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Remember to worship the correct god

Started by josephpalazzo, October 10, 2013, 11:57:46 AM

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I remember when I visited a Cherokee reservation(not many and rare). I watched a ceremony to the White Buffalo. I was very young and didn't know what was happening. I was aloud to watch only because I am 1/2 Cherokee a flexable rule loosely inforced.
An Elder told me that the White Buffola is not a god but a spirit. That there are no gods on spirits that are embodied in each of us. They appear when there comes a time an need to do so. A medicine man had seen a white buffalo calf and decided that the spirit needed to return. Beyond that I have no idea what was going on.
It's funny how each religion bases the actions and the form of their gods on there present immediate needs, and that becomes a tradition that last forever.
Take Hinduism.
To eat a cow is a grave sin. Why? Because a cow can plow a field that will feed many families for many years. To eat the cow will only feed one, once. So with large populations and relatively few cows, cows became sacred. Now the original meaning for the cow being sacred was invented by the powers of the religion long ago, and it defies why the cow was originally so important, but the cow is STILL sacred.
The same thing goes for other religions and their destain for eating pork. In summer pork can be dangerous if you eat the wild flesh, or it was centuries ago. So incorporated in the religion was it becoming a sin to eat pork.
In my ancestral case the buffalo sustained life. A white buffalo appeared rarely. Since the buffalo was so important whenever a white calf was born it became a sign of the spirits communicating. The native Americans attributed events that occured realatively at the same time. Like we do now when a hurricane hits and the nut jobs say it's because there are gays that get their civil rights respected. The two have nothing to do with each other, but all you need is someone saying that they do and morons beliving it. Isn't that what religion is anyway. Some goofball tells a story about something around him/her, an event or something and everyone or most believe the nutjob. All religion is based on that kind of crap.

Insult to Rocks

Quote from: "josephpalazzo"
Quote from: "SGOS"
Quote from: "Aupmanyav"Cows are essential to reach heaven and cross the last hurdle in the way, River Vaitarani (Vai (truly) tarini (saving) -, the river that flows between this world and that world. You hold fast on the tail of a cow and it helps you to cross it. If your hands slip, you drown and go to hell. Hail the Mother Cow.
I've often wondered, "Does Christianity sound as wacky to a Hindu ad Hinduism sounds to a Christian?"

When comparing one weirdness to another weirdness, anything goes. Then again we can go the olympics way and rate weirdness on a scale from 0 to 10.  Let's start the ball rolling:

Christianity: 9.7
Hinduism: 9.8
Islam: 9.9
Scientology: infinity, infinity
"We must respect the other fellow\'s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart."
-- H. L. Mencken


QuoteTo eat the cow will only feed one, once.

Who eats a whole cow?  :-?
"Now we see through a glass dumbly." ~Crow, MST3K #903, "Puma Man"


I'm still gonna go with the Celebrity God Cage Match, and no wearing the WWE face masks. All must be revealed.
If God is the answer, it must have been a very stupid question.


Quote from: "Aupmanyav"
Quote from: "josephpalazzo"Hindu gods - Just the cows.
Cows are essential to reach heaven and cross the last hurdle in the way, River Vaitarani (Vai (truly) tarini (saving) -, the river that flows between this world and that world. You hold fast on the tail of a cow and it helps you to cross it. If your hands slip, you drown and go to hell. Hail the Mother Cow.

So if I'm a vet and I've stuck my hand up a cow's ass, does that make me holy?  :-k


Quote from: "stromboli"So if I'm a vet and I've stuck my hand up a cow's ass, does that make me holy?  :-k
It does to the cow, I imagine.


Quote from: "stromboli"
Quote from: "Aupmanyav"
Quote from: "josephpalazzo"Hindu gods - Just the cows.
Cows are essential to reach heaven and cross the last hurdle in the way, River Vaitarani (Vai (truly) tarini (saving) -, the river that flows between this world and that world. You hold fast on the tail of a cow and it helps you to cross it. If your hands slip, you drown and go to hell. Hail the Mother Cow.

So if I'm a vet and I've stuck my hand up a cow's ass, does that make me holy?  :-k



Just to clarify, never been there myself.  :-D


Quote from: "mykcob4".. but the cow is STILL sacred.
The number of cows has increased but so has our population, and Indians like milk and milk products.
Quote from: "stromboli"So if I'm a vet and I've stuck my hand up a cow's ass, does that make me holy? :-k
You would do that to help a cow. You are an angel. Let me bring out the 'Soma' cask. :)
"Brahma Satyam Jagan-mithya" (Brahman is the truth, the observed is an illusion)
"Sarve Khalu Idam Brahma" (All this here is Brahman)