De Niro's Reaction to Trump Video

Started by drunkenshoe, October 10, 2016, 10:13:52 AM

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I laughed at this out loud. This was aired in prime time news here a day ago in every channel. And probably anywhere in the world that has electricity with some sort of a mass communication device.

Disclaimer: The person's tone in the video might come as 'nasty', even 'toxic' to some people as he voices emotions like concern, anger...etc. and also punching a presidential candidate in the face. Please do not dismiss the message.
"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Not everyone likes New Yorkers.  Even New Yorkers don't like New Yorkers (Bronx vs Brooklyn etc).  Colin Powell?  Give me a break ... traitor and Oreo.  But I did like De Niro in Godfather ... he can play a real man in Hollywood, just not in real life ;-)

I sympathize with Europeans (and their running dogs) ... that Trump makes them anxious.  But they should be just as afraid of Hillary ... Hillary is part of the cabal that is also destroying Europe.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


It is very important that someone like Robert De Niro doing something like this. You need to think from a point of view outside the USA and in terms of popular culture.

1. He is one of the few really famous people in the world.
2. He is not just loved-appreciated as an actor, he is respected as a real life personality by different generations around the world.
3. De Niro is one of the few people in Hollywood that didn't go cuckoo with old age for foreigners.
4. He is far more famous than Trump or any other politician world wide and while people won't read or watch a thing about him/them, rooughly everyone will watch a video of De Niro's.
5. He doesn't give these kind of reactions.

As a result, most tv channels around the world  aired the full video with subtitles in prime time. People who do not live with social media or even do not have acess to social media highly likely to watch this. Politicians do not get that privilage unless they occupy an important chair. Prime minsters and presidents get that when something really important happens.

Frankly, video doesn't even need to get viral. :lol:

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


The thing I find most sad is, that every awful thing trump says and does, it makes people vote for him.
Hillary might be a shill, she might have corruption and lied, but let's he honest, 9/10 politicians are liars and cheats. I could sleep at night with Hillary vin power, because the thought of the launch codes given to trump genuinely scares me.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


It takes two to tango ... it depends on Putin as much as the US.  I can understand him drawing a line in the sand, the US crossing it, and Russia going for a first strike of nukes (in Dr Strangelove it does matter who hits first).  The US was prepared to do that in 1962 over Cuba.  It is very close to a Cuban Missile Crisis now, with the Russians moving nukes into Kalingrad (Russian enclave between Lithuania and Poland).  Nato in the Baltics is way too close to St Petersburg and Moscow ... at least with Cuba, there was water between Havana and Miami.  Trump seems to want to disengage from ME and Europe, Hillary seems to want to continue the confrontational style of Obama, very 4th Reich, like a Dr Strangelove in a pants-suit.

I don't worry about living or dying ... except one day at a time.  If the US gets nuked, then so be it.  History is fatal to all.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


I'm kinda glad I'm not an U.S. citizen. Don't take this as a statement that I think USA is bad or anything, it's just that I'm genuinely surprised that an unabashed narcissist and loudmouth got this far in life, nonetheless the Presidential Election of the U.S.

USA really is the country of dreams, when a clown and idiot can get this far. How far might anyone else fare given the same opportunities in life?

... now that I think about it, I think that might be some of the allure Trump gives people; not necessarily because their political & ideological ideals align with their own.


As one comment on the Washington Post site said of Trump dragging the gop down with him...
"Hey Republicans, after years of fighting against abortion how does it feel to have to carry something to term?"
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


The GOP's Frankenstein monster has turned on them, but unlike in movies the mob (Trump supporters) with the pitchforks and torches are in the castle fighting for the monster..
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Trump is the product of a government that is continually and consistently kept unchecked. Hillary too. It's very important that despite who is elected, we all vote for a better house and senate.


I have read that De Niro was originally asked just to make a video to call Americans to vote.

Instead of making a politically correct video on importance of voting...well he did this. That also explain the expression with voting without pointing any one in the end.


"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


I suspect I have to like anyone who likes Solange (sp?).  Don't prove me wrong!
Atheist born, atheist bred.  And when I die, atheist dead!