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Do you work for a bigot?

Started by athletesfeet, January 28, 2014, 01:01:12 PM

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Quote from: "aitm"I did in texas. He had a bable on the desk, a crucifix on the wall and Christian music playing  and when I gave him the list of people I wanted to hire, scanned it and said, " we don't hire niggers, Tom"
I cannot unread this.
A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticise work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life’s realities â€" all these are marks, not as the possessor would fain to think, of superiority but of weakness. -TR


I noticed he misspelled babel.


Quote from: "stromboli"I can dolly out a dent pretty well or pull it by drilling and popping it out with a screw, and am fairly good with Bondo and sanding and shit. Even have some tools.  But the heavy shit, working large areas with cheese graters and sanding blocks and re-establishing curves on a fender? Forget that. Way too tedious for me, I don't have the patience to sit through a baseball game, much less that.
You need heavy duty air sanders for that nonsense...the dead skills I learned.  Few body shops do a lot of that now days..everything is replaced because labor costs are to high plus shops and insurance companies get kickbacks.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Quote from: "aitm"I did in texas. He had a bable on the desk, a crucifix on the wall and Christian music playing  and when I gave him the list of people I wanted to hire, scanned it and said, " we don't hire niggers, Tom"
This is the kind of shit that makes me physically ill. It angers me to my core. The recent episode was due to comments about a homosexual man that sparked me to post this thread, but it's been every form of bigotry you can think of.
Rub my feet


I work for an Asian boss who's a Buddhist/Taoist.

But that's pretty much the norm here in Taiwan.

Yes, he's an asshole. But as far as I know, he's not a bigot. He has hired whites, gays, atheists, Jews and Christians.
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful." - Seneca


I work for a "mom and pop" sort of small business in rural Texas. My boss is relatively nice and my manager is highly emotional (almost bipolar) but both of them are bigots but in a naive incidental way. They have sense enough to be nice to everyone, but there are times when they engage in small talk about politics, religion, and the "gay agenda." Usually I just roll my eyes because I know he doesn't realize that I am a bisexual atheist who doesn't give a shit about what a woman chooses to do with her body (aka abortion debate).

He did ask me if I was going to watch the state of the union address, and what I thought about Obama (he considers him to be a hack). I told him I had given up on American politics a long time ago (to which he nodded, as is the general consensus among Texans who distrust politicians anyway). I suggested he read H.G. Wells, The Making of Mankind, for amusement. Many of the problems from the turn of the last century are still with us. Up until then, he had considered me to be something of a dumbass because I usually gave a quizzical look when asked about politics or I just smiled vacantly. In reality, I'm just an introvert forced into customer service based job who happens to be bored out of my mind and desperate for a rock to crawl back under so I can have 5 minutes to myself.

Luckily one of my co-workers is an old atheist hippy who doesn't let shit bother him, so it makes the job enjoyable once the bosses leave for the day.
Quote from: Jakenessif you believe in the supernatural, you do not understand modern science. Period.


I work for a pretty religious guy.  Bible on his desk and holds a prayer meeting at work once a week.  He's one of the nicest guys I've ever worked with.  Going on 7 years now. The company we work for is very diverse with a large showing of LGBT.  I know he doesn't approve of homosexuality, but he's genuinely nice to everyone we work with and gets along with everyone.  He has confided in me that he doesn't like the LGBT artwork or initiative at work, but he's never said anything derogatory about any individual.