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Education is the Devil

Started by Cyanne, September 01, 2013, 11:54:00 AM

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Quote from: "prophet"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Yes, but... can your Lord give good blowjobs with that mouth?


Quote from: "Cyanne"I wondered if there are any of you who have had people blame your education?

Nobody blamed education for my de-conversion, but I think everyone close to me knows that school did have some role to play.
Being educated (particularly in the sciences) promotes rational thinking and skepticism; tools which are essential in escaping the social conditioning that most of us are subjected to by our religious peers/parents/teachers/etc.

Like you said, your mother was probably right when she said education helped your brother de-convert. (Although, unlike her, I think this just shows that education is a good thing that makes people think.)


Here's the deal...............a proper education of any kind will foster critical thinking skills. It will inspire ideas, creativity and questioning.

A religious world view more often than not (ie Christianity) is based solely on obedience. It has established dogma that claims ultimate authority and truth...........It is not to be questioned.

Critical thinking from a biblical prospective is doubt.....which leads to questioning......which is rebellion against authority and pride in one's own cognitive approach to reality.............which is why Satan was cast out of heaven.

If one is to take a biblical evangelical view then this story can only mean that education is evil and from the devil.

Critical thinking is the enemy of faith in the perception of a fundamentalist believer.

Do you need any more proof of the avoidance of an education that this verse?

Proverbs 3:5  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not reply on your own understanding........


Quote from: "ApostateLois"
Quote from: "prophet"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

If this is true, why doesn't the Bible tell us how to cure diseases, prevent birth defects, or anything else that is useful and would improve the plight of humanity? There is nothing particularly wise about the Bible. It doesn't teach us any morals that we couldn't learn from other sources. (Heck, Harry Potter teaches better morals than the Bible.) So, what wisdom, exactly, are we supposed to be learning from the Lord?

The bible has not contributed one thing to the progress of humanity.........and nothing in any applied technology.

On the other hand what discoveries has science made in those areas??


Quote from: "PghPanther"
Quote from: "ApostateLois"
Quote from: "prophet"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

If this is true, why doesn't the Bible tell us how to cure diseases, prevent birth defects, or anything else that is useful and would improve the plight of humanity? There is nothing particularly wise about the Bible. It doesn't teach us any morals that we couldn't learn from other sources. (Heck, Harry Potter teaches better morals than the Bible.) So, what wisdom, exactly, are we supposed to be learning from the Lord?

The bible has not contributed one thing to the progress of humanity...

About the bolded bit:
I'm (obviously) not a Christian and never was, but let's be fair. Back when Christianity was founded, introducing the whole "do unto your neighbour" and "turn the other cheek" attitude was pretty good progress, even if it was only limited to other Christians.
I'm not saying that the Bible is by any means a good guide for a person today; I'm just saying that it did make some contributions to a moral code to a certain demographic at a certain time.


That kind of "do not hurt your tribe" mentality had always existed, really. You cannot get a civilization off the ground without the basic understanding that you shouldn't fuck over your clanmates. (I'm also quite sure the same rules existed in other religions of the time; just maybe not worded in the same way.)


Quote from: "Plu"That kind of "do not hurt your tribe" mentality had always existed, really. You cannot get a civilization off the ground without the basic understanding that you shouldn't fuck over your clanmates. (I'm also quite sure the same rules existed in other religions of the time; just maybe not worded in the same way.)

Hmmm... I take back what I said. You're probably right. :)


Quote from: "SubcontinentalKiwi"Back when Christianity was founded, introducing the whole "do unto your neighbour" and "turn the other cheek" attitude was pretty good progress, even if it was only limited to other Christians.
Beg to differ. The rules of fairness in human societies existed all the time (they exist even with Hominidae societies), and religions have never invented anything new. But then I saw your last post.
"Brahma Satyam Jagan-mithya" (Brahman is the truth, the observed is an illusion)
"Sarve Khalu Idam Brahma" (All this here is Brahman)