Feel the bern hillary, feel it.

Started by Jannabear, January 29, 2016, 10:13:18 PM

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I think McCain may have won if he had a more credible running mate.

I am in the Clinton camp, and plan to vote for her in the primary. I would be more than fine with Sanders winning the election, though.
A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticise work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life’s realities â€" all these are marks, not as the possessor would fain to think, of superiority but of weakness. -TR


Quote from: Nonsensei on January 31, 2016, 10:33:13 AM
Republican congressional "blackout" stonewalling is an Obama era/tea party phenomenon. Back in the Clinton days, republicans and democrats were certainly political enemies, but there was still this crazy idea that they had to work together to get something done. the idea of simply not allowing even the simplest thing to pass wouldn't have occurred to them. The idea that the government would come close to shutting down every year for years in a row because of an inability to agree on the federal budget would have seemed insane to them.

Its a new era, and congress has realized it can essentially nullify the people's choice in a president if they don't like it simply by not allowing that president to get anything done. Its almost as good as having the position vacant for 4 years.

As to Hillary having a better chance of winning, I guess I just don't see it. If the national election were run today maybe you would be right, but the electoral attributes of a candidate alter sharply once they become the official nominee for a party. As people realize that their only choices are Sanders or Trump they will get in line. As much as Hillary dems might not like Sanders, hes about ten billion times more preferable than Trump.

I agree with your assessment, BUT the most important thing for the next president, regardless if she or he gets things done with Congress, is the next appointments to SCOTUS. Consider that Scalia 79, Kennedy 79, and Ginsberg 82 are due to retire sooner than later. And so these judges will be more likely in their 50's, which mean they will be around for the next 30+years, if they are in any good health. Their influence will be far greater than any president that will come long in the next 30 years. And so AFAIC, a Democratic President is a MUST. A Republican dominated SCOTUS for the next 30 years is a worse nightmare than a Trump in the White House.