Arts and Entertainment => Film, Music, Sports, and more => Topic started by: Hydra009 on October 14, 2018, 04:56:09 PM

Title: Why plotholes matter
Post by: Hydra009 on October 14, 2018, 04:56:09 PM
Inspired by:
(you don't have to watch the video, but it gives context to what I'm saying)

If you're like me and you watch waaaay too much tv/movie analysis and criticism videos, you've encountered a lot of what can reasonably be called nitpicking.  The CinemaSins and Everything Wrong With [movie title] videos are the two big ones.  We're talking very minor errors, like someone's soaking wet in one scene and dry in the next or a villain's scar is on the wrong cheek in different scenes.  Hell, CinemaSins "sins" the film's opening logo sometimes.  I don't bring this up to hate on them  - quite the opposite in fact, I'm going to argue why we need what they're doing in a second.

The point is, the internet is rife with a lot of intense scrutiny, complete with frame-by-frame breakdowns and criticism that can come across as nitpicky.  Enter a guy I'm just going to call Mr Douche.  Presumably incensed at this effrontery to films he likes, Mr Douche argues that plotholes in movies don't matter and we should stop talking about them.  He doesn't present this as his opinion, but as the objective truth.  And imo, Douche comes dangerously close to coming across as a fanboy trying to delegitimatize criticism. 

I mostly agree with the counterargument expounded in that video.  People who criticize/nitpick films mostly do it because the genuinely want movies with a keen attention to detail, especially characterization and plot.  They're putting a spotlight on small errors in order to challenge writers/directors/actors to give it their all.  They can be harsh, perhaps unreasonably harsh sometimes, but that's the price of allowing criticism.  They're not trying to tear down a beloved franchise, they're trying to help improve it.  But of course that all hinges on whether or not the people in charge of the franchise are open to criticism.  If you're open to criticism, you can take some of it to heart, make adjustments, and generate a better film the next time around.  If you're not, well, good luck on Rotten Tomatoes (and Twitter).

Also, I'd like to tackle this underlying idea that criticism hurts enjoyment - that if you made aware that a film/tv show has a major flaw, that it's impossible to enjoy it.  One of my favorite scenes from Vikings (a TV show loosely set in real medieval history) features a shirtless battle:

It's utterly ridiculous, I'll admit.  And there's no real logical reason why it should be filmed that way.  But it's also cool.  And the Rule of Cool wins out for me in this case.  And of course my reaction is 100% subjective.  I might give this a pass but be unable to cope with the Amazing Spider-Man using Bing.  And you might have the exact opposite reaction.  That's fine.  Different strokes and all that.

Bottom line:  there's no reason to fear or hate criticism, you can't make someone dislike something they like.
Title: Re: Why plotholes matter
Post by: Baruch on October 14, 2018, 05:03:43 PM
On Vikings ... that scene is realistic ... in that in the heat of battle, men would strip off their kilt/cloak in Scotland, leaving on a war shirt or just a loin cloth (if that).  Early warriors not chieftains, didn't afford even leather armor.  And that one group is rather Pictish (aka N Scotland mix of Norwegians and Picts).  Burly guys have to show off their tattoos ;-)  With Gauls in classical times, they have berserkers what were stark naked with limed dreadlocks.  Their only armor being their torques.

Also a matched group duel was a thing back then.  You have to have similar numbers and equipment.

"For battle it was customary to take off the kilt beforehand and set it aside, the Highland charge being made wearing only the léine or war shirt."

Even in modern times there are examples of naked fighting ...

Picts dealing with Anglo-Saxons ...

Example of a plot hole ... wrong Roman armor ... at that time it was a mail shirt, not plate armor ...

Otherwise ... I first read this as potholes, a complaint against the highway department ;-)
Title: Re: Why plotholes matter
Post by: Gawdzilla Sama on October 15, 2018, 11:50:01 AM
I was trained to spot anomalies, and that training has stuck with me long after the need was gone. So I see things in movies that people just don't notice by and large. It's fun to discuss those items, but I remind myself it's a chat, not a jihad. Too many people make it a life or death matter, which spoils the fun.