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Intelligent Design

Started by Solitary, October 22, 2013, 01:28:02 PM

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Quote from: "oliver"that idiot Darwin (oh he's dead) or that numbskull Dawkins can be your God, then you atheists would have something to believe in.
You seem to understand atheism so well. You are right, we all want a God to look to. We have nothing to believe in.
A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticise work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life’s realities â€" all these are marks, not as the possessor would fain to think, of superiority but of weakness. -TR

St Giordano Bruno

Quote from: "oliver"
Quote from: "St Giordano Bruno"My take on it, the universe just happened to be designed very badly. Why?  So many dead planets, so many stars such as red dwarf flare stars with their deadly radiation and others with lifetimes too short to allow intelligent life to evolve. I see no reason why there shouldn't be a plethora of dead universes which a totally out of tune with any form of life in them and it is only possible for us to observe the occasional good one.  That does not sound like intelligent design to me. This so called "God" is doing his best to screw things up.

Nope, God made it that way that only Earth should support life.  Simple logic points to a designed universe, it's not like it came out of nothing.. duh!

Good! In other words God loves dead planets. If I were God I would make every star in the universe to be exactly like our sun and a planet in the Goldilocks zone to be very much like our earth. Like a car manufacturer that intends 99.99999999% of all cars that passes out of his factory to be drivable, and not the other way around, because he would very quickly go out of business for such unintelligent automotive design.
Voltaire - "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities"

Shiranu's not like it came out of nothing.. duh!

Where did god come from?

QuoteOpen your mind and contemplate the awesomeness of this universe

I did, that's why I realize it's more complex than, "Lol I dunno, magic man made it!".

Open your mind and realize that natural processes are far more awesome than a magic man in the sky.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Quote from: "Shiranu"Where did god come from?
A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticise work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life’s realities â€" all these are marks, not as the possessor would fain to think, of superiority but of weakness. -TR

St Giordano Bruno

Intelligent design!  :rollin:  The BS or the "Big Spook" theory would be more fitting.
Voltaire - "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities"


I like the idea of unintelligent design.

Hijiri Byakuren

Quote from: "oliver"We live in a fallen world therefore things are not perfect and as for ID,  it's far more plausible than something coming out of nothing.. think about it.  Open your mind and contemplate the awesomeness of this universe and everything in it and realise that God did it.
The only people who claim something can come from nothing are theists who think their god can poof things into existence.

Quote from: "oliver"Nope, God made it that way that only Earth should support life.  Simple logic points to a designed universe, it's not like it came out of nothing.. duh!
They're pretty sure Titan has hydrothermal vents that support life, and we've already found a few exoplanets that exist in their stars' habitable zones. So no, Earth is not even remotely the only life-supporting planet.

Quote from: "oliver"Just finished reading it..   by the way, macro-evolution is not science, micro evolution is science which is why I accept micro- evolution and am interested in it.
There is no such thing as micro- and macro-evolution. Evolution is a single construct. Read a fucking book on it before spewing bullshit like this. Actually, I can't trust you to know what a good book on it is, so how about I just point you toward TalkOrigins.

Quote from: "oliver"I don't care for bad science, don't want to waste my time with it.
Ah, so you'll be dropping your interest in Intelligent Design, I take it?

Quote from: "oliver"In fact, evolution should be taught in Church and that idiot Darwin (oh he's dead) or that numbskull Dawkins can be your God, then you atheists would have something to believe in.
"Belief" in the sense that you mean it is for the weak-minded.
Speak when you have something to say, not when you have to say something.

Sargon The Grape - My Youtube Channel


Quote from: "oliver"Just finished reading it..   by the way, macro-evolution is not science, micro evolution is science which is why I accept micro- evolution and am interested in it.  I don't care for bad science, don't want to waste my time with it.  In fact, evolution should be taught in Church and that idiot Darwin (oh he's dead) or that numbskull Dawkins can be your God, then you atheists would have something to believe in.

Quote from: "oliver"I fear death because I don't believe in God and am terrified at the idea of nothingness. Do you remember the nothingness you were 44 years ago? Were you terrified at the time? It'll be the same thing after you're dead.

Quote from: "oliver"Guess I opened that can then lol! I do believe in God but I don't accept religion, religion has done more harm than good but the problem here is that there are too many wrong religions.

Fail troll is fail, consistency is trolling 101

Hijiri Byakuren

Quote from: "Icarus"
Quote from: "oliver"Just finished reading it..   by the way, macro-evolution is not science, micro evolution is science which is why I accept micro- evolution and am interested in it.  I don't care for bad science, don't want to waste my time with it.  In fact, evolution should be taught in Church and that idiot Darwin (oh he's dead) or that numbskull Dawkins can be your God, then you atheists would have something to believe in.

Quote from: "oliver"I fear death because I don't believe in God and am terrified at the idea of nothingness. Do you remember the nothingness you were 44 years ago? Were you terrified at the time? It'll be the same thing after you're dead.

Quote from: "oliver"Guess I opened that can then lol! I do believe in God but I don't accept religion, religion has done more harm than good but the problem here is that there are too many wrong religions.

Fail troll is fail, consistency is trolling 101
That second quote is Colanth, not oliver. He just messed up the formatting in his post.
Speak when you have something to say, not when you have to say something.

Sargon The Grape - My Youtube Channel



Quote from: "Hijiri Byakuren"That second quote is Colanth, not oliver. He just messed up the formatting in his post.



I'm still trying to figure out how a giant invisible tea pot spouting out advice to God got there in an orbit around the sun. Did God make him when He made all the gods he was talking to when he expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden? Or was it the all powerful invisible pink unicorn that comes out during gay parades that did it?  :shock:  :roll:  :rollin:  :rollin:  :rollin:  Solitary

There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.

St Giordano Bruno

Quote from: "oliver"Hello

My name is Oliver, I'm 34 and from Cape Town, SA.  Probably jumping into it, but..  why do forums such as this one exist?  

OK Oliver, I gather you would be all for bringing back the Inquisitions where they would ban forums such as this and have "intelligent design" forced down everyone's throat.

Quote from: "oliver"Don't waste your time with atheism, it is a pointless endeavor.  After all, who are we to say that there is no God.

You are clearly wasting your time with your religious proselytizing on these forums.
Voltaire - "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities"


There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.


Anyway... back on track with the thread....

I was watching Super Mario Bros and I couldn't help but see the similarity to how creationists seem to "understand" evolution  :lol:
