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Started by drunkenshoe, June 12, 2014, 03:25:37 AM

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Quote from: drunkenshoe on June 13, 2014, 04:54:04 PM
You need to work harder if you desire a real insult. If you paid attention and managed to get down from your embarrassing high horse, may be there could be a real conversation. But then aren't you the one who 'blamed' me with 'flaunting my femininity around the forum' ? Zzzzz.

Thanks for proving me right, keep complaining in the chat box about how people don't like you. You're on an embarrassing high horse yourself, enjoy getting suspended again you stupid stuck up twat. Don't randomly dish out insults for no reason and then complain like a little bitch when you get it back!! zzzzzzzz


Quote from: AllPurposeAtheist on June 13, 2014, 05:12:06 PM
If only you could act like a proper helpless wallflower and leave the manly thinking to the manly men because Jesus thinks it's a good idea er something like that. :lol:
You know it's unmanly to have a feminine type make a manly man look as if a feminine type knows more. It's a direct threat to penilinity. For shame! :eek:
And DON'T ask me to explain things that make utterly no sense whatsoever. It's unmanly!

Yeah, your last sentence is the only thing that made sense. I was the one that got insulted first for no reason, and as for that comment about feminity, I made it like 6 months ago in a completely unrelated thread. Drunkenshoe holds Internet grudges me thinks. Oh, and don't kid yourself, nobody is making me look "less manly" or whatever drunken spew you're dribbling. This is not about looking manly or feminine, it's about someone with their own problems randomly insulting me when I'm trying to contribute to the forum. I will gladly be banned before I capitulate to being abused for speaking my mind freely. Anyone of YOU would stand up for yourself in the exact same way, so fuck you and have a GREAT day :)

And I don't get what you are talking about "Jesus" for, considering I have 438 posts of me being a proven Atheist. I think you need some type of help.

So I guess I'll come back later, check the replies, and see a bunch of posts talking about gender and me following "Jesus"? In b4 it happenZ.


Grow up frosty and get over yourself.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Quote from: AllPurposeAtheist on June 14, 2014, 07:49:18 PM
Grow up frosty and get over yourself.

It's already happened. I really don't know what else to say, this is like the pot calling the kettle black. I was taking part in a decent conversation, I got randomly insulted, I reacted. If you can't take the heat you are welcome to leave the kitchen, based on your reply you already have.

Next time shut your fucking mouth and don't say anything in the first place if you don't want me to reply back and contradict you. I'm the one being mature here, you tried to insult me in a group dynamic and it failed miserably.

When it comes between getting my ass kicked by everyone on a forum or blindly licking feet, I'll gladly get my ass kicked every single time.


There is now a reasonable amount of coverage on Iraq in the US.  NPR does a pretty good job.  I suspect the television media is mostly reporting talking heads placing blame on Bush and/or Obama.  While this doesn't necessarily help people understand what is actually happening, at least it gives them a reason to be mad at the opposing party.  In all, there was only a 4 or 5 day lag between it happening and it being presented by the news.   I've seen much longer lag times.

What I find most interesting was the lack of coverage leading up to the insurgency.  News outlets just lost interest in Iraq, but what is coming out now is how brutal, heavy handed, and one sided the new "democratic" government became once it had consolidated a bit of power.  Supposedly, this helped open the door for the rebels.  And until now, there had not been a word of the incompetence of the Iraqi armed forces.  It seems it's within the capability of the US to force regime change, even kill a foreign leader, but changing the way a society wants to govern itself is a task much too large for our armed forces and well meaning politicians.

I think the real reason for invading Iraq had more to do with transferring tax dollars to the Military Industrial Complex, rather than "freeing the Iraqi people," and in that regard, that's probably what Bush really meant by "Mission accomplished."


People may want to disregard the comments of Bradley Manning, who is now in jail for uncovering government secrets, but he was in a position where he had access to those secrets, and spilling those to the public got him into jail.  Yet these current comments from his jail cell seem timely.

QuoteWhile the US military was upbeat in its public outlook on the 2010 Iraqi parliamentary elections, suggesting it had helped bring stability and democracy to the country, "those of us stationed there were acutely aware of a more complicated reality," Manning wrote.

"Military and diplomatic reports coming across my desk detailed a brutal crackdown against political dissidents by the Iraqi Ministry of Interior and federal police, on behalf of Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki. Detainees were often tortured, or even killed."

Manning, a former US Army intelligence analyst, said he was "shocked by our military's complicity in the corruption of that election. Yet these deeply troubling details flew under the American media's radar."

Criticizing the military's practice of embedding journalists, Manning charged that "the current limits on press freedom and excessive government secrecy make it impossible for Americans to grasp fully what is happening in the wars we finance."