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Petition: Remove the tax exempt status of ALL religious orga

Started by fog, September 19, 2013, 01:05:04 AM

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I tptally agree since ALL religious organizations are 1) political action groups and 2) tax shelters for con artist. I think we should adopt Henry VIII tactic of confiscating all religious prorty and wealth and give it to the Fed. That alone would end the deficit.
We should inact a deprograming program (oxymoron) to rehabilitate the CRAZY wacko religious groups. We should teach all citizens that this is a SECULAR nation, that it always was, and was always intended to be so.
We should teach that the 10th Amendment does NOT mean that states can usurp FEDERAL LAW no matter what the conservaturds think. We should teach that the 2nd Amendment was intended to allow the right to bare arms ONLY in a WELL REGULATED militia and those militias can only exist because the Constitution doesn't provide for a STANDING ARMY!!!!!!
We should also make sure that every citizen understands that EVOLUTION is a FACT and not a theory. Origin of Man is the theory and even that is a pretty far gone conclussion given DNA evidence.
We should regulate all religious instruction to not allow it to usurp scientific fact nor can it sway elections or form political opinions. We should make sure that the christians understand that they cannot force or determine what goes on on earth, that their tenet is solely for a theoretical afterlife. "Render under Caesar that which is....."
We should enforce a law that anyone that is a religious person such as a priest, pastor, imam, rabbi, cannot run for political office or serve in the military.
To get a law, science, or medical degree, you must renounce "intelligent design" and or any other nonscientific garbage.


I have wonder how much money the government would receive if this became true. The religious institutions wanted separation of State and Religion, however they turned it around to being tax free while getting politically involved using the money they saved to influence the governmental policies and politicians. It's time to set things right and make them pay taxes.  :evil:  Solitary
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.


By signing this petition you have put your name on the "watch" list of the NSA, CIA, the FBI, the Boy Scouts of America and the Illuminati. And probably Mormon Relief Society and very likely the American Legion. Just saying.


He! He!  :lol:  You forgot the Tea party.  :-$  Solitary
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.


Quote from: "mykcob4"I tptally agree since ALL religious organizations are 1) political action groups and 2) tax shelters for con artist. I think we should adopt Henry VIII tactic of confiscating all religious prorty and wealth and give it to the Fed. That alone would end the deficit.
We should inact a deprograming program (oxymoron) to rehabilitate the CRAZY wacko religious groups. We should teach all citizens that this is a SECULAR nation, that it always was, and was always intended to be so.
We should teach that the 10th Amendment does NOT mean that states can usurp FEDERAL LAW no matter what the conservaturds think. We should teach that the 2nd Amendment was intended to allow the right to bare arms ONLY in a WELL REGULATED militia and those militias can only exist because the Constitution doesn't provide for a STANDING ARMY!!!!!!
We should also make sure that every citizen understands that EVOLUTION is a FACT and not a theory. Origin of Man is the theory and even that is a pretty far gone conclussion given DNA evidence.
We should regulate all religious instruction to not allow it to usurp scientific fact nor can it sway elections or form political opinions. We should make sure that the christians understand that they cannot force or determine what goes on on earth, that their tenet is solely for a theoretical afterlife. "Render under Caesar that which is....."
We should enforce a law that anyone that is a religious person such as a priest, pastor, imam, rabbi, cannot run for political office or serve in the military.
To get a law, science, or medical degree, you must renounce "intelligent design" and or any other nonscientific garbage.

Fascism isn't going to be any better than religion.  What you're calling for would mean an end to civil liberties, 'reeducation' camps, and more than likely widespread violence.  Your twisted fantasy world would suck much worse than the one we have now.


Quote from: "fog"Hi,

I am new from California. Glad to meet all of you. Please support the petition: ... s/pN87nBlj

I am actually not for that. While it is true tax exemption is denying revenue, it is the only way we can prevent pulpit politics. If they pay taxes, then they can interject more religion into politics. With tax exemption we can bust them.

Iran collects taxes from their citizens too and they don't have a separation of church and state. I think removing their status would be playing with fire.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers." Obama
Poetry By Brian37 Like my poetry on Facebook Under BrianJames Rational Poet and also at twitter under Brianrrs37


You make a good point Brian.  I just wish they'd actually enforce the 'no politicking" thing.  Isn't there a group of preachers that all preach politics on a certain day to defy the feds to do something about it?  I'd love to see them have the balls to enforce current law.


Quote from: "billhilly"You make a good point Brian.  I just wish they'd actually enforce the 'no politicking" thing.  Isn't there a group of preachers that all preach politics on a certain day to defy the feds to do something about it?  I'd love to see them have the balls to enforce current law.

Bad enough corporate America has a monopoly of power, I don't want religion gaining that.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers." Obama
Poetry By Brian37 Like my poetry on Facebook Under BrianJames Rational Poet and also at twitter under Brianrrs37


Neither here nor there. No petition under the present circumstances will accomplish much if anything. Removing exemption will serve to kill small churches- the majority of all churches- and leave only those with the financial wherewithal to stay afloat. We already have major religions investing in hospitals and other businesses, and yes, we should tax them. But they already hide behind corporate attorneys. so good luck with any petition you start, however useless.


Not wasting time with this one. A. It won't pass and B. The other reasons.
Way to fire up the rube base so they'll vote in huge numbers then outlaw us non tax paying heathens.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Quote from: "billhilly"
Quote from: "mykcob4"I tptally agree since ALL religious organizations are 1) political action groups and 2) tax shelters for con artist. I think we should adopt Henry VIII tactic of confiscating all religious prorty and wealth and give it to the Fed. That alone would end the deficit.
We should inact a deprograming program (oxymoron) to rehabilitate the CRAZY wacko religious groups. We should teach all citizens that this is a SECULAR nation, that it always was, and was always intended to be so.
We should teach that the 10th Amendment does NOT mean that states can usurp FEDERAL LAW no matter what the conservaturds think. We should teach that the 2nd Amendment was intended to allow the right to bare arms ONLY in a WELL REGULATED militia and those militias can only exist because the Constitution doesn't provide for a STANDING ARMY!!!!!!
We should also make sure that every citizen understands that EVOLUTION is a FACT and not a theory. Origin of Man is the theory and even that is a pretty far gone conclussion given DNA evidence.
We should regulate all religious instruction to not allow it to usurp scientific fact nor can it sway elections or form political opinions. We should make sure that the christians understand that they cannot force or determine what goes on on earth, that their tenet is solely for a theoretical afterlife. "Render under Caesar that which is....."
We should enforce a law that anyone that is a religious person such as a priest, pastor, imam, rabbi, cannot run for political office or serve in the military.
To get a law, science, or medical degree, you must renounce "intelligent design" and or any other nonscientific garbage.

Fascism isn't going to be any better than religion.  What you're calling for would mean an end to civil liberties, 'reeducation' camps, and more than likely widespread violence.  Your twisted fantasy world would suck much worse than the one we have now.

Calm down get a towel and wash the lather off that you've worked yourself into.
I was merely illustrating how far wacko the religious right has gone. That they don't know nor do they understand the Constitution.
Besides what I proposed was not an end to civil liberties at all. Whenever someone is diagnosed with drug addiction they are given treatment and counceling in a very simular fashion. The brainwashing by the NRA and the religious right is in effect a drug addiction.
So we don't and should not go as far as I stated but the truth is that there needs to be a clear demarcation between church and state, AND people need to be properly educated on the Constitution.


QuoteSo we don't and should not go as far as I stated but the truth is that there needs to be a clear demarcation between church and state, AND people need to be properly educated on the Constitution.

There's a whole lot of room between a clear demarcation between church and state and what you prescribed.  It is good to learn that you don't really believe we should devolve into a dystopia to achieve the separation.  Besides, the country is evolving as more people identify as non religious, the demographics change, and xians lose influence.


Quote from: "billhilly"
QuoteSo we don't and should not go as far as I stated but the truth is that there needs to be a clear demarcation between church and state, AND people need to be properly educated on the Constitution.

There's a whole lot of room between a clear demarcation between church and state and what you prescribed.  It is good to learn that you don't really believe we should devolve into a dystopia to achieve the separation.  Besides, the country is evolving as more people identify as non religious, the demographics change, and xians lose influence.
You're right and thats a good thing!