Senate approves draft for women as well as men

Started by Hydra009, June 17, 2016, 04:18:06 PM

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marom, if women do not get included-accepted in the fields of men, nobody can expect equality. This is simple as that.

This is not just straight about putting things in 'symmetry' in the name of justice. This is about challenging the imposed identity and traditional gender roles. Actualy the reason it is a man's world is because men do most jobs of certain kinds. So women needs to get into those fields to equal things. It doesn't happen with equal pay.

For example, I don't know if you can read the connection, but one day when a woman can work as a prostitue for paying her college fee and expenses and then comfortably apply for a high profile job she elligible for, that society will have moved forward to somewhere better. And the first steps to this including females and to all kind of unwanted, 'dirty' jobs men are 'supposed to be' doing. It will take a long time, we won't see it. But it is very important.

But yes, pushing one gender just because they were born with that gender to shoulder this is not fucking fair. And women have laready been serving in the military in your country. In that aspect this is just recognising and legitimising their status to the usual, give them what they deserve as in general respect. That was not fair either. 

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: Baruch on June 19, 2016, 12:32:25 PM
It was an emotional outburst about butch dykes.

That's disgusting expression, not to mention it sounds completely moronic because it means you think

-masculine looking women are tough
-lesbians are masculine looking, so they are tough
-only these women are suitable and so apply for the military
-liberating women is masculinising them; turning them into men.
-feminist are lesbians and masculine women

which is bullshit and pretty much like what a jesus freak would vomit here on the subject, Baruch.

-Being a woman doesn't make any human less violent or less blood thirsty than the average human
-Being gay or masculine is not a determinative factor for a career in the military for women OR men
-Feminists are not a group made of lesbians and masculine women

There are many things to write here...

QuoteSo I do mean it.  The idea of raising all women to be liberated, by turning them into bloodthirsty killers ... is abhorrent.  Bad enough we need to do this with men.  There really isn't any solution, because pacifism isn't a solution.  War is a crime scene ... and 90% of the perps in society are men ... so they are more suited ... this is why criminals are routinely recruited thru history for this kind of work.  And I don't mean people locked up for drug addiction.

So you have no idea what has been going on with the modern society. Putting women on a pedestal and treating them as delicate trophy is what has killed the society in this manner.

Men should be taken out from the role of the disposable gender as much as possible. As women should be taken out of the care giver role as much possible. These traits arepersonality traits, not gender traits.

Men are not violent animals suited to be blood thirsty killers more than women, just because they are men. 

There were articles shared here years ago on violent criminals been taken to Afghanistan and Irak invasions. It's not a practise in the past.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: drunkenshoe on June 19, 2016, 12:39:06 PM
marom, if women do not get included-accepted in the fields of men, nobody can expect equality. This is simple as that.

This is not just straight about putting things in 'symmetry' in the name of justice. This is about challenging the imposed identity and traditional gender roles. Actualy the reason it is a man's world is because men do most jobs of certain kinds. So women needs to get into those fields to equal things. It doesn't happen with equal pay.

For example, I don't know if you can read the connection, but one day when a woman can work as a prostitue for paying her college fee and expenses and then comfortably apply for a high profile job she elligible for, that society will have moved forward to somewhere better. And the first steps to this including females and to all kind of unwanted, 'dirty' jobs men are 'supposed to be' doing. It will take a long time, we won't see it. But it is very important.

But yes, pushing one gender just because they were born with that gender to shoulder this is not fucking fair. And women have laready been serving in the military in your country. In that aspect this is just recognising and legitimising their status to the usual, give them what they deserve as in general respect. That was not fair either.
Whether I am opposed to it, the draft of women - or at least their registration for Selective Service - is going to happen - and using arguments like yours. So, my being opposed makes no difference; therefore, I see no need to change my opinion. I don't like it. I'll never like it. I don't care if that makes me a sexist. I didn't bat an eye when women went onto the police force or joined the fire department. But this is different. I know men who are at home, taking care of children because mommy is at war. I don't like it. I don't like it at all.


SJWs or feminists ... are a clear and present danger ... subversives.  Under free speech, they can talk all they want ... but don't put nut cases, men or women, in charge of anything.  I don't support patriarchy either ... most men are unqualified for any kind of leadership too.

I am not a feminist, but I am also not a misogynist.  I don't care about anyone's definition of justice.  I spit on your justice (which means something given to you and taken from me).  I am not a warmonger, but neither am I a pacifist.  I wouldn't hurt a single hair on a single head ... unless you provoke me.  Warmongers look for justification for what they really want ... you have to provoke me to another level, before I want to drink your blood out of your skull (that is hyperbole).

If we are all going to be equal, we all need to be White males, 6 foot tall, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant ... all clones from one genome ... a male equivalent of a bee hive (and that is hyperbole too ... you can shove your equality).

Biology denies that we are all loving care-giving people.  It is because I don't want to see loving care-giving people hurt, is the reason why I would kill anyone it is necessary to kill.  Otherwise go to France, 1940, join the Vichy, and denounce the Resistance.

The woman singing this, is an Irish woman who chose to be a F-M trans-sexual.  Unless you can completely subscribe to these lyrics, you have no place on a battlefield:
Doesn't matter if your preferences are Polish or Russian (the film the background video was taken from).

From Achilles to Allenby ... Anatolia to Turkey ... your land is the cockpit of fights, sorry ;-(

But the result for the loser is this ...
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: Baruch on June 19, 2016, 01:49:58 PM
SJWs or feminists ... are a clear and present danger ... subversives.  Under free speech, they can talk all they want ... but don't put nut cases, men or women, in charge of anything.  I don't support patriarchy either ... most men are unqualified for any kind of leadership too.

I am not a feminist, but I am also not a misogynist.  I don't care about anyone's definition of justice.  I spit on your justice (which means something given to you and taken from me).  I am not a warmonger, but neither am I a pacifist.  I wouldn't hurt a single hair on a single head ... unless you provoke me.  Warmongers look for justification for what they really want ... you have to provoke me to another level, before I want to drink your blood out of your skull (that is hyperbole).

If we are all going to be equal, we all need to be White males, 6 foot tall, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant ... all clones from one genome ... a male equivalent of a bee hive (and that is hyperbole too ... you can shove your equality).

Biology denies that we are all loving care-giving people.  It is because I don't want to see loving care-giving people hurt, is the reason why I would kill anyone it is necessary to kill.  Otherwise go to France, 1940, join the Vichy, and denounce the Resistance.
I am a feminist. Does that mean I am a subversive butch dyke? I should probably have a conversation with my husband if that is the case. I am not interested in everyone being physically equal. To equate that with feminists is just, well, incredibly stupid and reactionary.

How can you make statements like you have and call yourself a feminist? You are an enigma.
A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticise work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life’s realities â€" all these are marks, not as the possessor would fain to think, of superiority but of weakness. -TR


Feminists seek to destroy what exists, as progressive Leftist revolutionaries.  If your husband harbors a Leftist revolutionary ...

Men are like Paris, prince of Troy.  We have to select between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.  Paris chose wrong, he should have chosen Athena, not Aphrodite.

This is a good version of the story and backstory of the Trojan War ... it is pagan, and though a fiction of a fiction, it tells much truth about men and women:
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: Baruch on June 19, 2016, 02:21:36 PM
Feminists seek to destroy what exists, as progressive Leftist revolutionaries.  If your husband harbors a Leftist revolutionary ...
What the actual fuck?
You know what? Nevermind. You make my head hurt.
A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticise work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life’s realities â€" all these are marks, not as the possessor would fain to think, of superiority but of weakness. -TR


Quote from: Mermaid on June 19, 2016, 02:25:43 PM
What the actual fuck?
You know what? Nevermind. You make my head hurt.

(Stromboli contemplates making a comment, but.....nah)


Oh my... He is talking about myths and 'feeling' the songs of wars... beautiful maidens and strong warriors... epic stories of victory and glory! 


Baruch, I can't even take you seriously enough to get into a conversation on this after that.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: marom1963 on June 19, 2016, 09:46:34 AM
Men are the principle beneficiaries of society - they get the lion's share of its goodies, so let them fight. Women take most of the World's crap and pay the freight for human existence - let them stay home. I repeat: my mother was too fucking good to die on a battlefield.

The men that are laying down their lives in battle frequently arent the beneficiaries of anything. They join the military because it's that or a life of dealing drugs or asking people if they would like fries with that. To suggest that it's ok for them to die because of patriarchy theory is just revolting.
And on the wings of a dream so far beyond reality
All alone in desperation now the time has come
Lost inside you'll never find, lost within my own mind
Day after day this misery must go on


There are actual patriarchs.  Some of them are even women.  Therefore nothing men say about anything ... is of any value ... unless we are speaking for the sole purpose of agreeing with women.

In the case of a draft, whether you are a casualty or not, is not related to economics or drug use.  In the case of volunteers, if joining the military will help you get your head put on straight, then go for it.

If you want to be all SJW about who gets "stuck" in military duty, then draft everyone.  In ancient times, if you didn't serve, you weren't a citizen, you were a slave.  The problem with a draft is it encourages the warmongers.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: Nonsensei on June 19, 2016, 06:08:57 PM

The men that are laying down their lives in battle frequently arent the beneficiaries of anything. They join the military because it's that or a life of dealing drugs or asking people if they would like fries with that. To suggest that it's ok for them to die because of patriarchy theory is just revolting.
You're upset? Good.


I love how shoe makes a point about what an american man should/shouldn't say/feel about women in the draft, when she isn't a man or an american and has never been drafted herself... :rolleyes:


There will be some people who are physically and/or psychologically ill-equipped for combat or military service. I think people should be evaluated on their individual attributes and not immediately exempt solely because of their sex.


Quote from: PickelledEggs on June 19, 2016, 11:38:13 PM
I love how shoe makes a point about what an american man should/shouldn't say/feel about women in the draft, when she isn't a man or an american and has never been drafted herself... :rolleyes:

I don't need to be an American or a man to comment -which was a laughing playful one- on the fact that the situation only makes a difference with actually drafted males in the past who are veterans. They were young men, most times practically kids who had no choice on the matter but go and die. You have never been drafted yourself either. Highly likely you'll never be drafted. You don't even have a mandatory military service in your country.

So stop pretending as if this issue remotely affects someone because they are a male or has anything to do with males in your country UNLESS they choose it as a career. Your position is exactly the same with women. You are an egalitarian, aren't you? There you go. You are in the same status with women compared to old veterans who were drafted against their choice. Simple as this.

Being male doesn't give anyone extra position or credit on this issue anymore. That's the whole point of the news posted in the OP.

About my post. I and -everyone else for that matter- can make a comment on anything. That's what we do it here ALL the time. It doesn't suddenly provide males or Americans with some privilege suddenly in a topic about women being approved for draft. But with that^ bullshit statement you remind me the female poster coming here and throwing claims around that men do not have a right to comment on abortion or birth rights because they are men. Remember? 2 years ago.

On the other hand, even though it was perfectly clear in my post that I was saying that draft being approved for females in this period -when the basic military strategies have changed- ONLY makes it unfair to the MEN who were drafted against their choice and so they have a right to be reactive in cynical terms, the poster got back to me with something absurd, unrelated just to be hostile 'so do I need a vagina for making a comment'. But it doesn't bother you when it goes that way doesn't it? You don't even notice it. And it was a laughing playful comment opposed to its high strung, ready to blurt anything nauseous about females recipient.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp