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FaceBook Facepalm

Started by kilodelta, January 13, 2014, 11:09:38 PM

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QuoteA young man working in the army was
 constantly humiliated because he
 believed in God. One day the captain
 wanted to humiliate him before the
 troops. He called the young man and said:
– Young man come here, take the key and go and park the Jeep in front. the young
 man replied: – I cannot drive! The captain
 said: – Well then ask for assistance of
 your God! Show us that He exist! The young man takes the key and walked
 to the vehicle and begins to pray...... ...He
 parks the jeep at the place PERFECTLY
 well as the captain wanted. The young
 man came out of the jeep and saw them
 all crying. They all said together: – We want to serve your God! The young soldier was astonished, and
 asked what was going on? The CAPTAIN
 crying opened the hood of the jeep by
 showing the young man that the car had
 no engine. Then the boy said: See? This is
 the God I serve, THE GOD OF IMPOSSIBLE, the God who gives life to what does not
 exist. You may think there are things still
 To the person reading this, I pray the Lord work A SUPER MIRACLE in your life today that would look like a lie In Jesus Name I Pray..

US military vehicles don't have keys... to include the WWII jeeps.

Or the story states "God will help move vehicles with no engines, but not cure all kids of painful deadly disease."
Faith: pretending to know things you don't know

Insult to Rocks

Woah! That guy parked a car! It must be God!
Their reaction to it is even better. God parks a car? Knell and beg to serve! Hate to see what these guys do when God goes grocery shopping. :lol:
"We must respect the other fellow\'s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart."
-- H. L. Mencken

Poison Tree

If it was posted on facebook then it must be true
"Observe that noses were made to wear spectacles; and so we have spectacles. Legs were visibly instituted to be breeched, and we have breeches" Voltaire�s Candide



QuoteA young man working in the army was
constantly humiliated because he
believed in God.

I think the story stopped making sense here. Since when is anyone humiliated in the army for believing in god?  :roll:


Yeah, right? I thought it was going to be turned around in the middle or something to show we feel. But nope. That was really stupid.

Why not use a story about something that actually happened? All they did was make up a bible story, without the "2000 years ago" and "we don't know stuff cause we live in the desert."

Instead, they make up a story that we know is impossible, making themselves and their religion look even stupider.

Face. Palm.
Quote from: \"sweetjesus\"you cant push a dog into a pond and it turn into a fish-- evolution is rong. Why we still got monkeys?"?
Quote from: \"GurrenLagann\"Can\'t handle criticism? Find another species. \":)\"
"The catholic church is not a force for good, and fuck you for saying so." - Matt Dillahunty
"The holy spirit can\'t hold a pen." -Russel Brand


QuoteUS military vehicles don't have keys... to include the WWII jeeps.

The more you know!
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur