on July 16, 2016, 08:57:11 AM
Yeah... you are pr's friend. He invited you this forum to support him. when you arrived we already had this discussion.

While you have kept disagreeing with other people on the same subject, you only attacked me with a specific style AFTER you have learned I am Turkish.

But then you wouldn't know what 'criticism' is if it fucked in you in the face. Now, fuck off.

Pr never invited me to this forum you plucked that bullshit from your ass, you have called me names from day 1 because i criticise Islam.

You started calling me names then got butthurt when i responded with calling you names, you don't get along with anyone who openly criticises Islam in this forum

You can fuck off ya dopey drunken hoe


Why do those who Jihad in the way of Allah get rewarded with a higher place in paradise, was it the Battle of Badr that had the first homicidal-suicidal muslim who was rewarded by $Profit Mo himself with a higher place in heaven?

Why does allah need 20% of all war booty, now you see why i call him $Profit Mo

I expect more abuse from the drunken hoe she objects to people posting Islamic texts, she doesn't object to posting the truth about all other religions.


Quote from: Siberia on July 16, 2016, 07:14:40 AM
The political party who asks for the separation of Andalusia with Islamic ideology:

OK so now I need you to connect how the AL is relevant to the Catalonia terrorist cell because I don't understand how you are connecting these two groups to support your point, that its more than islam.

Quote from: Siberia on July 16, 2016, 07:14:40 AM
The report they did on the arrests in Catalonia where analysts explain the videos and they do a really interesting report on why certain western people become members of Isis
(sorry i could not find subtitles)

I'm not saying that Islam has nothing to do with these horrid acts, just that there is much more to it.

I appreciate the link but without a translation, I cannot understand what the points of the report are, nor can I question their conclusions.  If you want to expand on what the context is...

but to continue, regardless of there being other factors, Islam is the underlying justification for these acts.  Time and again, and including the Nice attack, the perpetrators of the crimes emphasize the basic and underlying justification/reason with their final words:

Allahu Akbar

Quote from: Siberia on July 16, 2016, 07:14:40 AM
I've just read a book on the rise of the KKK in North Carolina during the Civil Rights era.
Applying the same logic, the author could have spared the 360 pages of political, sociological and economical reasoning and just said "Those people hate blacks"

Interesting that you should bring up the KKK.


Up until a few years ago, I had no idea the KKK existed in Iowa. 

But to go back to your 'Those people hate blacks' what exactly changed about the political, sociological, economical reasoning that reduced the attraction of the KKK for the disenfranchised people becoming members of the KKK?  People are still disenfranchised and racism still exists.  But the KKK is basically irrelevant.  And how do you see those methods being applied with these extremist Islamic groups promoting violence?  Well we kinda need to define extremist muslim don't we?

From 2013 and only brought up because of yesterdays event:
QuoteFor years, Erdogan’s so called “moderate” Islamist-rooted Justice and Development party or AKP has sought to impose Muslim values on society. Indeed, even before he became prime minister, Erdogan railed that “one cannot be a Muslim and secular. For them to exist together is not a possibility.” Whilst serving as Mayor of Istanbul, Erdogan also remarked that he was “a servant of Shari’a” and “the imam of Istanbul.”



Quote from: chill98 on July 16, 2016, 10:49:08 AM
OK so now I need you to connect how the AL is relevant to the Catalonia terrorist cell because I don't understand how you are connecting these two groups to support your point, that its more than islam.
Groups like AL are relevant to cases like the Catalonia cell, because they are based on the same principles.
The AL was less about religion itself and more about ideas of tradition, heritage, etc.
It appealed more to a sense of belonging than the attachment to a particular faith.
This explains aswell why in Spain 73% of the population claims to be catholic but only 15% of those actually go to church.

Quote from: chill98 on July 16, 2016, 10:49:08 AM

I appreciate the link but without a translation, I cannot understand what the points of the report are, nor can I question their conclusions.  If you want to expand on what the context is...

I said I was sorry.
You asked for links and I provided, is not my fault that the report has not been translated to English.
I sincerely apologise

Quote from: chill98 on July 16, 2016, 10:49:08 AM
but to continue, regardless of there being other factors, Islam is the underlying justification for these acts.
My whole point this entire time "International terrorist organizations have more factors involved that just religion"

Quote from: chill98 on July 16, 2016, 10:49:08 AM
Interesting that you should bring up the KKK.


Up until a few years ago, I had no idea the KKK existed in Iowa. 

But to go back to your 'Those people hate blacks' what exactly changed about the political, sociological, economical reasoning that reduced the attraction of the KKK for the disenfranchised people becoming members of the KKK?  People are still disenfranchised and racism still exists.  But the KKK is basically irrelevant.  And how do you see those methods being applied with these extremist Islamic groups promoting violence?  Well we kinda need to define extremist muslim don't we?

There is quite a good explanation on why the KKK lost momentum and has not gained it again, and the book I was reffering to, "Klansville, U.S.A" by David Cunningham is in fact in English.

I don't need to define extremist muslim, the same way I don't need to define extreme catholic.
Monotheistic religions are violent, intolerant, expansive and cruel.

But the spanish inquisition was not only about God and I don´t think ISIS is either.
no one expects the spanish inquisition


Quote from: Siberia on July 16, 2016, 01:24:33 PM
Groups like AL are relevant to cases like the Catalonia cell, because they are based on the same principles.
The AL was less about religion itself and more about ideas of tradition, heritage, etc.
It appealed more to a sense of belonging than the attachment to a particular faith.
This explains aswell why in Spain 73% of the population claims to be catholic but only 15% of those actually go to church.

I am struggling to understand the connection.  The AL group is not associated with violence, and attempted to change the political reality via open discussion and via the ballot box (rough generalization) and with rejection of that idea, disbanded peacefully.

vs the Catalonia cell organizational technique which appears to only support recruitment and training for violent overthrow/violent support of a religious idea to expand that religious idea into the entire political scheme of several countries, including Catalonia and possibly all of Spain. 

Quote from: Siberia on July 16, 2016, 01:24:33 PM
You asked for links and I provided, is not my fault that the report has not been translated to English
I am not blaming you, but questioned whether your source is complete and/or objective.  Just wanted to read it for myself.  So I am left with trust your interpretation or put this on a margin notation. 

Quote from: Siberia on July 16, 2016, 01:24:33 PM
My whole point this entire time "International terrorist organizations have more factors involved that just religion"
Depends on the terrorist organization involved.  ISIS is clearly about religion, Islam to be specific. From your link to AL, it does not appear to be a terrorist organization, which is why I asked you to clarify how it was linked to the current terrorism.  AL did not have the same principals as ISIS.  And according to a few accounts I have read on this Catalonia cell, they are linked to ISIS.

Quote from: Siberia on July 16, 2016, 01:24:33 PMThere is quite a good explanation on why the KKK lost momentum and has not gained it again, and the book I was reffering to, "Klansville, U.S.A" by David Cunningham is in fact in English.

KKK has ebbed and waned for over 100 years.  To focus on one area, during one time period does not give you full accounting of its presence and influences.  Thought you might enjoy a fuller view of the issue of the KKK with the 1920s account from Iowa:
Quote from: Iowa link
The Klan had strict membership requirements and a set creed.
Potential members had to be at least 18 years old, male, white, native-bom, and Protestant;
and they had to swear to uphold the Klan's creed, which included working for "100 percent Americanism" and promoting "patriotism and 'old time religion.'
" Klan members, moreover, had to swear to "support 'native, white, Protestant supremacy.'"
The creed included practicing klamishness, promoting moral purity and moral uplift in one's community (especially working for the prohibition of alcohol), opposing immigration, and condemning what the Klan saw as the encroaching powers of the Catholic church.
Members were also to counteract the influence of African Americans and Jews.

And I ask you again, What do you think marginalized the KKK? 
Quote from: Siberia on July 16, 2016, 01:24:33 PM
I don't need to define extremist muslim, the same way I don't need to define extreme catholic.
Monotheistic religions are violent, intolerant, expansive and cruel.
You can't have it both ways.  If you don't think all muslims should be labeled as violent, intolerant, expansive and/or cruel, then you must define what is an extreme muslim.
Quote from: Siberia on July 16, 2016, 01:24:33 PM
But the spanish inquisition was not only about God and I don´t think ISIS is either.
The Spanish Inquisition was All About God, with other aspects were thrown in later to increase support.  A side-note on the actual goal.

Just like the terror cell recruitment agenda.  What ever works to achieve the goal.