Senate approves draft for women as well as men

Started by Hydra009, June 17, 2016, 04:18:06 PM

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1: you assume a lot about me.
2: no I don't remember a female poster saying whatever you're saying she said about birth rights from 2 years ago.
3:i was commenting on how you criticized nonsensei, saying he's "not allowed to make an issue of this", which is hugely hypocritical...  Saying who can say/think/make an issue of "x". nothing else. I think it's fine to make your own comments on the subject itself, but unless you've actually been drafted... And maybe not even then... It's hypocritical for you to say someone is not allowed to express their concerns about a new, more open and more widely targeted draft.

Sent from your mom.


Turkey does have a draft.  Clearly they need to draft their women.  That would make the Islamist head explode!
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.

Gawdzilla Sama

Quote from: Baruch on June 20, 2016, 07:29:32 AM
Turkey does have a draft.  Clearly they need to draft their women.  That would make the Islamist head explode!
It's called "confiscation" when you take a man's property.
We 'new atheists' have a reputation for being militant, but make no mistake  we didn't start this war. If you want to place blame put it on the the religious zealots who have been poisoning the minds of the  young for a long long time."
PZ Myers


Quote from: PickelledEggs on June 20, 2016, 06:39:40 AM
1: you assume a lot about me.
2: no I don't remember a female poster saying whatever you're saying she said about birth rights from 2 years ago.
3:i was commenting on how you criticized nonsensei, saying he's "not allowed to make an issue of this", which is hugely hypocritical...  Saying who can say/think/make an issue of "x". nothing else. I think it's fine to make your own comments on the subject itself, but unless you've actually been drafted... And maybe not even then... It's hypocritical for you to say someone is not allowed to express their concerns about a new, more open and more widely targeted draft.

Sent from your mom.

I didn't argue that he doesn't have a right to make a comment on the topic. I said as the situation is EXACTLY the same for him, HAS BEEN EXACTLY the same for him ALL his life, the cynical statement he made about a serious progress towards equality from point of being a MALE doesn't mean anything, because it doesn't. THIS IS NOT A PART of SOME CONSPIRACY PLANNED AGAINST MEN. It's done today, because it is possible; beneficial-profitable for the society today. Before it wasn't and countless young men paid for that with their lives.

And my comment was not a snarky remark. It was a short 'lol' statement pointing something out. Actually, you escalated it yourself and also with your own reaction demonstrated the same approach. Apparently, some young men who haven't suffered draft or even mandatory military service in their entire lives, somehow percieve themselves as 'victims' of it. (Hmm why does that sound familiar, I wonder?) Heads up, you are not. Never been. That's the whole point.

Your post is not presenting an opinion. It's a snarky comment made to my name, informing me that I need to be a man or an American to comment on the subject. You are simply offended and annoyed by a simple and correct ciriticism against an obvious attitude WHILE you keep complaining about censorship, political correctness, fake victimisation pushed by SJW groups and the moronity of the 'safe spaces' these groups trying to create around themselves in terms of a so called 'regressive left' at every opportunity. (Yes that's an assumption about you made on observation of many examples which we both share agreed points.)

You are doing that yourself right now. 

If you can read and write English, you can easily see the hostility and absurdity of Nonsensei's respond of 'true colours'. But obviously that doesn't bother you along with 'subversive bıtch dykes', 'shut the fuck ups' start flying around as soon as a female poster gives a simple reaction in gender issue threads. Speaking of hypocrisy, may be you need another angle while complaining about why tumblr have turned out to be this way.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: Baruch on June 20, 2016, 07:29:32 AM
Turkey does have a draft.  Clearly they need to draft their women.  That would make the Islamist head explode!

Yes. And also many people fighting to stop who ended in military prison.

Yes. They should draft women too. I wish their heads would explode just at the thought of it.
"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: drunkenshoe on June 20, 2016, 07:39:24 AM

I didn't argue that he doesn't have a right to make a comment on the topic. I said as the situation is EXACTLY the same for him, HAS BEEN EXACTLY the same for him ALL his life, the cynical statement he made about a serious progress towards equality from point of being a MALE doesn't mean anything, because it doesn't. THIS IS NOT A PART of SOME CONSPIRACY PLANNED AGAINST MEN. It's done today, because it is possible; beneficial-profitable for the society today. Before it wasn't and countless young men paid for that with their lives.

And my comment was not a snarky remark. It was a short 'lol' statement pointing something out. Actually, you escalated it yourself and also with your own reaction demonstrated the same approach. Apparently, some young men who haven't suffered draft or even mandatory military service in their entire lives, somehow percieve themselves as 'victims' of it. (Hmm why does that sound familiar, I wonder?) Heads up, you are not. Never been. That's the whole point.

Your post is not presenting an opinion. It's a snarky comment made to my name, informing me that I need to be a man or an American to comment on the subject. You are simply offended and annoyed by a simple and correct ciriticism against an obvious attitude WHILE you keep complaining about censorship, political correctness, fake victimisation pushed by SJW groups and the moronity of the 'safe spaces' these groups trying to create around themselves in terms of a so called 'regressive left' at every opportunity. (Yes that's an assumption about you made on observation of many examples which we both share agreed points.)

You are doing that yourself right now. 

If you can read and write English, you can easily see the hostility and absurdity of Nonsensei's respond of 'true colours'. But obviously that doesn't bother you along with 'subversive bıtch dykes', 'shut the fuck ups' start flying around as soon as a female poster gives a simple reaction in gender issue threads. Speaking of hypocrisy, may be you need another angle while complaining about why tumblr have turned out to be this way.

Quote from: drunkenshoe on June 18, 2016, 04:59:26 AM
Which provides exactly the same situation for men. If you are not a once drafted veteran, the cynic in you is not allowed to make an issue of this, just because you have a penis. :lol:

I didn't say, nor did anyone else say (to the best of my understanding) that this is a conspiracy against men.

The only think I said is that it's hypocritical to tell someone "If you are not a once drafted veteran, the cynic in you is not allowed to make an issue of this, just because you have a penis."... and it is. It's also off-topic to what Nonsensei seems to be implying. What he seems to be implying is that this can be looked at that if we need a wider range of people to draft, it might mean we are edging closer to going to a full-blown war with a massive amount of people being deployed to fight, like back in WW2 or Vietnam. I can say for myself that's one of the first things that came to my mind and likewise, "It's a conspiracy against men" is something that didn't even cross my mind, with of course the exception that I have to explain to you that I don't think it's a conspiracy against men... in any way.

Like I said. I don't have a problem with you commenting on this topic, or anyone commenting on this, but it is extremely hypocritical for you to tell someone they're not allowed to "make an issue of this", as you worded it. Once again, with nonsenei... and now with me, you assume.
QuoteBut obviously that doesn't bother you along with 'subversive bıtch dykes', 'shut the fuck ups' start flying around as soon as a female poster gives a simple reaction in gender issue threads.
You "throw in the kitchen sink" with situations and arguments that have nothing to do with what we're talking about. It dilutes your points that are actually worth listening to and it's tiring at best.


Quote from: marom1963 on June 19, 2016, 10:03:26 PM
You're upset? Good.

Oh silly me and my presumption of rationality. When will I learn?
And on the wings of a dream so far beyond reality
All alone in desperation now the time has come
Lost inside you'll never find, lost within my own mind
Day after day this misery must go on


Quote from: Nonsensei on June 20, 2016, 10:22:16 AM
Oh silly me and my presumption of rationality. When will I learn?
Other people here have disagreed w/me w/o getting nasty - so -
stay up there on your high horse, turn around, and trot off. Not interested.

Mike Cl

As one who has been drafted--and served with women, as well, this is my opinion.  I hate the draft for women.  I hate the draft for men.  I hate the draft.  Except I hate the all volunteer service even more.  Without an active draft we in effect have a military service that draws from the poor and those with little opportunities.  The rest of society can simply forget they exist.  'We' as a country no longer have to be involved.  They fight (at the behest of the corp. that make billions from constant war) and we go about our lives.  If there was an ongoing, fair and equal, draft , then we would all be deeply involved in where and when and why we should go to war.  And then, when we do, we will much more deeply involved in helping in that war and paying a good deal of attention to that war. 

That there is no draft is simply another indication that our country, more than ever, is a nation of have's and have nots.  And the have nots are growing.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?


Quote from: marom1963 on June 20, 2016, 10:36:44 AM
Other people here have disagreed w/me w/o getting nasty - so -
stay up there on your high horse, turn around, and trot off. Not interested.

If you say something that disgusts me, I'm going to let you know it. If you want to take it as some sort of personal attack that's your problem.

But I don't think you were offended. I think you're using the last line of my statement as an excuse to ignore the rest of it. If you really think someone has gotten "nasty" with you then the best way to deal with them us to destroy their argument not throw a hiss fit because they weren't all candy and roses while disagreeing with you.

In short, grow up.
And on the wings of a dream so far beyond reality
All alone in desperation now the time has come
Lost inside you'll never find, lost within my own mind
Day after day this misery must go on


Quote from: Nonsensei on June 17, 2016, 09:35:24 PM
I think there's a pretty wide gulf between the sort of women who volunteer for military service, and the sort of women you would get from random selection of the population at large. Mentality aside, there is a real physical issue here. Modern soldiers are often required march 10 to 20 kilometers a day carrying loads that weigh as much as many women themselves do. [/b]Women typically have 40-50% less upper body strength than men[/b], and I'm sorry but there's no sane argument that can put that reality to bed. And it matters in a function where lives may depend on your physical capabilities.
This is a poor argument which completely ignores the fact that there is already a process in place to prepare people for the rigors of war and weed out those who cannot be made ready.  Basic training is specifically designed to take people who are not ready and either make them ready or discharge them if they can't be made ready.  Upper body strength and endurance can be and are improved in basic training.

So, what I believe to be a very "sane" argument is that what is "typical" is what you will see on day 1 of basic, NOT what you will see in the battlefield.  I don't think anybody is suggesting that we lower the standards in basic training to allow women incapable of doing the job to actually make it onto the battlefield.
This sentence is a lie...


My criticism aimed at his comment is about his reaction being exactly the same way the groups; SJWs and MRAs, vloggers produce imaginary problem; bullshit...what we keep criticising. And I said in a very short, light way that THERE IS NO ISSUE of the sort. Hence my expression of "it is not a conspiracy against men". Because there is not an issue. What he is saying is imaginary. He is creating an imaginary, bullshit problem from a certain point of view he already has written many times. I have been reading his posts for years now as I do yours. So please stop telling me that I am assuming much. This is not a complicated subject between perfect strangers.

My comment to him wasn't snarky, wasn't insulting, humiliating...etc. I wasn't angry or trying to pick a fight, I sincerely said it in a fun poking way AND I also explained this to him what it was. Neither did I deny his right to comment on anything, which nobody can obvioulsy. He didn't say anything else later either. It's you stirring shit while it is completely unnecessary, because you are annoyed for nothing.

I haven't done anything hypocritical, so doesn't matter how many times you repeat it is still just your personal bullshit triggered by your personal annoyance. People do not suddenly start acting the exact opposite way they always do, Steve. I always try to defend people's rights to comment what they like doesn't matter what they think of me when it calls for it. Sometimes even to you behind them. Esp. in gender issues, from both perspectives. And you should know that if you are not blind.

You know what? Thinking of all the complaints you boys constantly do about 'safe places', how SJWs impose censorship and MRAs this and that yap are all full of the same shit. Not one of you have the adult capacity to have an independent opinion out of the social media about gender issues, can't handle a tiny bit of criticism and what's worse, you are somehow not aware how transparent you are. You want to live in a safe place.

And we finally arrived that point of 'beyond this, it is a waste of energy and time'.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: Mike Cl on June 20, 2016, 10:47:08 AM
As one who has been drafted--and served with women, as well, this is my opinion.  I hate the draft for women.  I hate the draft for men.  I hate the draft.  Except I hate the all volunteer service even more.  Without an active draft we in effect have a military service that draws from the poor and those with little opportunities.  The rest of society can simply forget they exist.  'We' as a country no longer have to be involved.  They fight (at the behest of the corp. that make billions from constant war) and we go about our lives.  If there was an ongoing, fair and equal, draft , then we would all be deeply involved in where and when and why we should go to war.  And then, when we do, we will much more deeply involved in helping in that war and paying a good deal of attention to that war. 

That there is no draft is simply another indication that our country, more than ever, is a nation of have's and have nots.  And the have nots are growing.

I wrote somethig like this when I wrote that mercenary post that everyone hated. (Not related to gender aspect.) 

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp

Mike Cl

Quote from: drunkenshoe on June 20, 2016, 03:11:54 PM
I wrote somethig like this when I wrote that mercenary post that everyone hated. (Not related to gender aspect.)
I guess that means that fine thinks mind alike.  Or something to that effect.....................
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?


Quote from: Nonsensei on June 20, 2016, 11:00:54 AM
If you say something that disgusts me, I'm going to let you know it. If you want to take it as some sort of personal attack that's your problem.

But I don't think you were offended. I think you're using the last line of my statement as an excuse to ignore the rest of it. If you really think someone has gotten "nasty" with you then the best way to deal with them us to destroy their argument not throw a hiss fit because they weren't all candy and roses while disagreeing with you.

In short, grow up.
Hey, shit for brains, in this very thread, I did not have that reaction to people disagreeing w/me, using essentially the same argument that you did. So, no, it was your tone to which I was objecting, believe it or not. Whether you do makes no difference to me.

In this very thread, I had conceded that my opinion on the matter would not affect whether women were called upon to register for Selective Service; it's going to happen, no matter what I say. My approval or disapproval is moot. Or are you going to come up w/another way to call me a sexist that will make a real difference to the outcome? You're certainly not going to come up w/another way to call me a sexist that will change my mind.