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Jesus-Horus-Mithra connection

Started by josephpalazzo, October 29, 2013, 03:39:21 PM

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Just in case you might wonder on their connection.


It is so obvious to me that the major religions have "EVOLVED" from Pagan myths.  :roll:  The Testaments surpassingly written from God's word have characters in it by name that are in the myths by name, and they aren't common names.  :roll: But the question is why anyone in their right mind would pay attention to Scriptures with so many logical and scientific errors in it---like pi being 3, the sun revolving around the earth, heavens with water above them etc. Besides that the stories are so silly and unbelievable unless you are six years old.  :roll:  Solitary
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.



I have a question actually, because I know this comes right out of Zeitgeist and I also heard that it's been debunked. But this particular part about the comparison between Jesus and his equivalents in other cultures is accurate or not?


Krishna born of a virgin: Wrong. He had six elder brothers who were killed by his maternal uncle.
Star in the East: None, it was raining heavily at that time, middle of a dark night when only lightening showed the way, and River Yamuna was flooded.
Resurrected: Never.
Krishna is 3,102 BC.
Of course, all Gods and Goddesses perform miracles (Tm).
But does that matter to these fundies?
What about those who were born after Jesus - Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of the Ahmadiyyas. He was the Mahdi.
And Bahaullah of the Bahais, he was a manifestation of God.
or David Koresh and others?
"Brahma Satyam Jagan-mithya" (Brahman is the truth, the observed is an illusion)
"Sarve Khalu Idam Brahma" (All this here is Brahman)


Thank you so much for clearing that up.