Study: Religion May Help Criminals Justify Their Crimes

Started by stromboli, March 11, 2013, 02:40:24 PM

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stromboli ... inals.html

In 1996, noted criminologist Jewel asked a question that has long haunted those hoodlums prone to pondering the existential consequences of their actions: "Who will save your souls after those lies that you told, boy?" For generations of American crooks, the answer has been "religious do-gooders." As a 2006 Federal Bureau of Prisons report put it, "faith groups have become involved in offering formal programs within prison to bring about not only the spiritual salvation of the inmates but their rehabilitation in the profane world as well." The idea is that spiritual rebirth may help tame the criminal impulse, and set wild hearts on the straight and narrow.

Maybe not. A new study in the academic journal Theoretical Criminology (hat tip to the Vancouver Sun) suggests that, far from causing offenders to repent of their sins, religious instruction might actually encourage crime. The authors surveyed 48 "hardcore street offenders" in and around Atlanta, in hopes of determining what effect, if any, religion has on their behavior. While the vast majority of those surveyed (45 out of 48 people) claimed to be religious, the authors found that the interviewees "seemed to go out of their way to reconcile their belief in God with their serious predatory offending. They frequently employed elaborate and creative rationalizations in the process and actively exploit religious doctrine to justify their crimes."


Meh interesting study, but I don't necessarily agree with the interpretation. It would seem more likely that the typical criminal is conditioned or pre-disposed to justifying their crimes through whatever means they can. Religion provides no more a creative outlet to do so than does nationalism, race, or some other social construct of morality or behavior. Oh what... I have a tendency to steal things... God must want me to steal things.... Oh what I have a tendency to steal things.... I am doing it for the "TRUE" Americans and to punish those who would see our country fail... Oh what I steal things.... I do it because I had mommy issues... Oh what... I steal things... I do it because I played too many video games as a kid...

Many-repeat-offenders likely have a pathological disorder and part of that pathology is to come up with excuses for those behaviors, by any means necessary. The 3 people in that survey that were no religious probably reconciled themselves to some other idea of a model person in similar ways, just without the religion.

The fact that most criminals are religious probably has more to do with the fact that criminals on average have a lower IQ. Lower IQs that co-habitat in numbers tend to be drawn toward religions.


Religion being used to justify some outrageous shit? Never heard that one before.
Which means that to me the offer of certainty, the offer of complete security, the offer of an impermeable faith that can\'t give way, is the offer of something not worth having.
Take the risk of thinking for yourself. Much more happiness, truth, beauty & wisdom, will come to you that way.
-Christopher Hitchens